Morning ..^-^

Sequel To "Trainees for love?"

Suyun's POV


I was completely crushed when Minwoo walked away like that. I didn't even do it! Kwangmin was the one who... aniyo... I can't blame him. He's hurt too. I hung my head again as the tears dripped from my eyes as I heard footsteps. "Kwenchana Suyun?" Not Minwoo, but Youngmin? "What do you want?" I said, trying to steady my voice. It was kinda awkward between me and him at that moment. I heard him smirk, "Tch, I'm only here for Minji." *That line again...* "If you're here for her, forget it." I said, still not looking at him. Tears pricked my eyes again and threatened to fall, but Youngmin's hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder, and I looked up at him. He pulled me up into a hug, and it was something I really needed. "Don't get the wrong idea," he whispered to me, "it's only for Minji." I shove him off. "Go see your precious Noona then. What the hell are you still doing here?" I returned to my swing as he crossed his arms. "Suit yourself." he turned and made his way back to the building. I went to the slide and laid there. I couldn't go back to my dorm, Noona would probably hit me again. There was a salty taste in my mouth. I gasped when I saw my fingers after touching my pained mouth. Blood? I must've bit my tongue when Noona hit me. In the distance, I heard thunder *gasp...*


Jeongmin's POV


I walked down the hall, heading to Suyun and Minji's dorm. I needed to see Suyun and get an explanation, but I found Youngmin. "Yah, where's Minji?" he asked me. I passed him, "On the roof." Neither of us stopped walking, and I arrived at the girls' dorm. I knocked on it but no one answered. I turned the doorknob and peeked in, no one. Hoping she'd come around soon, I tip toed in and looked around to pass the time. I crept closer to Suyun's bed, and her sketchpad was resting on her pillow. Picking it up, I flipped through it and saw multiple pictures of me she drew. *She really did think about me* About 10 minutes passed, and Suyun never came back to her dorm. I dropped her sketchpad on her bed, flipped to the page of the couple by the waterfall.


Youngmin's POV


It had started raining as I made my way to the roof, so I made a quick detour and grabbed an umbrella from our dorm, then went up to the roof. Sure enough, Minji was laying on the ground, sleeping in the storm. *Aish you pabo, out here?* I opened my umbrella and walked over to her. Looming over her body, I looked down at the gently sleeping Minji. Her hair was soaking wet, and her face had rain droplets resting on her. I crouched down to get a better look at her, and I realized she was crying in her sleep. *Aish... Kwangmin you idiot...* I pull my umbrella shut and tossed aside and laid down next to her on the wet concrete. I rested my hand on her waist and watched her sleep.


---Next day---


Minwoo's POV


I woke up earlier than usual today. Probably cause of what happened yesterday. Aish, I should've hit Suyun when I had the chance too... I wanted to see Noona, so I headed to her dorm, but she wasn't there, but I spotted Suyun's sketchpad. I snuck in and picked up the red book of secrets that belonged to Suyun and flipped through the pages. I smile at the couple by the waterfall *Me and Noona...* but I frowned when I saw pictures of me, Jeongmin, the twins, Noona... I sighed, but when I came to a picture of an unfamiliar face, I got interested *Who's this?* There was writing on the bottom and I read it.  

Happy birthday little Jinny! It's your 13th birthday today! I drew this picture in memory of you~ I hope you're looking down and see this. I miss you Jinhyun. Love, noona Suyun

April 23rd

Noona Suyun? *Do you know about Suyun's little brother?* Jeongmin's words returned to me about Suyun's brother. Jinhyun? This is him? What does she mean by looking down? I tossed the sketchpad onto Suyun's bed and left, going up to the roof.,r:15,s:0&tx=56&ty=31 


Jeongmin's POV


I got up this morning, thinking of Suyun and that scene we all saw with Kwangmin. I sat in bed, shaking the thought away and got up. I wonder if Suyun came back yet? I returned to the girls' dorm, but someone was in there. Minwoo? What's he doing? He held a light red sketchpad, and he flipped through it *Idiot! That's Suyun's!* But he suddenly stopped on a page and examined it closely. He dropped the book onto Suyun's bed and headed out the door, not noticing me hiding behind the plant. I shook my head, Suyun wasn't there, where is she? *The park...*


