Day of the Trip

Accidentally in Love


I'm going to go pack now! It's Sunday night and the trip is tomorrow, I'm such a procrastinator hahaha~

I packed up all my clothes and set them on my bed, along with the other accessories I need. I went to the bathroom to grab a new toothbrush and a box of toothpaste, which was in the cabinet above the sink. I pushed past my pads and grabbed what I needed. Good thing I'm not on my period this week LOL.

10:30PM... I better get some shut eye now so I can wake up on time.



"Yah, Eunji. Wake up."

I opened one eye, "Junghwan oppa...?"

"Wake up, you have to go on that trip soon. You didn't even turn on your alarm clock, be gratefful that I'm here."

I turned my back to Sandeul and covered myself with the blanket, "5 more minutes..."

"Get up now."

"Noooo..!" I whined.

"I made bacon."

I shot out of bed, "I'm up. Where's the bacon."

He smiled, "Go wash up and there will be bacon for you."


I brushed my teeth and got dressed, not bothering to wear my uniform since there's no point.

I got all my luggage and brought it downstairs so I could leave quicker. Now, TIME FOR BACON!

"Bring on the bacon, chef!"

"Yah," Sandeul raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me what to do, get your bacon yourself."

"Whaaat? But you're my maid!" I pouted, but went to get my food anyways.

"Call me your maid again and you'll never taste my cooking again."

"I'm sorry, your majesty." I got on my knees.

He chuckled and patted my head, "Alright, now go put your jacket on and we'll walk to school. you're lucky only juniors get to go on the trip, I have to stay in school." He pouted.

I slipped my jacket on, "Come on, let's go."


"Alright class, single file onto the bus and sit with your assigned partners."

Oh, I forgot who my partner is. Oh well, it's just one of the Teen Top members anyways.

"Yo, Chunji."

I turned around, "Oh hey L. Joe, you're my seat partner?"

"Yeah, so we're gonna split up. Me & you, Niel & CAP,  and Ricky & Changjo. I'm gonna need you to teach me though..." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Haha, of course. My pupil's gonna be ahead of everyone~"

"Sure... How long do you think the ride will be?"

"Um.. About two hours?"

"Damn... I went to sleep at like 3AM today. And I had to wake up at 7AM. I want to get to the lodge and sleep."

"Umm, no. You're gonna learn how to snowboard today. I may not look like it, but I'm a strict teacher," I smiled at him. "Why don't you just sleep on the bus ride, you'll be fine when you wake up."

L. Joe gave in and laid his head back on the seat. Eventually he fell asleep, but his head kept bobbing up and down uncomfortably. Until it finally fell on my shoulder, and stayed there.

My eyes widened and I tried to push his head onto his other side but he suddenly groaned in his sleep and buried his head closer into my shoulder. 

*His face is so close... I never noticed how pretty it was.* I pushed his bangs away from his face, and suddenly, he opened one eye.

"What're you doing...?" *CRAP*

I looked out the window, oh! "Um I was just gonna tell you we're almost here..."

"Oh, really? Thanks." He stretched himself out.


"Hey guys, we have room 322. Let's go check it out?" CAP handed all of us a passkey to the room.

These rooms were spacious, with 3 beds.

"How are we splitting up the beds?" I asked.

CAP suggested, "Why don't we just do it according to partners?"

Me, sleep next to L. Joe? After what happened on the bus? No way.

"UMM. I disagree! i want to sleep next to Changjo, my buddy." I slung my arm over his shoulder. He grinned, "Yeah, why doesn't everyone just take which bed they want?"

"Yeah! Changjo, which bed do you want? I want the--"

"-- left bed!" I stared at him and cracked a smile.

"WOAH I was just about to pick that one!" I gave him a high five and we both jumped on the bed.

I got back on my feet again, "TIME TO GO SNOWBOARDING! And in your case, skiing.." I gave an uninterested look when I said the last few words.

"I beg to differ! Skiing is way better than snowboarding!" Ricky protested.

