Best friend

Sorry But I Love You

Sooyoung's restaurant :

Taeyeon's pov:

I'm going to see my only princess as normal. I'm sitting and watching her working. She's so perfect. I never deeply in love like this before. Just looking at you my heart almost exploded. I'm going to explain tonight after she finished her work. No matter what happen, I will huge her tight and never let her go. 

-Are you hungry, taetae?
My girlfriend come to ask me.

-Just water please, Princess.
I smiled back. I really wanna huge and kiss her million times now but hell no. Tiffany hate someone bother her when she working.

-I do it special for u and only you.
Tiffany back with a tray of 3 glasses n put it on the table.

-wow! What's that for? 
I laughed and look at her. she took 3 glasses just for me. I'm not giant as soo.

-Water for liar.
Wtf.... She poured the water from my head all over my body. I'm shocked.

-Orange juice for cheater and whine for jerk.
Ohmygod!! My sweet girlfriend turn to evil now. She poured another two glasses on me. Everyone looked at me now.  The smile earlier was disappear from her face and  eyes full of hate suddenly appear. I never see fany Like that.
She must know everything now. ! You are too late, dumb tae!

-Fany! Listen to me first.
I stand up and hold her hand tight.

-go away!
She yanked her hand away and push me hard. I know that the tear is not for guy and I never cry because of girl too but for this girl is different. Tear rolled down because its too hurt to handle. And not just hurt but plus the feeling of afraid of losing the most precious girl in life.

-take this and go away from my life.
Tiffany throw our couple necklace to me.

-what's wrong?
Sooyoung  and sunny come from nowhere.

-You better help me to stop him, boss. Otherwise, you will lose one friend. I will cut this cheater in piece by my own hand if he follow me. 
 Tiffany warn me and sooyoung. She's so scary. But everything because of me. She must be hurt and really hurt that's why she being like that. 

She leave. I wanna follow but my stupid friend stop me.

-Please tae! Let her calm down first. And better tell me what's happen?
 Sooyoung's bigger than me so no way I can beat him. He block my way. !

-i'll tell you later but now please let me explain to her first.



Im done with that acting skill is success from the start till the end. Try to smile , try to show how much I hate Him and try not to cry. I should happy to punish him successfully. but seem like its more hurt to myself. 

And I know that Taeyeon will follow me to my apartment so I drive toward home instead

When I reach the mansion, I try to walk lightly and slowly to my room because I didn't want anybody see me cry. I try to hold my tear but seem it's getting worse and worse. It's hurt. I can't describe how hurt it is. And about Jessie? She also in same situation. Actually, We are always stay by each other side when all trouble come and we help to soothe each other pain away but now why I and her stay like this? We just few step far away.

I decide to open Jessie's room. It's dark. She might be sleep. I walk quietly. I don't wanna bother her sleeping moment. I just wanna come to sleep beside her. At least, I won't feel lonely.

- missing me?
Suddenly the light turn on and I saw her sat up on her bed. I'm shocked. I put my palm on my mouth to avoid screaming. She smiled.

-So much.
I beamed but tear roll down again. Sorry I'm too dramatic today.

-why don't you come to give me a hug? I miss u so bad my miyoung.
 Jessie widen her hand and walked to hug me. 

-*speechless but cry hard**
I can't say anything now because I though she might hate me and mad me but actually, she still My only one sister and best friend who never leave me.

-Where is my strong miyoung, huh?
Jessie patted my back.

-* cry harder and louder** 
I just wanna cry. Because she always come to me when I'm sad but just few hours ago, I did opposite thing on her.

-My baby is crying now. Cry it out babe! Let all the pain out with your tear. I know you're hurt.
 We release our hug and she look straight into my eyes and I saw she smile but tear is on brink of her eyes.

-Sorry Jessie!
I hug my goddess sister again but so tightly this time.

-We are sister. We didn't need that word, tiff.
She hug me back.

-Thank you for always be my side.

-This words also not for us.
Jessica smile.

-This is us.
Jessie crossed her arm with my arm and then looked into my eyes.

-I can read your mind now. I know how much you love me. And u did too, right? you know how much I love u and I will never leave u and u didn too. We can understand each other just by expression and feeling, So we still need words?
 I'm so touch now. even the pain won't subside 100% but it also better.

-We are broken heart sister.
Finally, I can smile.

-not we. Just you babe!
Jessica tease.

-I know you I know you, ice princess. " I pinched her nose.

-Come on. Let talk heart to heart. I need to know everything." Jessica drag me to sit on the bed.

-Promise that you will tell me everything too." I sat beside her.

-why need to promise? I will always tell u.Everything."


 TAEYEON's pov: 

Because of my dumb friend, Soo. I can't follow Fany, I can't explain. I wanna die now. The jerk like me never know what the hurt is till
I meet this girl and now I feel like the hell. I'm sitting on the roof of my mansion alone counting the star on the dark sky with tear rolling down and the bottle of wine is my bestfriend now. Even I looked at the sky but i still see fany in the moon. WHY WHY WHY?
You should kill yourself, Taeyeon. You are the worst boyfriend ever. I cry out loud Now. I'm feeling hurt inside. I feel like my heart is gonna stop sometime. and

-This is not what the man do, dude!
The similar voice's heard near my ears

- come to mocking me?
Yuri come to sit beside me.



-I come to sorry. Are you still crying because I hit you last time? 
   Yuri smiled to taeyeon. It's not really a smile since his heart is in piece. But try to make situation better.

-your hit just like an ant bite to me.And I deserve it so its ok. But fany....
 Taeyeon try to be a man to yul but when he mentioned about fany, he cry out loud Like a child again.

-oh man! Be man!
Yuri move close to tae and put his one arm on taeyeon's shoulder.

-you will never *sob*  understand me because you're not me. It's hurt. *Sob* I Better die rather than losing her.
 Taeyeon act like a child now. Sobbing while speaking.
-I guess it might be the first time for the player like you. So don't say I can't understand. Because I go through a lot of this than u. At least, you love the girl who loving u too but me, I love the girl with the first sight, first time I saw her and my love for her increase day by day and I didn't even know she love me or not and when I know it's too late because her love turn to hate already. She will never ever forget me because my love is too lacking. It's much hurt to lose what u treat as your life. but I don't have tear left to cry n u know, I better give up and leave.
 Yul took a deep breath.



Sorry guy for late. I hope u enjoy it. honestly,I really busy these day and plus I spend much time on view mv and u know, the girl come back so I enjoy it a lot. xD and I update slow also because I wanna make this facefic more specific but seem like more boring so give me some idea.


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Chapter 32: Update juseyoooo....
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~~~~
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~ >.<
Chapter 32: Mmh maybe 6-7 chapter, remember tae's mom still not agree with fany, you have to makes clear about that part
Chapter 32: naughty yulsic didnt want to lose from taeny couple...
some sweet moments pwease..
Chapter 32: Honeymoon first before wedding hahaa
coolintot #7
Chapter 31: Yeah taeny time
Chapter 31: haha.. yul take tae's role..
my yulsic heart ><