Love Confession!

No matter what I will still Continue loving you! ~


Maecy arrived..

"Mrs.Lee your late!!!" -Mrs.Chang said to Maecy.

*bowed 90 degrees* Mianhae seonsaengnim! I didn't notice the time. I would not do it again.-Maecy said then she suddenly got interest with her shoes.She sit beside her SFG unnies.

"okay~ now lets continue...We all know we have our dancing Prince and Princess! and that's Taemin and Sulli. But don't worry guys they can be change. So let's start! "

*everyone showed their dancing skills and now it's Maecy's turn*

She showed her flexibility with the MBLAQ's Cry...She've been dancing with all of her emotions somewhat like she really feels the song.Everyone's jaw dropped.They've all been impressed by her dancing skills. Even her SFG unnies been suprised they didn't know she had this side.

"It seems like we needed to change our Dancing Princess from Sulli to Maecy! Congratulations~ Mrs. Lee...But we still have the same Dancing Prince and that's Taemin.So Good Luck everyone...


"Everyone would show their talent in singing.Okay..So now let's start!"

After Sulli sing.

"Your good Ssul-ah but of course you need to improve more.Your not showing anything new to us.You need to impress as is that okay?"-Mr.Dal said.

Now its's Maecy's turn.

"Good Job Maecy-ah! GREAT one. I like your voice it is somewhat unique compare to others."

"*bow* kamsa hamnida seonsaengnim!"

"Now! i'll partner all of you.And tomorrow you needed to perform with each other okay?! Luna with Krystal,Key with Jjong,Onew with Victoria,Minho with Sulli and Taemin with Maecy!"


SHINee decided to eat with SFG and Maecy.Taemin sitted beside Maecy to talk to her.

"Annyeong! Congratulations~ for being the Dancing Princess.."-Taemin said trying to delight Maecy's world.He knew she was still thinking about what happened earlier.

Maecy didn't answer.

"Mae, don't be like this! just don't think about what hapened. We belive in you Maecy-ah!"-Taemin said with a concern tone with a bit anger because he didn't want seeing Maecy in this mood.

"Kamsa Hamnida for believing!"-Maecy said. And finally she lifted her head.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THERE'S NO CHICKEN ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-(guess who?! haha, of course ONEW)

then fell on the floor.

(Everybody been awkward)

"Oh, Everything he does it's Onew's Condition!"-Key said trying to delight everyone.

*Everyone Laugh*

(Taemin and Maecy got their own conversation)

"So Mae what do you want us to sing tomorrow for Music?"

"hmm....I like it when you sing My Everything.I think It can also fit my voice.If it's okay I like to sing that with you Oppa~"

(While the other SHINee members and SFG comforts Onew!)

To comfort him they did Chicken dance while Onew do his Donald Duck.(haha! when I imagine this I always cracks up laughing so hard.Owh,come on just deal with it guys..haha ^_^ it's only fiction.)

SFG distributed Maecy's invitations. And F(x) got one too.

"HA!!!!!!!!!! did she just invited us to her birthday?! wow!!! she's just so strong!!!!"-Sulli shouted with anger.

"Oh, come on Ssul don't you think it's a good thing. We can ruin her Special Day. And I also knew she invited all of the students.The more the happier right?! The more she suffer..."-Krystal said.

"Guys are you crazy that's one of her special day! Then we will ruin it?!"-Amber said with a dissagreement.

"YESS! we will. What's going on with you Amber ha?! dont tell us your protecting that !!!"-Victoria said.

"Of Course nott!"

RESTROOM scene again....(haha! I always like this one!)

Sulli is in the restroom when Maecy got in. Sulli faced Maecy and said.

"You're already too much!!! You stole everything from me.Then you have the courage to invite us to your party you !"

"Sulli-ah!!! Im not steeling anything from you and most of all don't call me or in any names.I have my own name so call me in that. And about the party if you don't want to go then don't. know ones forcing ya know?!"

"SO!!! your answering me now ~ wae?! because your friend with my SHINee Oppas ha?!"

*Sulli pulled Maecy's hair and pulled her outside.Maecy fight back*

"Its not because of them. It's just that your already too much!!!!!" still pulling each others hair.

*Sulli slapped Maecy*

Students surrounded them.SHINee, SFG and F(x) tried to stop both of them. But they dont want to let go of each other.

"You stole my SHINee Oppas from me!!!!"

"I told you Im not steeling anything from you!!!!"


Maecy lost the forced because of what Sulli said. Thats why she've been pushed by her and fell down the ground.

"SO THE TRUTH COMES OUT YOU REALLY LIKE HIM!!!!"-Sulli said. While trying to attack Maecy again. But F(x) members stopped her.




did you like itt??? or its lame?? mianhae if it's lame but I tried my best.:(

Do you think Taemin mean what he said or he just wanted to protect Maecy that's why he said that?

hmmmmmmmm??? what do you think so CHINGGUS??? ha?!

If you wanted to know what happened next


i'll appreciate it! plsss ^_^

KAMSA HAMNIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Serenity_20 #1
Chapter 32: I've just begin your story and i really like it don't be discourage I hope you update soon
14 streak #2
Noooo!? You must not delete this!!! This is an awesome story!! Continue updating!!! Hwaiting!! V(^.^)V
Dont delte!! Me lurv dis and i need 2 know wahs gonna happen!! Update soon and Kamsahamnida!! Its an amazing story so far and yeah dont think nobody is reading this because there are many people that dont want you to delete this!!!
JEBAL JEBAL JEBAL JEBAL JEBAL. update soon :D kamsahamnida. and dont think that no one is reading your fanfic. cause its really good .
New Reader Please don't delete this story <br />
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i really love your story so please UPDATE SOON !! >.<
nging buhay ko to saeng! haha! alm mo kung pno ko nahanap tong dhil sa storriii na to :) hahaha ! promis!
Blingerzxc #7
I want more... Keke^^ Nice story... Hope you don't delete the story! Hwaiting!^^
gonqzhu #8
OMGG UPDATE SOON PLZ...thankyouu n_n
please dongsaeng ! dont delete it.. its nice kaya ! ill support u saeng !! ara? :))