Chapter 20: The Proposal

Fashion and Fame 2
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New Year’s was approaching too quickly for Jiyong. He had been busy planning something with everyone who was close to Minah and him behind her back. Being close to New Year’s Minah had to take care of some business and most of the time Jiyong was left with his princesses. He would take them with him everywhere he went and made sure they were as involved as he was.

Jiyong pulled up in front of a big brick house with a wall that surrounded it, keeping the inside a secret to whoever passed by. “Okay my princesses this is the last one we will see today.” He undid his seatbelt and got out of the car going to open the door for the girls to step out.

“This one is bigger than the last one” Min Young said as she jumped out of the van enthusiastically.

Min Sun walked over to the black gate trying to see something but couldn’t. From the corner of her eye she saw something moving every time she did. She looked over at it and saw it was a camera. It followed her as she moved a few paces to the left then again when she moved to the right. Min Sun began running from side to side making the camera follow her. “Look Appa the camera follows me.”

Jiyong chuckled seeing her having fun with the camera. “Min Sun you should stop before you make the camera dizzy.”

The little girl stopped running and began to laugh at the thought of making the camera dizzy because of her running. “I’ll give it a break then.”

The realtor came out to greet Jiyong and began to show him the house, both inside and out. “The house has four bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, and a gym. 

The girl’s ran around the house taking in every inch to make sure they liked it even more than the house they are currently living in.

After having given Jiyong the tour of the whole house the realtor began the real business. “So Mr. Kwon what do you think?”

Jiyong had a smile on his face the whole time. He could definitely see himself living in this house and watching his princesses grow. “I love it but I have to consult four of the possible future residents.” He turned over to the four girls that were smiling and giggling from excitement. “So what do you all think?”

Min Hee stepped forward as the representative for all of them. “We love it please buy it Appa.”

Jiyong turned to the realtor “it seems we will be taking it.”

“Oh great I brought all the paper work with me so if I could just get you to fill these out for me.” The realtor handed the papers to Jiyong and as he started to get down to the business of it all the girls decided to look around some more knowing this was now their official home.


When Minah got home she noticed no one was there. She wondered where they had gone to when she thought they were going to wait for her to come home so they could go celebrate New Year’s with Bom.

She went upstairs just to make sure there really was no one home. Seeing no one she went inside her room and instantly noticed the note on her bed. She picked it up and began to read it.

Jagiya there was a change of plans Bom took the princesses with her to see the fireworks.

She said for us to go ahead and celebrate together.

Get dressed and come to the restaurant where we celebrated your 18th birthday.

I’ll be waiting for you.

Love Jiyong Oppa <3

Minah began to panic and ran around getting ready. He didn’t write the time for her to be there or anything and she didn’t want him to be waiting so long.

The restaurant was a pretty fancy one where mostly everyone was dressed in their best black and white attire. She finally decided on an outfit and put it on. She left the house quickly and headed to the restaurant.

When Minah got there the restaurant wasn’t as full as the last time she had been there. Once Minah entered she was lead to a more private area of the restaurant just like before.

Jiyong stood up right away when he saw her coming towards him. Minah smiled happy to finally see him after a long day, she gave him a tight hug and rested her head on his shoulder. “Did I make you wait long?”

He shook his head glad to finally have her next to him. “Not at all, I’m just glad you got my note.” As Jiyong waited for you he began to get worried and nervous. He still felt a little nervous that something might go wrong.

As the dinner preceded Jiyong’s nerves began to subside. He was having a good time eating and talking with you. When he saw it was already 11:45 he knew he had to start.

“J-jagiya…” Jiyong was surprised that he had stuttered.

“What happened?”

Jiyong took a deep breath and began to talk once again. “Minah I remember the first time I saw you I thought you were the one for me. “

Minah was surprised to suddenly hear him talk about the first time they met. “Why are you suddenly talking about that?”

“Because I keep thinking about h

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Chapter 32: Awww they are so adorable
Heymama #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim..congratzz...loved the story!!! Good job...
14 streak #3
Chapter 32: Second time rereading it and I still loved it!!! Great job!
Chapter 32: Great story....loved reading it....
well done..
Chapter 32: this story is wonderful <3 <3 i like it soooooooooooooooooooo much and i enjoyed reading it ^^
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: I've read this before, and I just can't get enough of it!!! I think the last time I read it, authornim didn't put up the subscribers only thingy on ^^ Regardless, I really like this story very much!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
YoungRukaBae_x #7
Chapter 32: Aww this story is so good :) so addictive I love it
Chapter 3: How can a four year old child drink coffee? is that allowed in Korea?
MeowMeowKitty554 #9
Chapter 26: Hannah is psycho! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much
Chapter 32: kudos! loved g dragon , now more than EvEr