
If Only You Knew

A/N: Sorry to make you guys wait so long!  I've been really busy lately ><  Finishing up some drama-watching, starting some anime-watching, and brainstorming for future chapters.  Thanks for being patient with me guys (:  Hope you'll enjoy this next chapter ~


Aerin’s POV

While tears were dribbling down my cheeks, my eyes locked on the silver charm bracelet.  I couldn’t believe that Yoseob would do that for me.  Knowing how much I wanted to get my bracelet back, despite already having a cold, he ate 5 tubs of bucket-sized ice cream for me, and now he was sick in the hospital with a high fever.

“Aerin-ah!  Do you want green tea or coke?”  Doojoon’s voice was getting louder as his footsteps were approaching.

Without a word, I closed the purple box and raced out the room, passing Doojoon, with the box still tightly clutched in my hand.  Smoothly, I picked up my bag from the edge of the stairs and slung it over my shoulders.

“Aerin-ah!”  He called out to me, but his voice quickly faded when I stepped out of the door.

Running as fast as my legs could take me, I arrived at the hospital.  The guys weren’t waiting outside Yoseob’s room anymore.  Guess they decided to go down to the cafeteria for some food.  The wind had blown my tears dry, but my eyes started to water again once I walked in the room, seeing Yoseob lying there – just the same as we had left him an hour ago.

“Why would you do this?”  I asked his still body, at first with an angry tone, but then it transitioned into a hurt one.  My legs trembled, causing me to fall on the floor beside his bed.  “I don’t want the bracelet.  I just want you to wake up!”

When I placed my hand on his arm to nudge him, his skin was burning hot.  Yoseob’s neat eyebrows seemed to tighten between his eyes, his whole face was pale, and sweat droplets formed on his forehead.  I quickly brought in a towel and small tub of warm water, and slightly wet the towel to wipe his face with.  Once I patted his face with the warmth-filled towel, the knot between his eyes loosened.

“I’m sorry.”  Along with an apologetic whisper, I leaned in and gently kissed Yoseob’s forehead.  My eyes couldn’t help but release more hurtful tears which splattered onto Yoseob’s pale-white face.

Yoseob’s POV

My vision gradually cleared as I opened my eyes to the ceiling of a hospital room.  My head rolled around onto my right side, spotting a needle taped to my wrist, which was connected by a tube to a hanging bag of clear liquid.  When I turned to my left side, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Aerin was sleeping, with her head rested on her arms, leaning her body on the side of the hospital bed from a visitor’s chair.  Her face was towards me, as beautiful as an angel.  I lifted my hand, unknowingly, to brush a lock of hair from her face.

Aerin’s eyes fluttered opened, and a small yawn escaped her lips.  “Yoseob?”  She got up to stretch. 

How long had she been sleeping here?  How long had I been sleeping?

“You’re awake!  Are you still feeling sick?”  Her continuous babbles made me smile, even though it was a weak smile.  She pressed her hand on my forehead.  “Your fever’s gone!”

“Yup.”  I let out a soft whisper and another weak smile.  Before I could manage to say anything more, Aerin ran out of the room.  Before I could question in my head, I heard the guys’ excited voices, and then Aerin re-entered in my room again.

“The guys are going to go get the doctor.”  After a split second of silence, Aerin’s perky tone suddenly changed into an angry one, and all traces of relief in her eyes had been replaced with worry.  “How could you do this?!  How could you do this to all of us?!  How could you do this to me?”  The last line came out as a whisper.

“What are you talking about?”  As if my strength all of a sudden came back to me, my voice was no longer faint.

“The lollipop and the note.  It was you who gave it to me.”  There was no doubt in her voice, as if she was confirming while already knowing the answer.

“Yeah–” Before I could say anything else, Aerin hit me with another question.

“Why did you get it back for me?!”  I was confused at what she was talking about until I saw her head tilt slightly away.  By following her gaze, my eyes landed on a familiar purple gift box that stood on the counter beside my bed.  The bracelet.  Everything flushed back to me as a wave of memories.

“I knew how much you wanted it back.  And since you couldn’t get it back, I did it for you.  I promised, remember?”

“But if it meant that you would get sick, why would you still do it?!”  Her eyes welled up before the tears started trickling down like a stream.

“I promised you, ‘Whatever it takes, I will help you get it back.’”  I couldn’t understand what I did wrong.  I wanted to see Aerin happy, so I retrieved her bracelet.  I promised her that I would, and I did.  Why was she being so mad at me?

The volume along with the anger in her voice rose.  “I don’t want your promises!  Stop being so nice to me!  It’s only going to mislead me into thinking that you like me!”

My voice overruled hers.  “But I do like you!

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I loved it!!!
wah..sequel plz..
nice story.
i really fall in love with seobie in this story...huhuhu
hope i can find a guy like seobie...
b2utylove57 #3
Just finished :) Yoseob was so cute and sweet in this story <3 Aww, I wish Yoona told Kikwang at the end..But great job! :D
beastybeauty #4
you haven't updated in about a year...i've forgotten everything and will have to read it over.
yolandarvs #5
I bet she will do it amazingly!! Aerin eonni, hwaiting!!
cakelover22 #6
sing aerin!!! ;DDD
yolandarvs #7
New subscriber!!
Poor Kikwang :((
cakelover22 #9
kikwang ;(