A Wish Granted

Guardian Angel

Orange are your thoughts

You woke up the next morning at 10. You got up and did your daily routine and by the time you were finished it was 10:45. You looked in the fridge in your apartment and realized it was empty. You'd have to go buy groceries after work. To relieve your growling stomach you went next door to Kwangmin's apartment to see if he had any food.

After you knocked on the door, Youngmin opened it. He hugged you tightly as if he hadn't seen you in years. "Hi _____! When you become an angel, me and you should be boyfriend and girlfriend!" Your face turned red at that and Kwangmin came out of nowhere. He pulled Youngmin away from you and gestured for you to come in. As you walked in you observed the apartment. One side was very neat while the other side had clothes strewn on the floor and magazines all over the bed. You guessed the neat side was Kwangmin's while the messy side was Youngmin's.

"So, what are you doing here?" Kwangmin asked in a manner that seemed as if you were bothering him by being there. You brought your attention away from a chest at the foot of Kwangmin's bed that was locked.

"Umm, I have no food in my fridge so I came here to see if you had any." Nodding, Kwangmin walked to the fridge and pulled out milk. Then he took out a bowl from the cupboards and poured in cereal. He gave you your bowl of cereal and walked into the bathroom. Youngmin had begun to throw his clothes into a pile to make it seem neater. You quietly ate your cereal. A few minutes later Kwangmin walked out wearing his work uniform. Youngmin was already wearing his. It was now 11:30.

You had just finished your cereal as both Youngmin and Kwangmin sat down and began staring at you. Uncomfortably, you put your dishes in the sink and turned to face them. "What are you staring at me for?" Kwangmin quickly looked away and pretended to be interested in the wall.

Youngmin said, "It's because you're so pretty!" You face turned red for the second time that day. You quickly made your way out the door and headed out of the building. Kwangmin and Youngmin were trailing along behind you. You opened the door to the cafe. You were a bit early but Donghyun didn't mind. He handed you your uniform and you went to go change. The uniform was actuallly pretty cute and you hoped it looked good on you.

When you walked out all the guys turned to look at you. Donghyun smiled, he knew that uniform would look good on you. Minwoo told you that you looked cute while Youngmin was bouncing up and down telling you how pretty you were. You turned to see what Kwangmin would say, he just shrugged and went to work. Minwoo began telling you the table numbers and what you needed to do. Youngmin was in the kitchen. Customers began to walk in. Most were girls, probably there just to look at the employees but the few guys that did walk in gave you several glances. You felt embarassed as some of them stared at you and tried to flirt with you.

"Hey, Minwoo don't you have to go to school? Why are you working?" You asked him as you were walking by each other bringing orders and taking orders.

"I need to make money to pay for hospital bills." He replied. It's for the girl he likes, isn't it.

"Oh, I see. But can't you still go to school too?" He gave you a look that said this conversation was over. You were surprised because you didn't think he could look scary or mean.

After lunch hours were over and there were no customers you were able to take a small break. Kwangmin came and gave you a latte that he made. You tasted it and it was delicious. You had no idea that Kwangmin could make coffee or lattes. You had only seen him working the take out register while Donghyun made the drinks. You smiled sincerely at him. He turned away abruptly, hiding his blushing face. He left and you looked around for Minwoo. You saw him sitting on a stool. You walked over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oh, hey _____. What's up?" He patted the seat next to you so you could sit down.

"Nothing, I was just bored."

"Heh, me too. I wish I had some sushi. I've been craving it but there isn't any sushi bars around here." After he said that, an idea popped into your mind. You ran into the kitchen and asked Youngmin if there were ingredients to make sushi.

"Sushi? No. Do you want some? I could get some for you?" Youngmin was about to run out but you stopped him.

"No, I'll handle it." Then, you thought of the chocolate bar and wondered if you could do the same with sushi. "I wish I had sushi." Then, just like with the chocolate bar, a plate of sushi appeared in your hands. Youngmin gaped at you.

"How did you do that? Is that your special angel power? I can control water."

"What do you mean 'special angel power'?"

"Well, all angel's can fly and stuff but we all have specialties that only we have. Kwangmin can control fire." You nodded and wondered why Kwangmin didn't tell you that. Well, you didn't care as you walked back out with the plate and placed it in front of Minwoo. His eyes widened.

"Where did you get this?"

"I'm magical." You said. He laughed and began to eat it.

"Wow, _____ you make good sushi." Of course he didn't believe you were magical. It's a good thing though because you let that slip on accident. You giggled at how cute he was, happily eating his sushi. He turned to you and stuck one out. "Here, have one!" You opened your mouth and he fed you. You picked one up and fed him. You both were talking and laughing until a customer walked in and you both had to get back to work.

After a full day at work, you, Kwangmin, Youngmin, and Minwoo walked out together while Donghyun stayed to lock up. Minwoo turned the other way to go home so you said your goodbyes and walked across the street to the apartment with Youngmin, and Kwangmin. You went into your apartment and plopped onto your bed. Tomorrow was Saturday so you only worked half the day. You wondered what you would do. Then you thought back to the sushi and smiled. It may not be his deepest wish but still it's a wish granted.


Yay! done with another chapter! I hope you liked it. don't forget to comment

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Haneul0907 #1
Chapter 27: Great story this one
kwangminshypika #2
I cant believe I cried when she dissapered ㅠㅠ
Poor taemin :( his left all alone ;_;
imzxierawr06 #4
This story is daebak!! ^^ I really love it. If I have 10 thumbs, I would give you 10 thumbs up!! XD
Awwwh! I cried so hard when ____ was about to dissapear! TT___TT But then smiled like an idiot at the ending!~ :DD