The Escape 2

A Double Take

Wu’s Jeju Family Mansion.

“Wow!” Sulli gasps.

“I second that,” Amber agrees.

“The question is how we get inside.  If Kai’s place was bugged, so is this place,” Krystal murmured.

“It’s now 2:30am, let’s sprawl out and slowly study the layout before making a move,” Vic suggested.

“Meet back behind the big rock in 15 minutes,” Amber agreed.

Everyone nods and moved out.

Vic scoping the front, Amber to the west, Sulli to the south, and Krystal to the east.  The one who had to be on high alert was Vic, if she saw something coming, she needed to send the signal fast enough for the others to retreat.  But all the windows were closed with little lights shown through.  Maybe they were all asleep?

Krystal saw a window blind slightly ajar so she moves closer to get a peek.  Looks like Luhan was watching the front view but apparently playing a game on his iPad.  Someone was sprawled out on the couch – Kai!  She quickly text the other girls letting them know the position of the watchdog.  Then further studying the room, it must be the kitchen – hmmm.

Amber used her climbing skills to help her reach the second story of the mansion however it was nothing but empty space so she had to move up higher where there were actual floors.  The hallway was dimly lit.  Using her pocket knife, she manages to unlock the window quietly.  Once she was in, she texted the rest that she was in and would search for Luna.

In the back, Sulli discovers another entrance and texted both Krystal and Vic to come back.  The three entered through the basement and found out the house was not bugged since it was currently occupied.  They quietly crept up the stairs to see if they could enter the house without being spotted.  Thankfully the door quietly opened allowing them to quickly view that their choice of entry was hidden well in the back part of the house.

Amber MSG:  Skip the first three room left of stairwell – occupied by the guys.  Luna must be in the master’s bedroom with him.

The three were not surprise since he had her holed up here and probably done much more then what Luna had anticipated.  Vic signal Sulli to move up the stairs after her while Krystal keeps an eye for any movement on the main floor from the other two.  Within a few minutes, she noticed movements from the living room.

“Gotta take a dump,” Kai grumbles while walking toward her direction.

“Why not just use the main bathroom here?” Luhan laughed.

“Because you’ll complain about it stinking,” Kai tossed back at him.

Bathroom back here?  Where?  Then she turned to her left and notice a door ajar and snuck in not realizing it was the bathroom itself.  Crap!  What does a girl do when she has no other choices?  Hop into the shower and pull the curtains closed.

“Don’t forget to spray!” Luhan continues to laugh.

“Shush it!” Kai laughed while Krystal could only hold her breath.

Thirty seconds into the toilet use – she heard gas being released and a smell that was probably from her cooking.  Karma’s a pain she thought as she does her best to remain quiet.  And then he begins to sing.  Sing?  Well at least he had a nice voice.

Vic MSG: Luna alerted and will make her move out of the room.

Great!  Just great.  One is about to be rescue while the other one is stuck.  Déjà vu.

Krystal MSG:  OMG.  Don’t leave without me.  Kai in the back here using the bathroom.  Luhan still up front.  I’m stuck.

Sulli MSG:  Do we want to know how?

Krystal MSG:  No.  It smells.

Amber MSG: Nice.

A phone rings.

“Yes bro,” Kai grunts.

“No, Luhan is still watching the front,” Kai continues to say.

“Nah.  No nothing as of yet,” he grunts.

“Yeah.  I’m taking a dump,” he chuckles and disconnects.


Yuck.  Guys!  They are the strangest creatures.

Vic MSG: Luna stuck.


Amber MSG: Moving out.

Sulli MSG: I’m coming to save you.


Within a moment of that last text, she heard some commotion outside the door.

“What’s going on out there Luhan?” Kai shouted.

No response.

“What the heck?” He muttered before flushing the toilet and opening the door.

Krystal releases a breath of relief and slowly followed him out.  Someone grabbed her arm and ushered her back down the stairwell the three originally came from.

“I got you,” Sulli whispers.

Shortly after the two made it to the entrance of the door that would take them out of the house, Vic and Luna appeared right behind the two.

“How did you get Luna?” Krystal whispers.

“Long story,” Vic muttered.

“Where is Amber?” Krystal asks.

“Distracting Luhan upfront,” Sulli stated.

“Who made all that noise?” She asked again.

Sulli just gave her the look.

“Shouldn’t we go help Amber?” Krystal asked again.

“She’s fine.  They’re probably thinking she’s a wolf or something,” Vic shook her head.

“Uh there are wolves around here,” Luna shivers.

“I know.  We saw them on the way up here,” Sulli grossed out.

Amber MSG: Coast clear.  Luhan and Kai re-entered >/.

The four slowly crept up the hidden door and squat to make their way back up front where Amber was watching their back.  And from there, they should be home free.  But before Vic turned the corner, she stopped in place.

“What is it?” Luna whispers.

“Amber’s message…..there was symbol.  She doesn’t send symbols unless there is something wrong,” Vic murmured.

Krystal froze.  No way.

“You three go to the back and duck behind the hill for safety,” Krystal instructed.

“What…?” Sulli looked shock.

“If they’re going to catch anyone, it will have to be me and Amber – we can escape easily since we’re the less attractive ones,” she stated.

“Ugh…have you look at the mirror lately,” Luna disagrees.

“Go now,” Krystal ordered.

The three quickly dashed for the hills that would hide their location temporarily.  Krystal slowly crept to the front and found Amber in plain open view.  Her eyes were trying to send her a message.  But for the life of her, she cannot read it like she normally can.

