Chapter 16: Sleepover

Fashion and Fame 2
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So I don't want to give it away but just a small note before you start. I didn't want to mark the chapter as 'M' because I don't think it's so bad but there is a bit of a suggestion. That's all I will say, just continue reading to see what I'm talking about. ^^


As the sun was beginning to set on a Friday afternoon Jiyong arrived at Minah’s house and opened the door with the key Minah had given him. He wasn’t happy with the fact that he didn’t get to see Minah and his princesses every single day. Sometimes it would be a couple of days before he could go and see them but what he did do was call them every day but it wasn’t what he wanted.

It didn’t seem like they were a real family yet. He wanted to live together with them so he could see them from day to day. Even when he would come home at two in the morning he could go into the girl’s room to kiss them goodnight while the sleep and go to bed with the woman he loves. To make it come true he had already started looking for houses without telling Minah.

As he entered the house he saw the four brand new sleeping bags he had gone out to buy with his girls earlier in the week. He walked around them and headed up the stairs. He heard noises coming from the girl’s room and knocked on the door before going inside.

When he opened the door he saw piles of clothes on top of the tea party table and on every bed. Minah was sitting on Min Ji’s bed next to the pile of clothes tying Min Ji’s hair into a high pony tail. As Jiyong entered she finished it. Min Ji quickly went to him and hugged him “Appa you came.”

“Of course I promised my girls both Umma and I will drop them off but where are the rest of my girls?” Jiyong asked since he didn’t see them in the room and was curious to know where they had gone off to.

“They’re in the closet I’ll go get them.” Min Ji let go of Jiyong and went over to the walk in closet where the other three were.

Once Min Ji left Jiyong turned his attention to Minah. “Did you miss me” he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a small kiss on the lips “that’s my answer.”

Jiyong smiled and pulled away from her so he could see her face. “Now tell me why only Min Ji is ready and the other three are still in the closet.”

Minah laughed at his question. “It’s the first time they are going to school out of uniform so they are worried about what to wear and now…” Minah sighed “… when I come back I have some cleaning up to do.”

Jiyong kissed Minah’s forehead. “Don’t worry I’ll help you.”

“Appa how do I look” Min Young asked.

“Beautiful, you all look beautiful no matter what you wear.”

Min Sun went over to Minah. “Umma can you do my hair like Min Ji?” “Me too” “And me” Min Hee and Min Young said.

Minah quickly began to tie the girl’s hair up not wanting them to be late. “Okay you are all done Min Young now go get your backpack we have to go.”

They each put on their backpack and walked out of the house to the van. Jiyong followed behind them carrying their sleeping bags. He put them inside the van and got into the driver’s seat.

Minah walked out of the house and locked it. She got into the passenger’s seat next to Jiyong and he started driving towards the girls’ school.


When they arrived a lot of parents were already there dropping off their children. The girls became even more excited and quickly got out of the van once it stopped moving. They stoo

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Chapter 32: Awww they are so adorable
Heymama #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim..congratzz...loved the story!!! Good job...
14 streak #3
Chapter 32: Second time rereading it and I still loved it!!! Great job!
Chapter 32: Great story....loved reading it....
well done..
Chapter 32: this story is wonderful <3 <3 i like it soooooooooooooooooooo much and i enjoyed reading it ^^
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: I've read this before, and I just can't get enough of it!!! I think the last time I read it, authornim didn't put up the subscribers only thingy on ^^ Regardless, I really like this story very much!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
YoungRukaBae_x #7
Chapter 32: Aww this story is so good :) so addictive I love it
Chapter 3: How can a four year old child drink coffee? is that allowed in Korea?
MeowMeowKitty554 #9
Chapter 26: Hannah is psycho! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much
Chapter 32: kudos! loved g dragon , now more than EvEr