Chapter 7: Saturday

Fashion and Fame 2
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A couple of days ago Minah got a call confirming her first runway show in Korea. It was coming up soon and she wanted to make sure she finished her final sketches soon so she could start working on everything else.

DJ was the last one to leave before it was just Minah and her princesses for the weekend. They had left back to the states so they could visit family members and tell them about how it went for them moving so far away.

Once DJ had left Minah sat on the couch in the living room and began sketching out some of the new designs she would be revealing that day.

As she was sketching she heard small footsteps coming down the stairs and quickly turned to see who it was. When she turned she saw a completely awake Min Young. She had already dressed herself completely. “Umma why are you all alone in the quiet? I’ll keep you company.”

“Thanks Min Young –ah” Minah patted the spot next to her and Min Young quickly sat beside her. Minah put down her sketch book and wrapped her arms around Min Young. “Are you hungry already?”

She shook her head and looked up. “Umma I don’t like the quiet. I’m going to put on a movie.” Min Young broke the hug and went up to the television. She turned it on and inserted the disc of the movie she wanted to watch then went back to her spot next to Minah.

Hearing all the noise downstairs Min Ji and Min Hee who were sensitive to noise woke up. Min Ji held Min Hee’s hand as they walked downstairs, they hadn’t bothered to change. They walked into the living room in their pajamas with untamed hair.

Min Ji let go of Min Hee’s hand and ran over to the couch and sat next to Min Young. “Oh I like this movie!”

Min Hee walked to the lonely couch on the left side of the room and lay down as she watched the movie.

Min Young tapped Minah’s arm and pointed to the television. “Umma look this is the part where they dance and the floor glows so they can get to the magical world where the evil Umma can’t find them.”

Minah looked up at the screen to see what Min Young wanted her to see. “Ah…”

Min Hee sat up and looked over at Min Ji. “Min Ji dance like them.”

Min Ji giggled and stood up. She began to copy the dance as best as she could.

“Woo! Go Min JI!” Minah cheered for the youngest of the four as she danced around the living room.

As Min Ji was dancing Min Sun came down the stairs but went into the kitchen. She came back to the living room holding a bottle of water. The only reason she had woken up was because she was thirsty and was surprised to see that everyone was already awake.

Min Sun stood next to where Minah was sitting and watched as Min Ji danced.

Minah looked over at Mi Sun and began to run her fingers through her hair. “Aigoo Min Sun, look at your hair.”

She giggled and put down her water bottle. “I just woke up Umma.”

“I know I know.” Minah leaned down and kissed Min Sun’s cheek.

“Tada!” Min Ji shouted as she finished her dance.

They all began to clap for Min Ji. Minah stood up and gave her a thumbs up. “Good job Min Ji!”

As they were clapping they heard the doorbell. “I’ll get it” Minah said and walked to the door.

When she opened it she felt her heartbeat increase as she became nervous seeing who it was. “Hey, come in.”

“Thank you” Jiyong had been waiting for this day all week and now he couldn’t believe he was inside Minah’s house.

“Follow me, they are in the living room.” She walked ahead of Jiyong “girls there is someone here who wants to meet you.” As soon as he entered behind her the four girls became quiet and curious.

“Hello I’m Kwon Jiyong.” Seeing the four of them in person for the first time was overwhelming for Jiyong. Knowing that they are his daughters made him unable to breathe or speak in their presence.

Being the loud talkative type Min Young was the first to respond. “Ah! Umma he is the leader of the Big Bang uncles right?”

“Really?!” Min Sun shouted with wide eyes. S

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Chapter 32: Awww they are so adorable
Heymama #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim..congratzz...loved the story!!! Good job...
14 streak #3
Chapter 32: Second time rereading it and I still loved it!!! Great job!
Chapter 32: Great story....loved reading it....
well done..
Chapter 32: this story is wonderful <3 <3 i like it soooooooooooooooooooo much and i enjoyed reading it ^^
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: I've read this before, and I just can't get enough of it!!! I think the last time I read it, authornim didn't put up the subscribers only thingy on ^^ Regardless, I really like this story very much!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
YoungRukaBae_x #7
Chapter 32: Aww this story is so good :) so addictive I love it
Chapter 3: How can a four year old child drink coffee? is that allowed in Korea?
MeowMeowKitty554 #9
Chapter 26: Hannah is psycho! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much
Chapter 32: kudos! loved g dragon , now more than EvEr