“Well hello again,” someone said from the side.


Luhan stepped out from behind the bushes and gave her a polite wave.  What the……?

“I’m so glad to see you.  We’ve been waiting,” Kai smiled.

Luhan made a radio call to Kris.

“We have Krystal…again,” he announced.

“Bring her in……….wait where is Luna?” Kris muttered.

“Isn’t she with you?” Kai asked in alarm.

“Checking the restroom,” he blasted before clicking off.


“Why don’t we join the rest?” Kai suggested, luring her into the house.

Amber ducked behind a tree, not sure what she needs to do but as long as if they only have one, they can re-rescue her again.  After the door was shut, she quickly signal the other three with a laser light to move.

“They got her again,” Sulli groaned.

“What’s next?” Luna asked.

“We move toward Amber.  My guess is by now, they’ll have discovered you missing,” Victoria stated.

“But Krystal…” Luna started to say.

“There is nothing they can find on her at this time that they already don’t know.  You on the other hand must remain unknown to them so we need to get you out of here,” Victoria interrupted her.

Sulli nodded in agreement.

“Let’s move and get you out of here,” Victoria dragged Luna along the house line and meeting Amber at the entrance.

“Who is going to save Krystal?” Sulli asked.

“Leave her to me, the two of you get Luna out and safe from them,” Vic ordered.

“But if you get caught, we’re bound to be doomed,” Amber pointed out.

“Then can you put up with them?” Vic asked in return.

“I got no problem playing the –lesbo- part,” Amber chuckled.

“Alright, Sulli, Luna, and I will make our way to safety and if you can escape, run for the area that we already determined as our safety net otherwise, we’ll have to come back and save you in 24 hours,” Vic reminded her.

“Got it,” Amber nodded.


As soon as Luna, Sulli, and Vic made their way down to the car hidden behind the bushes and trees, the front door re-opened again with many more of them than before.  This time they had flashlights and in order steer them away from the three who are trying to escape, Amber made a run toward the opposite direction as if she was an animal.

“Something is over there,” Suho shouted as the boys headed her direction.

She continues to make noises yet not allowing them to catch her in movement.

“It’s too dark,” D.O. shouted.

“Try to surround the sound,” Lay shouted.

“I’m for sure it’s coming from over here,” Luhan pointed out.


Another sound came from the opposite direction sending half of them to another area.  Amber became confused as she only thought it was her who remained.  Who was the other person?

“Damn, it’s too dark,” Baekhyun shouted.

“Don’t let them get away,” Kris shouted from the porch.

“And it better be Luna, “Kai added.


Amber attempted to make another move but was caught off guard.  She didn’t even notice Suho sneaking in on her.  Before she could make another run, Suho grabbed her and she was stuck between the tree and him.

“Let me see who I have here,” he murmured.

Dragging her toward the house where there was more lighting, half of them turned their flashlights toward her and gasp.

“Wow bro, you caught Amber while I caught Krystal – how many more are out there?” Kai chuckled.

“One more,” Lay grunted as he lunged for the other person.

The four of them helped capture the last one behind the bushes by tossing their bodies on top to succumb the movement.  As they dragged the person toward the house, Krystal and Amber stood next to each other in alarmed since they didn’t recognize the person dressed all in black.


“So you two helped Luna escape but who is this person wearing a mask?” Kris asked.

Amber and Krystal shrugged.

Luhan removed the mask revealing a man.  A man with a scar running down the side of his face as if he was burnt in the past.  Both Krystal and Amber remained frozen in place.  Not believing who they were seeing.

“Who are you?” Kris asked.

The stranger only smiled.

“Are the three of you working together?” Kai asked.

The stranger could only chuckle wickedly.

Amber took a gulp.  Krystal started to shiver in fear.

“Hello again girls,” he grinned.

The two remained stiffed on the spot.

“What a nice reunion?  Don’t you think?” He laughed.

“Aren’t you supposed to be ……” Amber stuttered.

“Dead!” He laughed.

Now the rest of group was confused as to what was really going on.

“You think both you and Luna killed me….dream on little girls,” he stared straight at Krystal.

He laughed.

“Revenge will be sweet,” he smirked.

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victory00 #1
Chapter 29: gosh,i'm left hanging..pls update this story ...chaebal..
I really hope you update this story some other time..
Chapter 29: OMG ! How can Luna be a hooker? I really can't imagine that.
What will Kris do now?

Update please, author nim !
I really curious about the next. Please update ASAP !

Thank you.
Chapter 29: Hope this gets updated sometime..
cherish_dreamer #5
Chapter 29: Author-nim, still waiting for an update!
Is there something wrong?
Are you leaving this story?
still waiting for the update....
cherish_dreamer #7
Chapter 29: Still waiting for an update :D
SarahWu #8
Chapter 29: OMG my luna.. lol i can't wait to see kris' reaction about what luna said. haha
cherish_dreamer #9
Chapter 29: Omg, a hooker? Lol.
I would love to see how Luna would do it and Kris' reaction.
Although, EXO are starting to get on my nerves.
They are suffocating the girls with their ignorant selves!

Update soon! :D
TashwampaRedone #10
Chapter 29: Okay, I understand that Kris and Lau love their ladies.....but they are being REALLY annoying. Like i would have vamped the our if i was Luna or Krys. Seriously, why can't they just wait. WHY ARE THEY SUFFOCATING MY GIRLS?