Because I love only her.

Sorry But I Love You

University: Cafeteria:

Fany waved to tae. Tae beamed to his love and walked toward her.

"Hello Jessie."
Taeyeon paused when he saw Jess.

Jessie just nodded. 

"Let bring something to eat."
The love bird crossed their arm and walked to the store and leave Jess alone. 

"Unnie! When will the charity show event celebrate?
The group of juniors come to Jessie.

"Next week." Jessie try to beam.

"So The charity show is on same day as graduated day?" Another girl asked.

"Yes! Graduated event is in the morning and The show is in the evening till late." Jessie being nice to her Junior.

"Can't wait can't wait, unnie. " the girls were excited.

"I will update more information tonight on my fan page." 

"Thank you! Fighting unnie." The girls bowed and left.

*How come I find new one to replace Tae?* Jessica was depressed. She try hard to hide everything from tiff.


Jessica go to meet her acting couch and report about change actor. And Tae also go to apologize too. Everyone is in trouble now. 
They took so long time to convince taesic to do together but seem like no and no so cant help, the couch must find new one n train him as soon as possible.

Taeyeon called Jessie when they leave the acting room but Jessie ignored and left.

"We need to talk."
Taeyeon grabbed Jess's hand.

"Go in piano room." Jessica walked straight to piano room and Taeyeon followed. 

"Start short one. I don't want anybody caught us."
Jessica crossed her arms.

"Jessica! I'm really apologize on everything I did. Honestly, I'm really flirty and byun but its just past."
 Taeyeon inhale and exhale.

" so what?" Jessica smirked.

"So please don't get me wrong. I promise I will always love fany but please don't tell her about it."
 Taeyeon was dark. His puppy eyes show that he begged Jess now.

" I won't tell her but if one day she figure it out. I can't help. And stop promising. Your promise is mean trash to me." 
 Jessica was just mad. But Taeyeon though that Jessica was Hurt because she love him too.

"Sorry sica! I'm really sorry! But I really love Fany now. So you can punish me what ever but please don't make Tiffany hate me."
Taeyeon out of mind now. He kneel down and cry in front of Taeyeon.

"Ohmygod. Get up." Jessica was shocked. She wrapped tae's shoulder to get him up.

"Sorry sorry!" Taeyeon lower his head.

"Ok ok! I'll forgive you. Everything! Start again ! Stop promise but start your action." Jessica wipe tear on his cheek by her thumbs.

"Thank you." Taeyeon hugged Jessica but just like brother and sister.

Pang*  the door was opened.



Hello reader!! M really that didn't update because I didn't got good reaction from all of u so I give up but I miss this fanfic so much. I miss taeny and yulsic. So I promise to update till end even didn't get any view or comment. thank everyone who insisted me to update and everyone who keep reading it. :D

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Chapter 32: Update juseyoooo....
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~~~~
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~ >.<
Chapter 32: Mmh maybe 6-7 chapter, remember tae's mom still not agree with fany, you have to makes clear about that part
Chapter 32: naughty yulsic didnt want to lose from taeny couple...
some sweet moments pwease..
Chapter 32: Honeymoon first before wedding hahaa
coolintot #7
Chapter 31: Yeah taeny time
Chapter 31: haha.. yul take tae's role..
my yulsic heart ><