
Sequel To "Trainees for love?"

Minji's POV


Suyun glared at me with anger,but her eyes indicated pain.

"So you and Minwoo have been together lately.." Suyun began and looked back at her sketch pad. Where the heck is she going with this.? "Ne?..Wae?" I lied down on my bed waiting for a reply from her."You two seem to be close." She said taking her erasing and making some perfecting on w/e she was drawing.


"Uh, ne we've became closer. Just good chingus..How are you and him lately?" I asked changing the subject to her. "Good too I guess." She sighed and looked up at me again. "Why did you ask about Minwoo and I?" "Oh nothing..Just wondering." Suyun smiled and went back to drawing. I brush it off, I know Suyun still had feelings for Minwoo, and she's probably just missing him or something.


"Oh ne, Suyun we have dance practice today with Boyfriend." Suddenly i remembered that from manager-subaenim. "Oh, ara Jeongmin told me earlier today." She tucked her sketch pad into her dresser. "Well I'll get ready first then." I informed as i grabbed my sweats and head into the bathroom to change.


Suyun's POV


*Sighs* Minwoo and Noona...? Why do i feel a little flare towards those two. Minwoo seems to...aniyo. I decided to shake off the thoughts that wandered my mind and changed for practice. Just as I finished changing Noona opens up the bathroom all changed.


"Kaja." She grabbed my wrist and skipped happily to the dance studio. Haha, she must be happy to see Kwangmin Oppa. When we reached the studio Boyfriend is already there waiting for us.[As Usual] Donghyun and Hyunseong were playing a hand game while Kwangmin and Youngmin were practicing facial expressions in the mirrors. Of course Jeongmin was also near the twins in the mirror,but instead of practicing facial expressions he was just checking up on his face and hair.


*Thump Thump* Aigoo, Jeongmin is handsome as usual.*What Am I thinking* Just then i glance over to the corner where the stereo is and spot Minwoo sitting.*THROB* I wanted to say so much to him...But I just couldn't let it all out.


"MINJI AH!" Kwangmin shouted and ran towards Noona for a BIG hug, more like squeezing her to death. I giggle a little glancing back at Minwoo. His childish expression he had on a while ago was gone. His lips were pressed firmly into a line with his eyes fixed towards a direction. I looked and I swear he was looking at Minji and Kwangmin. So what i thought is right ?


Minwoo's POV


Kwangmin Hyung and Noona were hugging again, for the 44th for the past 2 weeks. *So Annoying* Yes I keep count just for the heck of it. I don't know why but whenever Noona and Kwangmin seem to have skin ship, I feel all awkward inside, like I want to punch an orange or something.. *IDk* I watched carefully as they pull away from each other. Kwangmin held onto Noona's hand. I felt a tight squeeze in my chest. *I seriously can't watch this*


"Noona!" I said smiling as widely as possible. I jumped over to Minji and tug her away from Hyung. "You have to learn the UCC Mission dance from me right? Come on let's start!" I said dragging her to the stereo with me. I the music and i felt a glare from Kwangmin Hyung.

"Aniyo, Suyun is learning your part Minwoo." Noona said with a low tone. Suyun? I looked around and spotted Suyun looking at me with Jeongmin. *WTH?* "Oh Suyun?..Ne." I said looking back at her. Noona then ran back off to the twins.


Jeongmin's POV


Uh oh..Pairing Suyun up with Minwoo, isn't that good of an idea. Suyun's feelings...who's knows if her feelings had subsided or not. But recently she hasn't been talking about Minwoo lately. I glance over to Suyun and she was already looking at me. "Oh, Suyun ah, go practice." I said slightly not wanting her to go though. But knowing her she nodded her head...Minwoo and Suyun..*sighs* *THROB*


Suyun's POV


I walked over to where Minwoo was, and the atmosphere was a bit silent and awkward. So we stood there looking our own direction till Noona came over with Youngmin. "Yah, practice bali!" They both said pushing us making our shoulders touch. *Thump Thump* I felt my face go bright pink..but Minwoo's expression seemed to have not changed. *Pouts*


"Ara, Suyun where are you in the dance?" Minwoo suddenly said with his aegyo face. *KYAA* "Ohh. I'm still only 60 seconds into the dance.." I said a bit embarrassed. "Noona learned parts without me where so she's further than I am.." I said slightly lowering my head. "Ne. kwechana, here i think I know where you are." Minwoo turned to the mirror and started dancing...but this time he didn't guide me by holding my arms..like he did last time. =.=..


--What's going ON ??! bwahha

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Wow! B1A4 and Infinite are tied!!
shesazn: Ahaha! Kimchiyah? Chincha? He really is our chingu in real life. And I really do dislike him a LOT, however he's good friends with Noona so I put up with it -_-;;; Ahaha it COULD be interesting, he doesn't like Boyfriend at all.<br />
tamikq1234: Hm? What do you wanna know about Kimchiyah? He's weird, he's feminine... he really is similar to Youngmin in a way. He really does plan to go to Tokyo and open a shop called Agyeo Productions. He criticizes me and Noona (mostly me cause apparently I'm not as good as Noona) and... well... He has his "good" moments here and there. Um... he's actually really smart! A big fan of 2ne1 and SNSD. Dislikes Boyfriend and Teen Top. Loves U-Kiss... Um... lol I'm not exactly sure what else to say about him xD
shesazn #3
I think you should add kimchiyah to the third story. It could be interesting. :D
can we get a lil more info on the kimchiyah dude >.> wanna kno :)<br />
Wow Infinite's in the lead! They're quite popular!
You know he doesn't mean it Noona~ Keke you know that Youngmin ah will still look after you, just not as much or closely as he did xD He won't take your hand anymore
PikaChugaChu3: Or you know, Minji might leave him and go to Youngmin... but eh, as usual, I gotta start the third story xD<br />
shesazn: Haha we will! :)
shesazn #8
Yay! The couples are back again! (: ooh, I can't wait for the third story! (: update soon.
Oh great =.= now I have a total of about 100000 more chapter to read.....*sigh*
aznfreak83: YAY!! :D *Cheers with you*