Chapter 6: First Talk

Fashion and Fame 2
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DJ walked outside into the full driveway. The other two cars Minah had bought arrived and were delivered last night. DJ was excited that Minah had gotten one car for himself, Hyun Soo, Hyemi, and Ara so they could drive to school on their own. Well in reality the only ones who knew how to drive from them was DJ and Hyunsoo.

Minah walked out of the house followed by everyone else. She then locked the door and joined the others in the driveway.

DJ turned to Minah filled with excitement. “Do we get to start taking the car today?”

“Yeah just be careful and make sure you get there on time.”

“We will…” DJ said as he opened the door to the driver’s seat. Hyun Soo sat up front next to him while Hyemi and Ara sat in the back.

“Bye oppa” Min Sun said as she waved goodbye to them.

Min Young waved with both hands and shouted. “Bye unnies by oppas!”

Ara stuck her hand out the window and waved goodbye to them.

After the car was out of sight Min Hee turned to Minah “Umma do we get to take the new car too?”

“No Min Hee –ah we still have to take the van, it’s the only one where I can fit all four of you with your car seats.” Minah then opened the van’s door. “Hop in.”

Min ji and Min Hee went in first, they liked to sit all the way in the back and usually had Ara to sit in between them but not today.

Min Sun and Min Young sat in their seats and buckled themselves in. They missed having Hyun Soo do it for them.

“Umma are we going to go to school without Oppa anymore?” Min Young asked.

Minah turned around to face Min Young. “Yes princess, the oppas and unnies have to go to a different school and if I took them and then you to school then someone would always be late. If they have their own car then they can get there on time and I can take you four to school too.”

“Ah…” Min Young nodded understanding what her mom was telling her.

Minah was glad they understood her and began to drive them to their school. Once she turned off the car each one of the little girls quickly got off their seats. Minah then went around and opened the door for them.

As they stepped out they gave her a kiss and said goodbye. They ran to the entrance, making their backpacks bounce up and down.

Minah closed the door to the van and tried to catch up to them. “You don’t have to run Min Ji –ah.” It was surprising to Minah how the one that had been more reluctant to go to school yesterday was the one that was leading them inside.

Min Young turned around after hearing Minah. “It’s okay Umma we can go by ourselves.”

Minah had no choice but to agree and stopped following them so quickly. She stayed behind and watched them enter the classroom.

As she was watching them she saw some of the other mothers who were there dropping off their children were looking at her and whispering among themselves.

One of the youngest looking mother’s there approached Minah shyly. “Umm… excuse me.”

Minah turned to her with a smile. “Yes?”

The lady was now in front of Minah. “Are you by any chance Park Minah?”

Some of the other mother’s then got closer as well. They all wanted to hear what they were talking about.

As she nodded Minah bowed. “Yes, thank you for recognizing me.”

Another lady then approached her with wide eyes. “Aren’t those four girls your models?”

Minah simply nodded as an answer.

“Then why did they call you Umma? Are they yours?” The lady asked. This made all of the other women crazy. It was now pure gossip, they were trying to find out so much about Minah.

It wasn’t in Minah’s heart to deny her princesses. She was very proud of them and it was never her intention to hide the truth from everyone. In reality it would make it so much easier for her if everyone knew but her rule was that she wouldn’t tell anything. She would only answer the questions that were asked to her. The reporters always asked if she was single which she said yes but they failed to ask if she had any previous relationships or if she had any children.

She nodded proudly. “Yeah they are mine.” The only person she had ever wished to keep in the dark about them was Jiyong and now he knew. She became nervous at the thought of Jiyong. She knew later on in the morning she was going to talk to him about this exact topic.

Hearing the answer another lady looking like she was in her mid to late thirties came closer and eyed Minah from head to toe. “But you are so young and you never said you had children in any of your interviews.”

Minah remained as calm as she could in the situation. She knew at least one of these ladies would probably spread the gossip around. “Yes, I’ll be 24 soon. I got pregnant when I was 19 and had them when I was 20. No one ever asked if I had children, if they would have asked I would have told them the truth. Now if you would all excuse me I have to go.”

She walked away from the crowd of moms and got inside her van. As she was pulling out of the parking lot she could still see them all huddled up gossiping with each other

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Chapter 32: Awww they are so adorable
Heymama #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim..congratzz...loved the story!!! Good job...
14 streak #3
Chapter 32: Second time rereading it and I still loved it!!! Great job!
Chapter 32: Great story....loved reading it....
well done..
Chapter 32: this story is wonderful <3 <3 i like it soooooooooooooooooooo much and i enjoyed reading it ^^
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: I've read this before, and I just can't get enough of it!!! I think the last time I read it, authornim didn't put up the subscribers only thingy on ^^ Regardless, I really like this story very much!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
YoungRukaBae_x #7
Chapter 32: Aww this story is so good :) so addictive I love it
Chapter 3: How can a four year old child drink coffee? is that allowed in Korea?
MeowMeowKitty554 #9
Chapter 26: Hannah is psycho! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much
Chapter 32: kudos! loved g dragon , now more than EvEr