Normal Days

Diary of Dreams

It is such a hectic week!!!

The boys are coming out with a new Single in three months’ time. All the initial decisions have to be taken this week.

Recording, Choreo, Art designs, Album Cover, Marketing, Meetings with the broadcasting stations…and the list was endless. Don’t forget the practice sessions!

I had to accompany all the members during practice, recording and choreo. Also, I had to attend the other meetings which involved the management in order to give the guys the updates whenever they had prior commitments and could not attend the meetings themselves.

The worst part about this job is that there are no weekends…every day is a working day and generally Saturday and Sunday turn out to be the busiest!


It was Friday which turned out to be hell!

 In the morning the guys had practice and then each of them had their own schedules. I sent the junior managers with each of them. I on the other hand had a lot of meetings. I met with the management team to talk about the album covers and taking the samples for Shinee to give their thoughts on.

Then, I had a follow up with the arts team to get their ideas on the MV setup and the costumes. I carried all the costumes and ppt printouts together to the van and dumped them in to the trunk.

Then I went with the Shinee Management head to the marketing team’s sync up. They had a few samples on the goodies that would be on sale when the album comes out. Again a handful of materials I dumped into the trunk!

The meeting with the recording producer was a total waste! He just talked about himself and the hits that he had recorded. I felt like barging out but then again it was to be handled by the management side, so I kept quite. I just took the audio samples from him to give it to the guys and headed towards the last meeting of the day- Mamagement meeting to decide what programs Shinee will go to for promotion.

In the meeting I gave many inputs- Jinki told me that he wanted to participate more in Singing Variety Programs rather than the other regular variety programs, MinHo as usual wanted to be on the sporty programs and Key just wanted to Vogue. So, I got the management to list down a few programs for Shinee as a whole and individually as a member to attend and choose from.


I was so happy that the day was over! It was already 11 pm. I was heading towards the dorm when I got a call if I could pick up the guys’ costumes for tomorrow’s schedule. So I did that chore also and it was 1 am when I reached the dorm.

I was somehow trying to bring all the items dumped in the trunk at one go to Shinee’s dorm, but failed immensely. As I took one lot of items, I saw someone behind me picking up the rest of the things.

I was Jinki!

‘Why are you not resting? You should be asleep!?

Jinki smiled and said, ‘ I already had a 3 hours nap in the evening! Also, I was waiting for you!’

Seeing Onew was like sunshine to my gloomy day. I brightly smiled looking at him. Jinki always managed to make my days’ worth the while!

As I entered the dorm I saw all the boys lying down in the drawing room and watching some movie. They had probably ordered something to eat and so it was all messy. All the used utensils and empty bottled littered in the drawing room!

I kept all the items on the massage chair and handed it out to them, ‘I want your opinions by midday tomorrow. Those who fail to do so will experience my wrath!’


I just couldn’t resist the sofa. After everything was handed over, every detail relayed to them, I just sat on the big black sofa and closed my eyes for some rest.

I must have dozed off, for when my eyes opened it was 4 am and I had a pillow under my head and a quilt over me….

I gathered my stuff and left for my place. I completed the rest of my sleep, packed some food for the guys and headed to their dorm.

Today was dedicated to recording and choreo practice. I was excited because today the whole day I would be with SHINee


Even though they would be busy, I would be around my boyfriend


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Hi Guys , Just posted two chapters...Again Sorry for the late update


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Smile_always_shri #1
Chapter 35: Lovely story please continue soon
Chapter 1: I know this is just the intro but, the way you have set this story up is so intriguing and exciting. I just had to pause and let you know. Now, on with the reading!
5partharmony #3
Chapter 22: They love snacks :)
5partharmony #4
Chapter 20: This chapter is really cute. ^^
Chapter 19: Haha!!! I like the emotional atyaachaar!! So true!! Anyways..... ice update Aansha!!
aanshag #6
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AlynaRay143 #7
Chapter 17: Im indian too!! Frm Calcutta! Luv dis story!!
I really enjoy this story ~
moonana #9
Chapter 13: GOOD LUCK IN WRITING YOUR STORY AANSHA! I want the next chapter so bad! I already said it but i love ur story and i love when you put descriptions of aansha's desi clothes <3