Amusement Park

Sequel To "Trainees for love?"

Jeongmin's POV


Uwahh~ The amusement park was so BIG!! The roller coasters roared above us and there was carnival music playing. I glanced at Suyun and was opened in awe. Her eyes glittered with excitement. I smiled, "Kaja let's go!" I took her hand and we ran around the park to different stands trying different games. "Omo omo omo! Jeongmin you missed it!" Suyun exclaimed as I throw a white ball at a pyramid of three bottles. "Yah it's harder than it looks!" I said in my defense. "Here lemme try!" I gave her the last ball and she threw it and... "YEAH!!! I WIN!!!" She jumped into my arms and I spun her around and set her down again. I had such an amazing time with Suyun. Her prize was a little stuffed rabbit the color of a bright pink. "Here Jeongmin~" she handed the rabbit to me with both hands and tilted her head cutely to the side with a big smile. "A-aniyo Suyun you won it." I said, putting my hands up. "Ani~ I'm giving it to you Jeongminnie~" *J-Jeongminnie...?* "A-arasso." I took the little rabbit from her and we continued to walk around together.


Minji's POV


The moment we stepped into the park I overflowed with excitement as kids screamed from the roller coasters and bells rung from game winners. I pointed in the direction of a stand with little plush dolls hanging and tugged Minwoo's arm, "Yah over there! Kaja!" The three of us scurried to the stand and Youngmin played the game and won a white polar bear and gave it to me. "Aigoo kyopta!" I tossed it up and caught again, laughing. "Noona over here!" Minwoo dragged me to another stand that had little colorful rubber ducks swimming in a little pool. "Bali pick one!" the three of us picked our own ducks. Mine was blue with the number 2, Minwoo's was green with number 18 and Youngmin's was yellow with number 16. I didn't understand, we won a prize, but I didn't know how we did. Minwoo got a big yellow starfish as a prize.


Kwangmin's POV


I laid in my bed as everyone seemed to be out of the dorm. I sigh to myself as I my side and looked at the flyer that was on my desk. It's for the amusement park today. No one else was around, so I thought I'd go to pass the time. I got up and headed to the park on my own. With my hands in my pockets, I entered the park, a little lonely to be happy. I sighed and walked around. Well, better find the ice cream stand...


Suyun's POV


Jeongmin and I walked around some more after a quite a few games. Then on another stand, something caught my eye. "Omo! Jeongmin look!" I pointed to a brown squared doll that sat on a shelf. "Domo?" he asked as we neared the stand. "Do you even like it?" "Aniyo." I said. "I think it's kinda scary... but I need some way to apologize to Noona." I looked at him and he looked at me. "Jebal Jeongmin! Please can you win that for me? Jebal?" I begged him with my hands clasped. He sighed and nodded, "Ne ne." He played a game where there were multiple holes in a banner, and we had to throw a ball into the center target to win the Domo doll. I looked at the Domo doll and reached to touch it, but I bumped someone else's hand who was reaching for it too. I looked over and my mouth was half opened. "O-oh..."


Minji's POV


In the distance I saw a Domo doll sitting on a shelf on the counter of a game stand. A smile grew on my face and I rushed to touch it, but I bumped someone else's hand. I glanced over and I saw Suyun. "O-oh..." she said, pulling back her hand as my eyes pierced her. Jeongmin was here too, and he stopped playing to look at us. "N-Noona... annyeong..." Suyun said awkwardly. I didn't say a word to her. Why did she reach for the Domo? I thought she didn't like it? Minwoo spoke up, "Noona I'll win that Domo for you!" he started to play the game with Jeongmin. I saw Suyun's disappointment written on her face as she put her hand on Jeongmin's arm to stop him from playing any more. "Kaja Jeongmin, let's go." she said softly. I could barely hear her. "Aniyo Suyun. You said you wanted that. I'll win it for you." he said with a serious/worried expression, but Suyun just shook her head. "Kaja." Jeongmin sighed and dropped the ball on the counter. "Arasso." The two of them left as Minwoo had a smirk on his face.


