Kwangmin's Plan for What?

Sequel To "Trainees for love?"

Jeongmin's POV


I tossed my phone by my pillow and my head collapsed onto my pillow again with a frustrated and tired sigh. Aish... I wonder how Suyun's doing... *What?* I got up and opened my door and headed to the bathroom to wash up. Say about 10 minutes later I walked out from the shower and went to the room where everyone seemed to already be awake. "Yah, hyung said he and Hyunseung-hyung are gonna be out. They got a full schedule." I said, sitting next to Youngmin on the couch. Aigoo... I kept feeling funny so I got up towards the door. "Hyung where are you going?" Minwoo was getting up to grab a snack from the kitchen. "Out. I'll be back later." I said, closing the door. Gotta go check on Suyun. Oh? Minji kwas just leaving her dorm...


Minji's POV


"Yah Minji-ah!" I turn around and Jeongmin rushed to catch up to me. "Oh, annyeong Jeongmin-ah. Kwangmin-ah awake yet?" I asked, a little dazed. "Oh ne," he said. But then his expression changed just a little. "Is Suyun up yet?" I glance back at our door, a little worried. "A-aniyo." I debated whether or not to tell him about what happened with Suyun. "Oh I see... Well then, Kwangmin-ah's back at the dorm." he pointed behind him to Boyfriend's dorm. I smile, hoping he won't check on Suyun, "Ne, khamsamnida. But I'm off to go dancing again this morning." "Ne, annyeong." We said our goodbyes and I headed towards the dance practice room. But when I heard a door open, I glanced over my shoulder and hoped it was Suyun to finally awake, but Jeongmin entered our dorm... O.o *Oh ...*


Minwoo's POV


Both of the twin hyungs didn't seem to be talking to me. Were they mad at me for liking Minji-noona? Aigoo... is it wrong to like her? Speaking of noona, I wanted to go find her and talk to her about yesterday. I left the dorm and the twins didn't seem to care or notice, so I closed to the door. Thinking she was still in her dorm, I knock softly on it, but it opened a little. Oh? I peek through and Jeongmin-hyung was there, kneeling next to Suyun's bed, where she slept. I felt a light pulse vibrate through my body when I saw him caress her cheek *Bwoh? Aigoo... Ani, noona only...* Before he would notice me (and before that feeling would come again) I quickly left. Aish, I needed some fresh air...


Jeongmin's POV


Omo, Suyun...? She was still sleeping softly, but her eyes twitched a little and her expression showed pain. My heart pulsed with a feeling of discomfort, seeing her like that. I touched her cheek, and she was really warm, with slight perspiration forming, but a small smile grew on her face as she seemed to calm down a little. "M... Minwoo-ah... are you... did you come back...?" my eyes widened and my mouth was half opened when she said his name. Minwoo? A sharp sting pierced my chest. She still has feelings for him... "Aniyo Suyun, it's Jeongmin." I whispered to her with a hurt smile. Slowly, her eyes began to open, but they stopped halfway. "J... Jeongmin-ah... omo... ann... yeong..." she murmured. I couldn't tell if she was awake or still sleeping. She seemed to be in some kind of trance.


Suyun's POV


Ani... Minwoo-ah... don't leave... jebal... Then I felt a hand touch my cheek. It was warm, and soft... "M... Minwoo-ah... are you... did you come back...?" "Aniyo Suyun," it was a different but familiar voice. "It's Jeongmin." My eyes opened, but just a little, and I could see Jeongmin with a faint smile. "J.. Jeongmin-ah... omo... ann... yeong..." I was still too tired to talk properly, but Jeongmin's smile seemed to soften more. "Ne, annyeong Suyun-ah." he said. I place my hand on his that rested on my cheek and leaned my head into it a little more. It felt... safe. "Kwenchana?" his voice asked. I smiled a little, thinking of Noona and Minwoo and what happened last night. The tears pricked my eyes again, but I don't think Jeongmin saw them. "Ne, gomawo..." Aish... I was still groggy, but I got up after releasing his hand.


Kwangmin's POV


Walking out of Boyfriend's dorm to take a walk just like everyone else was doing, I see Jeongmin and Suyun walk out of Minji and Suyun's dorm. I gave them a Wtf? look but they didn't seem to notice. They turned and headed to the dance practice room, which was where I was going. Hmm... well... instead of intruding their conversation, I continued to "stalk" them and head towards the dance room with them. Upon arriving in the room, Minji was already there. From that point, I wasn't sure what to do. "Yah," "Oh hyung." Youngmin followed me too. "Come on let's go let's go." So all six of us (Minwoo was there too) were gathered in the dance room to well, dance. But some point during practice, I was with Suyun at one side of the room and the other four were on the other side. "Yah Suyun-ah," "Hmm?" she turned to face me. "Jebal... help me get Minji-ah back." I said, not looking at her directly. "Bwoh? How?" she said, continuing to dance still. She danced to Minwoo's part in the UCC dance, and I danced with her to my own part. "I need to make her jealous so she'll come back."

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Wow! B1A4 and Infinite are tied!!
shesazn: Ahaha! Kimchiyah? Chincha? He really is our chingu in real life. And I really do dislike him a LOT, however he's good friends with Noona so I put up with it -_-;;; Ahaha it COULD be interesting, he doesn't like Boyfriend at all.<br />
tamikq1234: Hm? What do you wanna know about Kimchiyah? He's weird, he's feminine... he really is similar to Youngmin in a way. He really does plan to go to Tokyo and open a shop called Agyeo Productions. He criticizes me and Noona (mostly me cause apparently I'm not as good as Noona) and... well... He has his "good" moments here and there. Um... he's actually really smart! A big fan of 2ne1 and SNSD. Dislikes Boyfriend and Teen Top. Loves U-Kiss... Um... lol I'm not exactly sure what else to say about him xD
shesazn #3
I think you should add kimchiyah to the third story. It could be interesting. :D
can we get a lil more info on the kimchiyah dude >.> wanna kno :)<br />
Wow Infinite's in the lead! They're quite popular!
You know he doesn't mean it Noona~ Keke you know that Youngmin ah will still look after you, just not as much or closely as he did xD He won't take your hand anymore
PikaChugaChu3: Or you know, Minji might leave him and go to Youngmin... but eh, as usual, I gotta start the third story xD<br />
shesazn: Haha we will! :)
shesazn #8
Yay! The couples are back again! (: ooh, I can't wait for the third story! (: update soon.
Oh great =.= now I have a total of about 100000 more chapter to read.....*sigh*
aznfreak83: YAY!! :D *Cheers with you*