"Uhh nooo! Snowboarding looks way cooler. You guys and your little canes to help you move around, pshhh." I waved him away.

Before he could say anything else, I grabbed L. Joe's wrist and dragged him out of the room. "Come on, time to learn how to snowboard!"

"Yah! This isn't over!"

I laughed as we ran away.

We grabbed some rental snowboards and I started to teach him.

"First of all, you're going to need to learn how to balance on the snow. So just try moving around on the snowboard and try not to fall. Use whatever way you want, using only your legs."

"That's some harsh first lesson..." L. Joe complained, but obliged anyways.

"Yah, that's the basics. If you can't stand, there's no point in learning."

"Aish fine," he started to carefully keep his balance. Not good. He's not keeping a strong enough posture, so even if he's standing, he can fall any minute.

I poked his arm and he fell down into the snow. "Yah! What're you doing, I'm trying to learn!"

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow, "If you can fall with a poke, you're obviously doing it wrong. Stand straight, legs sturdy. Hands out if you need help balancing, but in order to move, you're going to need to use your legs."

L. Joe nodded and listened to my advice, but he was still being extra careful of falling. That makes it easy for you to fall.

"L. Joe, stop being scared of the snow. It's because you don't want to fall into the snow that you're being so careful. You're going to fall like that anyways, so just don't try so hard. All you have to do is stand and feel comfortable, you'll get it somehow."

He started getting better little by little ith my advice and finally his posture was strong enough to move around.

"FINALLY! You're a bad learner. Anyways, it's time to teach you how to move around. You're already standing, so if you want to actually move, you just need to tilt yourself in the direction you want and let your body move on its own. You can balance now, so I think this won't be that hard."

L. Joe tried going down a small slope. He put all his body weight forward and made it down without falling!

"Nice job!" I high-fived him. "You got it on the first try! Now keep doing it and you'll get used to it."

L. Joe kept on moving down the slope easily. He even moved left and right, which means he's mastered the small slope already!

"Yeah, you're done L. Joe!" we high-fived each other. "Now let's go have fun! Just make sure you don't get scared of the hill just because it's bigger than the slope, otherwise you'll fall."

"It's alright, let's go meet up with the others."

"Wait, it's only noon. You want me to teach you some tricks?" I grinned evilly.

"Oh, hell yes."


"Woah L. Joe! I thought you didn't know how to snowboard?!" Ricky shouted.

"I didn't." He pointed his thumb towards me, "he just taught me today."

"Aren't I the best teacher? It took him 5 hours to learn all that, including tricks."

"Well we can do tricks with skis, too! And we've had more experience, we'll show you!"

Soon, everyone was showing off their tricks or racing downhill. L. Joe was also trying to learn even more tricks! What a great student, haha."

"I'm beat, can we go in now?" Niel fell on the snow, out of energy.

"W-what're you talkin about..? I can still go on." Changjo said out of breath, not wanting to lose to L. Joe because he was a beginner.

"Give it up, Changjo. Look how tired you are, and L. Joe's not even out of breath in the least." I told him. "Let's go in, my pupil." 

I grabbed L. Joe's arm again and we went inside. "You kind of owe me haha. Since I taught you how to snowboard and all," I smirked.

"Sure. Anything you want you want, teacher." He smirked.

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Chapter 34: Kinda hope she ends up woth Sendule or The cute guy on the bus :P he he he I STILL LOVE YOU L.JOE!!!
Chapter 34: ohmijesus please update soon! really good and addicting i dont know ur motive yet for who she gonna end up with ljoe? changjo? awwwwww the anticipation is killing me!
ahh..this ff is too cute..I just found it now and read it straight..ahh..more of eunji and changjo please. i love them together *squeals* update soon ..^^
L.JOE PLS. =))))
They're so cute <3
Omg!!! This story is so cute!!! What an awesome twin brother Chunji is...if he was that cool, I might want to be his twin sister....but I rather have him as my husband... Anyways, please update soon!!!
cuuuuuute :3:3:3:3:3
updated soon ^^
HAHA so cutee :D