Facing Him

If Only You Knew

Aerin’s POV

“You walk so slow!”  I called out to Yoseob, who was a few metres behind me.

I had to show him that I was fine for him not to worry about me, so I danced and hopped on our way to Doojoon’s house, turning back every so often to give him a big grin.

“Oh yeah?  Fine, let’s race to Doojoon’s then.”  Yoseob suggested as he gave me a smile that was reeling me into a challenge.

Unable to bow down to a challenge, I quickly agreed.  “Don’t be sorry when I beat you there!”  Without even waiting for Yoseob’s reaction, I picked up my feet and ran like the wind.

I never mentioned to Yoseob that I was a runner.  Ever since Gr. 5 when I decided to try out for track and field 400m dash and made it, I’ve been on my school’s track team for that event every year.  My head turned back to see where Yoseob was just when I turned a corner, and clumsily, my left arm accidently bumped against the wall, hitting my bracelet.  Yikes, I hope I didn’t scratch it.  After passing by a few more houses, Doojoon’s house came into view, but something – or rather someone – was beside it, waving at me.

“What took you so long?”  Yoseob’s big smile flashed me when I reached Doojoon’s driveway.

“How could you have been here already?”  I was panting and trying to get the words out of my mouth between every breath.  “I didn’t even see you when I looked back.”

“Well you should have looked in front, ‘cause I was ahead of you.”

It didn’t make any sense.  I took off first, and I didn’t see him pass by me on my whole way here.  But I was too tired to argue with him.  Winter’s made me soft.

We got inside.  As usual, Doojoon’s door was unlocked, welcoming us at any time.  I took a deep breath as we stepped downstairs to the basement.

Yoseob’s POV

Before we even said “Ready, set, go” Aerin had already flew off like the wind.  I never knew she was so fast.  The snowy winter ground did not seem to slow down her pace.  Now I knew there was no way I could outrun her at this rate, but then an idea popped in my mind and ran around a corner after seeing Aerin going straight.

I never mentioned to Aerin that there was a shortcut to Doojoon’s house.  I guess she had always taken the long route there.  I began running there, and after turning a few more corners, I saw Doojoon’s house.  Looking around, I was relieved that Aerin hadn’t arrived yet.  Who knows, her running could’ve been like lightning and beat me there even by running the long route.  I stood casually on Doojoon’s driveway and waited for her to arrive.

“What took you so long?”  I flashed her a big smile when she finally reached Doojoon’s driveway.

“How could you have been here already?”  She was panting with her hands on her knees, and trying to talk between every breath.  “I didn’t even see you when I looked back.”

“Well you should have looked in front, ‘cause I was ahead of you.”

Aerin seemed confused, but she didn’t end up arguing with me about it, and easily gave in.

Doojoon’s POV

The guys discussed the great night they had yesterday while I sat in utter silence, thinking about what Yoseob had told me this morning.

“Aerin likes Kikwang?!”  I practically shouted, but luckily my mom and dad were out.  “Since when?!”

“Well, one day while you guys were rehearsing downstairs, Aerin and I were chatting in the kitchen.  She told me that she likes one of us, and that someone is Kikwang.”

I saw the sadness and disappointment that welled up inside Yoseob as we spoke.

“Did you tell her that you like her?”

“No.  I didn’t want to risk our friendship.  But when she told me that she likes someone in BEAST, I immediately wanted to tell her, until she told me she likes Kikwang.”

Poor kid.  I’ve never seen Yoseob get so upset about a girl before.  From the way he looks at Aerin, I could also tell that he feels something deeper than a simple crush.

“She was heartbroken yesterday when she was ready to confess to Kikwang, but he had gone to Yoona before she could even say a word.”  Yoseob explained bit by bit to me about what happened last night.  “She ran out in the middle of the dance after seeing them together.”

No wonder I didn’t see Yoseob or Aerin after.  I thought Yoseob had pulled her away from the banquet hall to confess to her.

“Which reminds me.  Did you bring back Aerin’s jacket from the dance?”  Yoseob all of mentioned.  “I couldn’t leave her alone, and I knew she didn’t want to go back to face Kikwang.”

“Oh yeah.”  I got up from the couch we were sitting on and went to my coat closet to fetch Aerin’s snow white jacket.  “Is she still coming to our rehearsal today?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going over to her house later to return the jacket, and see how she’s doing.”  Yoseob got up and took the jacket when I handed it to him.  “Thanks hyung.”

“No problem.  Please make sure she’s okay.”  After all that Yoseob’s said, I was worried about Aerin.  I wondered how she was at the moment.  Hopefully I’ll see her later in the afternoon.

My heart relaxed when I saw Yoseob and Aerin come down the stairs to the basement.  The others immediately quiet down after seeing them, but quickly greeted the two happily, except for Kikwang.  He and Yoseob eyed each other with severe intensity, and I could feel the invisible tension that was going on between them.  Which reminded me, Kikwang’s lip was bleeding when he returned to our table after dancing with Yoona last night.  Now seeing the strain between the two, I came to realize that Yoseob had hit Kikwang – aside from me, he is Yoseob’s best bud – because of Aerin.

I sneaked a glance at Aerin, and I could tell she was trying to avoid looking at Kikwang.  There was a hurtful look in her eyes.  It must’ve been hard to see the guy you like fall for another girl.

Yoseob’s POV

Finally for what felt like forever, I broke the gaze between me and Kikwang.  Anger broiled up inside me just thinking how hurt he made Aerin feel last night.  But I tried to lighten the mood in the room and got to the point.

“Ready to practice guys?”  I said it with the lightest tone I could.

Dongwoon gave me a smile and nodded, as the others began to set up our equipment.  Dongwoon has always been the easiest-going one among us six.  He just always seems to be full of smiles.

I was about to hook up my microphone when Aerin tugged onto my jacket sleeve like a little kid calling for her dad.  “I can’t stay long today, because I still have to help my mom with some things later.”

I gave her an understanding smile, and settled her down on the couch she always sat on during our rehearsals.

Aerin’s POV

My ears weren’t even listening to the guys’ singing, and my brain was not paying attention to their dance moves either.  Though my eyes couldn’t help but wander around the room – I always did this when I’m nervous – and I just happened to land my eyes on Kikwang.  His head was slightly tilted downward to the floor even while he’s practicing his dance moves, but jerked up immediately when he saw me looking at him, and gave me an encouraging smile.  I replied him with a slight smile, and then quickly looked away.  It hurt too much.

During break time, I told the guys I had to go, and just before I headed upstairs, I decided to take one last look at Kikwang.  He was in a corner staring hard into his phone, and had an anxious look on his face.  Not long after, he bid the others goodbye as well, saying he had to go, but did not leave a reason.  He nodded politely at me as he dashed up the stairs past me.  Why did he leave so urgently?


A/N: Sorry took so long! Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! Much love, Aerinnie ~

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I loved it!!!
wah..sequel plz..
nice story.
i really fall in love with seobie in this story...huhuhu
hope i can find a guy like seobie...
b2utylove57 #3
Just finished :) Yoseob was so cute and sweet in this story <3 Aww, I wish Yoona told Kikwang at the end..But great job! :D
beastybeauty #4
you haven't updated in about a year...i've forgotten everything and will have to read it over.
yolandarvs #5
I bet she will do it amazingly!! Aerin eonni, hwaiting!!
cakelover22 #6
sing aerin!!! ;DDD
yolandarvs #7
New subscriber!!
Poor Kikwang :((
cakelover22 #9
kikwang ;(