Because It's you!

Sorry But I Love You




-Yah…. Ham Eunjung.
I crossed my arms and looked at eunjung once she left from toilet. Even I agreed with Tiff not fighting with them but at least, I have to warn them.

Eunjung surprised and murmured once She saw me. Actually, I and her is in different schedule. So I have no obligation to come here. beside, come to slap her.

-You're nervous?
I walked to eunjung slowly just to scare her to death

-How come I nervous since you're just like dog that lose flock.
Eunjung turned to evil. And then jiyeon and homin came out of another toilet.They've  planned it already.

-I've known you, Jessica Jung. You such as caring but no brain. you're impatient to see me, huh! I prepared a lot of good treatment to wait you because I'm more than sure that you will really come today.
Eunjung's already known that I will revenge on her and she more than happy because I just came alone.

-You though I afraid of kind of flock as you.
Actually, I also nervouse too. Even I used to learn karate and boxing but 3 vs 1 is no joke. but I kept walking step by step to them.

-Stop here or I'll slap you.
Jiyeon pointed her index finger to me. and Homin stepped back.I've known they must be nervous and I did too but i just cover my nervous well.

-I came here to find Eunjung, Ham eunjung. If you're not eunjung and you didn't wanna get hurt. Go away. I always do what i'd said.
I stood really close to them. and shoot my icy glared to Eunjiho. I warned jiyeon and homin.

-Sorry eunjung.
Homin ran out.

-Go and Say sorry to Tiffany. And Stop mess up with her.

Finally, 2 vs 1. I can control it.

-No way. you though, I'm afraid of you.
Eunjung pushed me really hard but luckily, I'm not fall down. Yah… This girl prefer hell now. I'll grant her wish.

-And you will get it. **Slap**
I slapped eunjung hard enough to mouth's bleeding. ><

They started fighting back. and As you know. 2 vs 1. Even I'm not kind of girl who give up but It also hard for me too. I also got slap.

-Stop it.
similar voice shouted loudly.



-stop it!
I broke the door of toilet then isolated them from each other.

-Let's go. Mr Lee soman is on the way here now.
I grabbed jessica's hand attempt to walked her out of toilet.

-Let go of me. I don't need your help.
Jessica yanked her hand from mine harshly. and kick eunjung till fall down on the floor.

-I said stop.
I grabbed her again.

-Go away ! It's none of your business.
Jessica pushed me real hard. I almost fall on the floor too.
I'm so speechless. My heart didn't beat for a second. I felt like someone stab deeply into my heart. It's hurt. I release sica's hand slowly.

I always go to sica class but I'm not dare to face her so I just looked at her from far but today She seem weird. She's not in her mood at all. She walked to music building so I followed her. but she walked so fast so  was out of my sight.

-Mr Lee Soman. Jessica...hmm.. Jessica fight with eunjung in toilet.
I saw the skinny girl went to tell the head director. so I suddenly ran to toilet just to find Jessica.


The really scary voice ecor all over the room. Here come trouble.



-Why are you come here Jessica?
Mr lee woman sat on his armchair behind his large desk and looked to me. iI stood in row with Yul , Eunjung and Jiyeon.

-I've came just for some reason.
I looked to the window. and I didn't scare at all.

-What's the reason? and you, Kwon Yuri?
Lee soman keep asking.

Yuri didn't know what to say and just looked at me.
Eunjung ran to Mr ham and whined.

Suddenlt, Mr ham shouted. He spoil her daughter so much. because he is also famous in seoul too plus he is good friend of lee soman. He like to use power of his money.

-Lee soman, You have to kick her out of this university tomorrow. Because It's not the first time that she hurt my daughter.
Mr Ham slapped the desk with her two palms.Eishh....!!

-Ajussi ! watch what you said. Did you ask your daughter  why I slapped her?
I kept my cool face to him. Because It's not the first time that I met him.

-Jessica Jung!
Mr Lee Soman stopped me.

-I dont wanna talk with this little kid. call his parents.
Mr ham sat on the couch and crossed his legs and his arms.

-I've just called him. He will be there in real soon.
WTF… When the hell he called? He's so fast.

