
If Only You Knew

A/N: HEY GUYS ! Long time no read ! I'm sorry, I've just been so busy with school for the past 3 months (that's always my excuse isn't it? ): ). It's a short chapter, but the next chapter will be longer, I promise (: Hope you guys didn't forget about this fanfic, 'cause it's not finished yet ! During this winter break, I will try my best to finish writing this fanfic, and upload the ending. For now, please enjoy this fresh-off-MS WORD chapter :D


Aerin’s POV

I sat down on the same old park bench that accompanied me whenever I was down.  The evening breeze felt cool against my still burning hot cheeks.  I guess I shouldn’t have lost my temper to Yoseob like that.  Feeling guilty, a soft sigh escaped my lips as I looked up into the starry night sky.

My eyes closed as I made out a picture of how my future would look if I went to UBC.  I saw myself graduating university with outstanding marks, and coming out to having a great job.  When I imagined myself with a future as a pop star at Cube Entertainment, my lips unknowingly lifted into a smile.  In my imagination, I was standing on stage in front of a vast audience.  After performing, the crowd gave me a standing ovation.  The darkness of the crowd was lit up by flashing cameras and neon signs with my name engraved on them.

I snapped out of my fantasy.  Gripping tightly onto the professionally-printed business card, I have decided what I want to do with my future.


The next day, I was sitting on my bed folding laundry when the doorbell rang.  I heard muttered greetings and chatter, but I ignored it and kept folding.  Not long after, someone knocked on my bedroom door.  When I went to open it, there was no one there.  However a few seconds later, Yoseob poked out from behind the wall, holding a single rose in his hand.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized in his sweet voice and showed me his cutest puppy dog face.

I sighed in defeat, and took the rose from his hand with a smile.  “You’re lucky I like roses.”  I plopped myself back onto my bed, and began to fold laundry again while Yoseob trailed behind me happily.

 “I’m sorry that I made you choose between UBC and Cube Entertainment.”  He said with a sincere voice and a guilty but sad look in his eyes.  “I’m sorry I didn’t consider your feelings.  It’s your life, so you get to choose what you want to do with it.  I’ll side with you no matter what.”

“Don’t worry, I already picked where I want to go for my future.”  I didn’t look into Yoseob’s eyes.  But I could feel his intense look with curiosity as he picked up a shirt from the laundry basket and began folding.

I could tell Yoseob was hesitating on whether or not to ask me about my decision.  Finally, after 2 minutes of dreadful silence, he spoke.

“So… what’s your decision?”

“You’ll see on the day of graduation.”  I gave him a quick wink, and patted my neatly-folded clothes to get ready to put into my drawer.

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I loved it!!!
wah..sequel plz..
nice story.
i really fall in love with seobie in this story...huhuhu
hope i can find a guy like seobie...
b2utylove57 #3
Just finished :) Yoseob was so cute and sweet in this story <3 Aww, I wish Yoona told Kikwang at the end..But great job! :D
beastybeauty #4
you haven't updated in about a year...i've forgotten everything and will have to read it over.
yolandarvs #5
I bet she will do it amazingly!! Aerin eonni, hwaiting!!
cakelover22 #6
sing aerin!!! ;DDD
yolandarvs #7
New subscriber!!
Poor Kikwang :((
cakelover22 #9
kikwang ;(