Youngmin's POV


As the two of them left, Minwoo kept trying to win the doll for Minji. Aish... what did Suyun want with that? I didn't think she was interested in Domo. Minji's spirits seemed to have gone down too. "Yah Minwoo you pabo you should've given it to them." she said. "Aniyo Noona! I won it for you!" already, he held out the Domo doll to Minji and she took it, shocked. He won it that fast? Wow. In happiness, Minji ran to it, and Minwoo held out his arms for a hug, but Minji totally ignored him and hugged the brown doll. "B-bwoh...? Noona don't I get a hug too?" he pouted. "Oh ne... close your eyes!" Minwoo did as told and held out his arms with his eyes closed. Minji nudged me, "Go hug him." "Bwoh?" I looked at her weird. "He said he wants a hug." she smiled and shoved me into Minwoo, and he hugged me tightly. "Uwahh Noona when did you get broad shoulde--- Yah Youngmin!?" he shoved me off him as Minji laughed.


Suyun's POV


I sigh as Jeongmin and I left the stand empty-handed. "What am I supposed to use to apologize to Noona now...?" I whispered. It was obvious Jeongmin heard too. "Yah Suyun, let's go get ice cream." I faked a smile and looked at him, "Ne~" a light smile was on his face, "What flavor?" "Vanilla~" We arrived at an ice cream stand and Jeongmin looked at me quickly, "Stay here." and he went to the lady to order. However a necklace caught my eye, and I strayed away from him. "Yah Suyun," I looked at the sudden voice. "K-Kwangmin." I stuttered, thinking about what happened the night before. "M-mianhae..." he said, somewhat awkwardly. I smiled, "Kwenchana. I don't mind." He smiled at me too. "Do you know that Noona and the others are here?" His smile faded, "Oh chincha? Ara." "Ne, I'm here with..." I turned to point at Jeongmin, but he disappeared from the stand. "Jeongmin...? Yah where'd he go?" The lady saw me and called to me, "Yah are you with that man that was just here?" "Oh ne." I said, going up to her with Kwangmin. "Here, then you can take this then." She handed me the neatly swirled ice cream on a cone. "He already paid, but he forgot this." "Ne, ara, khamsamnida." "We should go find Jeongmin." Kwangmin said. I nodded and we left together in search of Jeongmin.


Jeongmin's POV


"Can I have a vanilla ice cream cone?" I asked the lady at the counter. "Ne." She turned to prepare the ice cream and I left the money on the counter, waiting for her. I turned back to make sure Suyun was still there, but she was at a different stand, talking to Kwangmin *So she called him over to hang out?* In my frustration, I left the ice cream stand on my own, leaving the two to their conversation. "Sir you forgot your ice cream!" I ignored the lady and kept walking on my own. *We were supposed to share it together Suyun...*


Yay! Hehe~ I'm using my time wisely~ :D -Kim Suyun-

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Wow! B1A4 and Infinite are tied!!
shesazn: Ahaha! Kimchiyah? Chincha? He really is our chingu in real life. And I really do dislike him a LOT, however he's good friends with Noona so I put up with it -_-;;; Ahaha it COULD be interesting, he doesn't like Boyfriend at all.<br />
tamikq1234: Hm? What do you wanna know about Kimchiyah? He's weird, he's feminine... he really is similar to Youngmin in a way. He really does plan to go to Tokyo and open a shop called Agyeo Productions. He criticizes me and Noona (mostly me cause apparently I'm not as good as Noona) and... well... He has his "good" moments here and there. Um... he's actually really smart! A big fan of 2ne1 and SNSD. Dislikes Boyfriend and Teen Top. Loves U-Kiss... Um... lol I'm not exactly sure what else to say about him xD
shesazn #3
I think you should add kimchiyah to the third story. It could be interesting. :D
can we get a lil more info on the kimchiyah dude >.> wanna kno :)<br />
Wow Infinite's in the lead! They're quite popular!
You know he doesn't mean it Noona~ Keke you know that Youngmin ah will still look after you, just not as much or closely as he did xD He won't take your hand anymore
PikaChugaChu3: Or you know, Minji might leave him and go to Youngmin... but eh, as usual, I gotta start the third story xD<br />
shesazn: Haha we will! :)
shesazn #8
Yay! The couples are back again! (: ooh, I can't wait for the third story! (: update soon.
Oh great =.= now I have a total of about 100000 more chapter to read.....*sigh*
aznfreak83: YAY!! :D *Cheers with you*