My love is for you

Sorry But I Love You


Yul washed the dish then went to sleep. but suddenly The electricity was cut off.

The dophin screamed ecore all over the apartment.
Yul more than sure that is jessica's voice. He waited no second to opened his door just to find sica.

But all at once he opened the door. Jessica wrapped around his waist and layed her head on his chest, keep sobbing. she shakes all over her body.

-It's Ok. It's ok. I'm here.
Yuri patted jessica's back. and huged her tight enough to comfort her.


-Be there with me yul. I'm scared of dark.I really scare.
Yuri and jessica sat on the couch. Jessica might be nervous plus tired because of screaming and crying so she rested her head on Yul's chest. Yul's heart beated so fast. and he sat like statue now.

-Promise me …….that you won't leave me……. alone. even I'm sle-....
Sica keep murmuring while her eyes shut tightly.

-I won't and never.
Yuri said to sleeping Jessica. Yuri keep staring at Jessica who slept safe and sound. right now, Ice princess turned to warm princess.

-I will always be with you unless you chase me away.
Yuri looked at Jessica. and he smiled a bit but he's full of emotion now. He also has no idea why he end up madly in love with the girl that never being good to him. when he knew, He already deeply in love already.

An hour passed.
Yuri bring Jessica to her bedroom. but before he backed to the couch, he pecked on Jessica's smooth cheek.
Yuri sat on the couch in jessica's bedroom and staring to her till he fall a sleep too.


-Th-that's it.

yuri explain everything to tiffany except kiss part.


 -hehehe… Why you so nervous? I know that you not dare,yuri because If you try to do something bad on jessie. maybe you not end up sleep in peace like that. maybe you in hospital or in coffin right now.
Tiffany giggle because yuri was so pale now.

-Stop teasing me. and what's wrong with your hand?
yuri stand up and point to tiffany's hand.

-It's just an accident. nothing much…. And yul, thank you for be here for jessie.
Tiffany smile to yuri.

-your welcome. I gotta go my room now.


Yuri Yawned widely and made his way to his room.



-As I remembered, I'd met you yesterday but why I felt like i've known for such as long time? Eish... Pabo me!

Tiffany not yet sleep because she had to do assignment. and suddenly think about tae.

Fany-ahhh.... taeyeon also felt the same way as you. You not pabo. :] !

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Chapter 32: Update juseyoooo....
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~~~~
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~ >.<
Chapter 32: Mmh maybe 6-7 chapter, remember tae's mom still not agree with fany, you have to makes clear about that part
Chapter 32: naughty yulsic didnt want to lose from taeny couple...
some sweet moments pwease..
Chapter 32: Honeymoon first before wedding hahaa
coolintot #7
Chapter 31: Yeah taeny time
Chapter 31: haha.. yul take tae's role..
my yulsic heart ><