
Sequel To "Trainees for love?"

Jeongmin's POV


I hugged Suyun tightly as she finished reciting Jinhyun's note. It was dotted with stains of blood. His blood must've went through the box and reached the note. What a terrible way to die. At the age of 10 too, getting smushed by two cars... And Ricky died too. I held Suyun close to me as she started sobbing heavily. I couldn't have said anything at the moment, I knew she missed both of her brothers. Now I see why Suyun's always smiling and laughing, she's hiding the pain. Minji must be deeply wounded from that accident too. Aish... Suyun's never experienced love before. No wonder why this whole Minwoo-Minji thing is so hard on her. Minwoo's her first love. She's never had parents to help her out, only Minji was there to help her. Aniyo, not now though. Only me.


Suyun's POV


Tears poured out of my eyes as I cried into Jeongmin's chest. I could feel that electricity send shock waves throughout my entire body as he held me safely. After what seemed like years, I pull away from Jeongmin and headed for the door inside, but he gripped my wrist. "Suyun jebal chakkuman." I didn't look back at him. "Jebal, hear me out." He tugged at my hand to make me face him, but I still couldn't look at him in the eyes directly. "Jebal, don't take this the wrong way, but jebal, forget about Minwoo." "B-bwoh?" I was shocked that he'd say something like that. "Wae? Jeongmin..." But he looked at me with shining eyes and a small smile. "Jebal, forget about Minwoo." his face inched closer to mine. "Let me take care of you..." My eyes grew as our lips touched. Tears fell from my eyes, I'm not sure if it was of sadness that I might have feelings for Jeongmin over Minwoo, or of happiness that someone other than Noona actually cared for me *Jeongmin... khamsamnida...*


Youngmin's POV


So that's Minji's story. It's sad and depressing, she lost the love of her life. But at the same time, I'm kinda glad that she met us, maybe if Kwangmin won't care for her, I can. We walked in silence back to the building as the two of us walked side by side. I desperately wanted to say something to her and start a conversation, but I didn't know what to say after she told me about her past. Just up ahead of us, I saw Kwangmin walking towards our direction *That bastard...* I've fought the urge, but now I can't. Quickly, I took Minji's hand at the last second, testing Kwangmin's persistence.


Kwangmin's POV


For a while, I've thought about what hyung told me, especially what Suyun told me, and I've decided to find Minji and apologize and work things out. Suyun, khamsamnida... *throb* I sigh and get up and leave my room, meeting up with Minwoo. Aish, why now!? We both stopped dead in our tracks, eying each other. "Where are you off to?" he said. "None of your business." I snapped back at him, crossing my arms and looking away. I could sense that smirk on his face. Aish, forget this... I took my leave as I hear Minwoo's chuckle a little to himself. Knowing Minji, she probably went for a walk to clear her mind, so I left the building. I look left and right, and then I saw her with Youngmin, holding hands with Youngmin. I walked to them and we stopped, just a gap between us three. I stared at their linked hands. "Kwangmin... it's not what it looks like..." Minji said. She didn't look at me when she said that. Hyung had a smirk on his face *where's that feeling that was there when I was in these situations with Minji?* "Hyung, if you're testing me, you win." I said, clenching my hands in rage. "We're done, it's done." I shook my head and turned to walk back to the dorm. The last thing I heard was Minji's voice, "Kwangmin..."


Minji's POV


He broke up with me...? I squeezed Youngmin's hand, even if it's partly his fault that Kwangmin left me. "Minji, kwenchana. You still have me." he said, pulling me into another hug. I wasn't sure what to do at this point. First Ricky, now Kwangmin. Who else will I lose? After a quick embrace from Youngmin, we continue back to our dorm. I went back to my dorm as Youngmin returned to his. Crashing down onto my bed, I decided to go to sleep. I couldn't think straight, might as well sleep it off...


Minwoo's POV


I decided to go up to the roof for some fresh air after seeing a smirking Youngmin enter Boyfriend's dorm. The older hyungs weren't even back yet, so I took my time to go up to the room. Walking through the hall with my hands in my pockets, I see Suyun walking my direction just up ahead. I looked away from her, I didn't want to see her right now. But as we passed each other, I stole a glance at her *You spoiled brat...*


*You stupid traitor...*


I noticed she stole a glance at me too. Fail, what was the point on even looking away from each other? Either way, I headed up the stairs and there I found Jeongmin again. How come he's always in the same place I am?


Jeongmin's POV


I pulled away from Suyun and I saw tears trailing down her face. I smile and wipe them away and she didn't respond to me. She didn't run off, nor did she kiss me back. Though I was glad she bothered to think about it, at least just a little. "So Suyun? What do you say? Jebal?" She looked away from me. "Jeongmin... I..." "Jebal, give me a chance. I'll take care of you, much better than Minwoo did. I'll look after you, for Jinhyun." I wasn't sure if it was smart to make a reference to Jinhyun, but it was my only shot with her. "Mian, let me think about it..." she said softly. She is innocent. "Arasso. Jebal, give me a chance, but take all the time you need." I smiled at her, causing a smile to grow on her face too. She turned and left me there on the roof. With a sigh I leaned against the railing, when shortly after, I hear footsteps come up the stairs. "Oh hyung." I knew that voice anywhere. I turned and leaned against the railing still. "Need something Minwoo?"


*Hehe one more to go before it's Noona's turn~

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Wow! B1A4 and Infinite are tied!!
shesazn: Ahaha! Kimchiyah? Chincha? He really is our chingu in real life. And I really do dislike him a LOT, however he's good friends with Noona so I put up with it -_-;;; Ahaha it COULD be interesting, he doesn't like Boyfriend at all.<br />
tamikq1234: Hm? What do you wanna know about Kimchiyah? He's weird, he's feminine... he really is similar to Youngmin in a way. He really does plan to go to Tokyo and open a shop called Agyeo Productions. He criticizes me and Noona (mostly me cause apparently I'm not as good as Noona) and... well... He has his "good" moments here and there. Um... he's actually really smart! A big fan of 2ne1 and SNSD. Dislikes Boyfriend and Teen Top. Loves U-Kiss... Um... lol I'm not exactly sure what else to say about him xD
shesazn #3
I think you should add kimchiyah to the third story. It could be interesting. :D
can we get a lil more info on the kimchiyah dude >.> wanna kno :)<br />
Wow Infinite's in the lead! They're quite popular!
You know he doesn't mean it Noona~ Keke you know that Youngmin ah will still look after you, just not as much or closely as he did xD He won't take your hand anymore
PikaChugaChu3: Or you know, Minji might leave him and go to Youngmin... but eh, as usual, I gotta start the third story xD<br />
shesazn: Haha we will! :)
shesazn #8
Yay! The couples are back again! (: ooh, I can't wait for the third story! (: update soon.
Oh great =.= now I have a total of about 100000 more chapter to read.....*sigh*
aznfreak83: YAY!! :D *Cheers with you*