-Mr Lee Soman, We're not high school student. We can solve it. punish us if we're wrong. our parents didn't know anything about it.
Ah….! Kwon yuri, I give thumb up to you.

-But  They must be lack of knowledge of raised children to be good people so they have to respond for this.
Mr Ham is too much now. He looked straight to me.

-Ajussi! you better shut up your mouth before I shut it by my palm. You have no right to blame my parents.
It's too much. Really too much. I pointed my point finger to him. Mr ham is about to fight back but….

-give him respect, JUNG SOYEON.
My parents finally arrived. I'm in trouble. my dad shouted to me and my mom approached me now.

-What's up, Jessie?
my mom asked me and tapped my shoulder. Yuri bowed my parents. It's first time, He's meet my parents.

-Hello Mr Jung.
Mr ham suddenly changed his manner and came to greet my dad.

-Oh Mr ham. What's my daughter had done?
My dad greeted back but he's in angry mood.He turned to mr lee soman. I'm so death now or soon. Now My parents sat on the couch. I and yul still stood up and lower our head.

-They're fighting in the toilet and one student report it to me. But Yuri, You're only guy in that situation so Tell me everything and I need the truth.
Mr Lee soman turned to Yul. Yul's obviously innocent. He will take this chance to revenge me for sure.

-I don't know what's happen but all i know, they were fighting and like 2 vs 1. so I go to separate them but…….
He's paused. Will he report that I yank his hand and keep fighting?

-Spill it out.
My dad shouted to him.

-But Mr Lee Soman come on time.
What's wrong with him? He acted cool to me and ignored me and now help me? I wish I could read your mind,Yul.

-Who's start this arguement? Soyeon, You did it, didn't you?
My dad obviously awful now.

-Yes, She did. She came to slap me without reason.
Eunjung's defended herself and pointed her finger to me.

-My daughter's never do anything without reason.
My mom's defended for me. She always be my side.

-So what's the reason?
Mr ham asked.

I cannot drag tiffany in. and I obsolutely can't mentioned about her past. I don't want it spread out all over university.

-Why you stand still?
My dad glared me again. Yuri's curious too.

I still keep silent.

-See? She's silent because She's kind of crazy dog that bite everyone she's met.
That eunjung pure the metro in fire again. She's known that I won't spill it no matter what.

-Shut up! or I'll slap u again.
I lose control and almost went to kick her but yul cross his fingers with mine. Suddenly, I'm calm down.

-I'm disappointed in you.I though that you've grown up but I'm wrong.
My dad was so dark now.

My tears  about to rolled down now. I'm hurt. Yuri grabbed my hand tighter.

-Spill it out or I'll punish you.
Mr soman looked at me and all eyes are on me now.

I still acted cool even the millions tears ready to roll down.

My dad left the room without looking at me. He must be really disappointed in me.
and my mom came to hug me now. My mom understand me every situation.

-Umma! I can handle it and I'll tell you once I got home, umma!
My mom nodded and followed my dad. They must be so embarrassed that have daughter like me.

Eunjung and Jiyeon mocking smiled to me. It's ok. At least, I could slap you and plus I'm jessica jung. I won't just end up like that. It's just warm up and main plan is happening soon.

And yul still stand beside me. I feel guilty now.

What a harsh punishment. I have to stand in front of the university for 4 hours with the label " I'm Jessica Jung. I'm Sorry.  " hang on my neck. ewww….. The cloud is black. hmmmm…. Even the god's also not in my side.  I hate rain.

-I'm Jessica Jung. I'm sorry.
Someone read label that hang on my neck.

-Ah….. You come just to read it huh?
The black pearl is back. He must be really happy.

-Yes but I also here to give you this.
He gave umbrella to me.

-Tell me what you want from me?


 -because we are friend.
I smiled awkwardly. I really wanna slap my mouth that totally betray my heart.

-just like that?
Jessica kept her cool face and crossed her arm now.

I'm so coward. I want your heart and I want you to be mine.

-hey you!! Go in !! It's raining.
Jessica took the umbrella from me.