Suyun's POV


I woke up this morning to the birds chirping in the nearby trees. I was all damp and wet from the puddle that formed on the slide from the storm. Scary night... Either way, in was a warm morning, so I air-dried. "Morning." I gasped as I turned and saw Jeongmin at the top of the slide behind me. "J-Jeongmin... you scared me..." I said sadly, looking away from him. "You don't seem like the girl who's easily scared." he jumped off the slide and landed beside me and handed me a towel. He knew I was here? I took it and dried my hair. "You got some explaining to do." "Choiyo?" I pointed at myself. "Yes you. Now about that kiss from Kwangmin..." I looked away. Everyone must have gotten hurt from that. "I didn't do it... I'm innocent I swear..." I started. "He just came up to me randomly like that. I didn't know what happened I swear. It was too fast." I looked up at Jeongmin with pleading eyes for forgiveness and mercy. He smiled, "Arasso." I was shocked, "B-bwoh?! J-just like that?" I said. He made such a fuss about it and that's it? "Well yeah. Unless you want me to be mad at you?" he smirked at me, and I melted inside. "A-aniyo..." I playfully whined, looking away from him. We laughed... a little happier than how it was with...


Minwoo's POV


When I reached the roof, I saw Youngmin hyung... with Noona... *Throb* it hurt me deeply. But I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I went to them and tapped hyung with my foot. "Yah hyung, Noona, up!" I said, a little too cheerfully. The two wake up groggily and they noticed me there. "Oh Minwoo..." Noona said, stretching. "Ne~ We should go to the amusement park!" I said. I saw a brochure earlier on my way up here posted on a bulletin board. "Arasso~" Noona said tiredly, with some enthusiasm. I wanted to keep her mind off of Kwangmin and Suyun. Youngmin tagged along too as we made our way out of the building. "Yah Youngmin what were you doing sleeping next to me!?" "Aniyo it's not like that!" "YOUNGMIN WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?!?" "N-nothing! You were alone so I just slept next to you that's it I swear!" I laugh at hyung's sudden loss of words. At least he didn't do anything to her.


Jeongmin's POV


I can't stay mad at Suyun forever. If Kwangmin was the one who did it, HE has something to explain. I have to remember, Suyun hasn't experienced real love before, so I have to go easy on her. But I noticed something red smeared on her lip. "Suyun kwenchana?" I asked, taking a good look at her lips. She covered it with her hand and looked away, "N-ne... I bit my tongue..." "Suyun? What happened? Who did this to you?" I took her hand away gently and used my other hand to make her look at me so I could see it better. "...Noona..." she hesitated to say Minji's name. "She hit you didn't she?" I said, rubbing at her lip a little. She nodded a little sadly. So that's why she slept here. "Well come on, there's an amusement park open today. We should go." I said with a smile. Her eyes lit up a little, "Ne~" I took her hand and helped her up. Hopefully nothing will happen today...




- Annyeong Minji here! Isn't Suyun just the BEST writer ever ?!

Aigoo, ne ne she is, she's very talented. [kekeke] Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Stay in tune for MORE ! - Minji-

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Wow! B1A4 and Infinite are tied!!
shesazn: Ahaha! Kimchiyah? Chincha? He really is our chingu in real life. And I really do dislike him a LOT, however he's good friends with Noona so I put up with it -_-;;; Ahaha it COULD be interesting, he doesn't like Boyfriend at all.<br />
tamikq1234: Hm? What do you wanna know about Kimchiyah? He's weird, he's feminine... he really is similar to Youngmin in a way. He really does plan to go to Tokyo and open a shop called Agyeo Productions. He criticizes me and Noona (mostly me cause apparently I'm not as good as Noona) and... well... He has his "good" moments here and there. Um... he's actually really smart! A big fan of 2ne1 and SNSD. Dislikes Boyfriend and Teen Top. Loves U-Kiss... Um... lol I'm not exactly sure what else to say about him xD
shesazn #3
I think you should add kimchiyah to the third story. It could be interesting. :D
can we get a lil more info on the kimchiyah dude >.> wanna kno :)<br />
Wow Infinite's in the lead! They're quite popular!
You know he doesn't mean it Noona~ Keke you know that Youngmin ah will still look after you, just not as much or closely as he did xD He won't take your hand anymore
PikaChugaChu3: Or you know, Minji might leave him and go to Youngmin... but eh, as usual, I gotta start the third story xD<br />
shesazn: Haha we will! :)
shesazn #8
Yay! The couples are back again! (: ooh, I can't wait for the third story! (: update soon.
Oh great =.= now I have a total of about 100000 more chapter to read.....*sigh*
aznfreak83: YAY!! :D *Cheers with you*