Chapter 12: Appa?

Fashion and Fame 2
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It was five in the morning when Min Young finally decided she had waited long enough. All night she couldn’t sleep knowing that the next day she was going to be able to see her Appa. She was excited and didn’t need sleep so she got up and started to get dressed.

She then opened the door to her room gently and closed it behind her very softly not wanting anyone else to wake up.

Hyemi exited her room and saw the back of one of the girls as she closed the door. “Oh what are you doing up so early?”

Min Young turned around to face Hyemi and smiled. “I woke up early so I could get ready to go somewhere.”

“By yourself?” Hyemi asked.

Min Young shook her head then began counting the people on her fingers as she named them. “I’m going with Umma, Min Hee, Min Sun, and Min Ji.”

“Ah okay but you do know it is still very early right? The sun hasn’t even fully woken up.”

“I know I just wanted a head start. Are you leaving already?” Min Young asked as she saw Hyemi had a suitcase in her hands.

“Yeah I’m going to go see my Appa this week since I won’t be able to see him next weekend because of the fashion show.”

Hearing how Hyemi was also going to see her Appa made Min Young feel even more special. She felt she could relate to her and knew the feeling of going to see their Appa. “I understand, have fun with your Appa. I’m going to wake up Umma.”

Hyemi nodded and took her suitcase downstairs ready to leave for the weekend.

Min Young entered Minah’s room and tip toed over to her bed. She struggled to get on top of the high bed but once she was finally on top she started to poke Minah’s cheeks.

Minah began to move her face away making Min Young giggle. Hearing Min Young’s giggle Minah opened her eyes and was surprised to see a fully dressed Min Young next to her. “Why are you up so early Min Young?”

“We’re going to see Appa today I couldn’t sleep.”

“Min Young we aren’t going until the afternoon when he is done with filming. We still have a lot of time for you to sleep.” Minah sat up and embraced Min Young. “Now sleep with Umma for a while.”

“Okay…” Min Young got comfortable under the covers and got closer to Minah. Feeling comfortable next to her Umma Min Young fell asleep almost instantly.

Minah giggled seeing the peacefull sleeping face of her daughter sleeping next to her. She kissed her cheek and went back to sleep.


Min Young’s eyes fluttered open as the sun hit her face. She sat up and rubbed her eyes so she could fully open them. When she looked next to her Minah wasn’t there.

She quickly got out and saw the door to her room was open. She entered and saw her Umma was helping her sisters get dressed. “Are we leaving now?”

Min Hee who was helping Min Ji put on her coat turned to Min Young. “Yeah we are going to leave soon. Umma said to let you sleep a little longer.”

Minah finished tying a pink patterned scarf on Min Sun’s wrist and stood up. “Okay let’s get going.”

Min Young quickly ran downstairs and to the front door. She was the most excited one of the girls knowing the whole reason why they were going to see Jiyong.


Once they arrived MInah kep

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Chapter 32: Awww they are so adorable
Heymama #2
Chapter 32: Author-nim..congratzz...loved the story!!! Good job...
14 streak #3
Chapter 32: Second time rereading it and I still loved it!!! Great job!
Chapter 32: Great story....loved reading it....
well done..
Chapter 32: this story is wonderful <3 <3 i like it soooooooooooooooooooo much and i enjoyed reading it ^^
cheekylittlechubba #6
Chapter 32: I've read this before, and I just can't get enough of it!!! I think the last time I read it, authornim didn't put up the subscribers only thingy on ^^ Regardless, I really like this story very much!!!

Great job authornim :D :D
YoungRukaBae_x #7
Chapter 32: Aww this story is so good :) so addictive I love it
Chapter 3: How can a four year old child drink coffee? is that allowed in Korea?
MeowMeowKitty554 #9
Chapter 26: Hannah is psycho! I don't think I've ever hated a character so much
Chapter 32: kudos! loved g dragon , now more than EvEr