-no I'm here!
I took my umbrella back and I hold it for her. She looked at me weirdly.

-Are you really kwon yuri?
Jessica asked random question and she's innocent about my action now. She's cute.

-I'm tired of fighting. Ok?
Obviously, I though ill give up on her. And I tried to distance myself from her just to erase her from my heart  but I'm wrong.Jessica, I need you more and I miss you more, and i love you more even you choose taeyeon over me,Jessie ! I'm crazy in love with you, you know?

Jessica hugged her shoulder. She must be really cold.  I took off my jacket and covered on her shoulder now.

She looked at me and say nothing! I acted like I didn't know anything too.

-you don't wanna know why I go to slap eunjung?
Jessica finally broke the silent.

-I just believed that you have your own reason that cannot reveal.

-you don't think of kind of dog that bite everyone as eunjung said.
Jessica asked funny question that make me burst into laugh.

-hahahahaha.... Yes ! You're not kind of the dog that bite everyone but just like cute puppy that bite only bad people.

I wanna be gentle today but seem Like I'm fail again.

-yahhh..... I try hard not to kill situation but here you go by yourself, black pearl.
Jessica kicked my right leg. She stuck her tongue out.Violent girl!

-Ouch!.... This is what you get when you act cheesy!
 I knocked her head with my knuckle but just a little.

-awww.... STRESSSS!!
Jessica hugged her head act like she really hurt and then she's pouted. I'm die now. How come you cute like this, my princess?

-haaaa chesssss!!
I sneezed but I shouted my mouth with  one of my palm now.


-ahhh chesssss!!
Yuri sneezed.

-eishhh.... Go inside! You're sicker.

-no no! Just one more hour. I afraid you will ignore me again if I go.

-no I won't! Just go!
I also afraid that you ignore me again too. Without you, without your annoying. I feel like I lose something. I'm never tired of being with you. Even fighting , caring teasing and all situation. Sorry! I should have be nice To u.


Ring ring ring***

-what's up kry?
Jessica picked her phone up. And yuri stood beside her.

-appa asked you to come home now, right now.

-ok but kry!! done your work?
Jessica evil smiled. Yuri curious.

-done done unnie but don't forget my prize latest LV.

Jessica hanged up.

-help bring me to my home please!
Jessica turned to yul.

-yes sure! But what's you talking about? Sound like really exciting.

The love bird walked to parking lot now.

-Go to where eunjung park her car and you will know?

Yulsic on handsome yul's porche now. He drive to the crowded.
They saw Eunjung stood outside the car and cried like no tomorrow.

-pity you, girl! Bye bye! Good luck.
Jessica's  opened window and mocking eunjung then waved. Yulsic couldn't hear what eunjung shout back but just saw and they can guess she cursed Jessica now.


And as Jessica said, She's not end up it easily.


-I asked my younger sister to put a lot of cockroaches in eunjing car and loosen her four wheels.
And Don't ask how come they do that? Because I don't know too. I've just known that Krystal and her best friend really good at something like that.

Jessica smiled happily and looked to her handsome driver, yul.

-hahahahah.... You're not violent princess for nothing.
Yul bursted into laugh.


Jung's mansion:

Yul's Porsche finally arrived Jung mansion. It's really really big but it didn't surprised yul because his house as big as jung's.

-drop me here !!
Jessica asked yul to park in front of her house.

-thank you!! Safe on the way!
Jessica got off car but not yet close the door!

-you too... Take ca-.....
Yul smiled to Jessica but he turned to straight face.

Jessica turned back and shocked because her dad's expression show enough that "here come trouble". Lol

-anngonghaseyoo... Mr Jung!
Yul got off from car immediately  to greeted mr jung.

-you both follow me in dinning room. We have something to clear.
Mr Jung turned back and walked into his mansion without looking at yulsic.



Long chapter of Yulsic! Next one is Taeny!! :D !

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Chapter 32: Update juseyoooo....
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~~~~
Chapter 32: update soon pleasee~ >.<
Chapter 32: Mmh maybe 6-7 chapter, remember tae's mom still not agree with fany, you have to makes clear about that part
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Chapter 31: Yeah taeny time
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