
Something About You



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and sorry for the wait >.<


i want to finish this story before i continue with the other ones so ive been slaving my brain for chapters hahah :P


but this story is ending soon D: SO SAD !




 You were out on the beach. You stared at the blue sea in doubt. Was it actually blue? Was it as calming as it seemed? Nothing about this time was calming. Whenever you opened your eyes, all you could see was darkness. 


 You remembered how he looked at you the day he killed three of your best friends. Your mind was racing through the past events that would change your life forever. Even now, everything was going to change. 


 Taemin was dead. Ae cha was dead. And Taeyeon was dead. You hated thinking about it. Your mind would travel on and on. Everyone was still depressed from what happened, you understood why. Why wouldn’t you be depressed? Friends and loved ones were dead


 “Yah, Min ah!” You heard Onew call to you from far away.


 “Min ah, what are you doing?” Minho asked in worry.


 You looked at them in confusion and then turned and faced them. You said nothing. All you wanted was to be left alone. You wanted to figure everything out, on your own. You had to kill Key. Something you never thought you would have to do.


 Why was it that everyone was worrying about you more than themselves? You could take care of yourself. It was the others you were worried about. He had already killed three of them. Who says he can’t take out the rest?


 “What do you two want?” You asked staring at the two of them.

 They said nothing, you continued waiting, but still they just stared at you. You wanted them to stop staring. It wasn’t like you had changed in any way. Your appearance was exactly the same... It was just your expression. It was always...blank.

 Jonghyun walked out moments later and just stared at the scene. He never realized how sad you looked. Ever since Key had killed Ae cha, he couldn’t bare to even look at you. 

 “Min ah, we just want to help...” Onew was saying until you cut him off.

 “Help me with what?! Killing Key?! Sorry, I can’t risk anyone else dying!” You yelled at him. The anger was just taking over you. You weren’t angry at all actually. You were upset, you were hurting. You didn’t want this to happen,

 You look over the ocean again. It seemed to be getting rougher. A storm was coming. What did it mean? You knew Key’s eomma could create natural disasters. So did that mean Key could too?

 “Min.” You heard a voice from behind you.

 “Taemin.” You replied quietly.

 He wasn’t really there, and you knew that. You just wanted to believe that there was some way you could bring them all back. But even through research, you found no way. So how was it possible that Taemin, Taeyeon, and Ae cha were all always hanging around you. No one else could see them... So you came up with the conclusion that you had finally gone insane...

 “MIN YOU CAN SEE ME!!!!!!!!” He yelled at you excitedly.

 You stare at him wide eyed. “NO I CAN’T, GO AWAY!” You yelled back at him and ran away. 

 Onew, Jonghyun, and Minho all stared after you in confusion. “Has she finally lost it?” Jonghyun asked thoughtfully.

 “...Probably.” Onew stated chuckling to himself.

 “Maybe we should go check on her...?” Minho asked worriedly.

 “Ah no, if I know something about my cousin, it’s that she can take care of herself! Even if she is going insane...” Onew said obviously.

 Meanwhile you were in your room trying your hardest to ignore Taemin. ‘I didn’t realize how annoying he was...!’ You thought sighing to yourself.

 “I AM NOT ANNOYING!” He yelled at you making you jump and fall off the bed.

 You stared at him. Why did this always happen to you? You were staring at the wall for a moment, wondering what the hell Taemin was. He wasn’t alive...but then again, he never was! But was he a ghost?

 “Ahh, I dunno what I am.” Taemin told you thoughtfully. 

 You stared at him for moment. He didn’t even know what he was! You looked down at the ground for a moment. The question was...why could you see him but no one else could?

 “Taemin, where are you?” You asked in him thought.

 “I’m...in Key’s ocean house????” He stated obviously.

 You sigh in annoyance. “YAH WHY DID KEY KILL ME ANYWAYS? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO HIM???? I mean, I was mean to you when he asked me to be and everything!” He told you pouting.

 “Thanks Taemin..” 

 He gave you an innocent look and then began to fade away. You grab onto his shirt and keep him in front of you.

 “Where do you go when you fade like that?” You asked curiously.

 He looked at you for a moment and then shrugged. And then he faded away. You didn’t understand what was going on, but you had to find out. You heard a knock on your door, and instantly you stood and answered it.

 You stare at Tiffany. Her eyes were red and puffy. You knew she was crying. It had been a while since you had seen her like that. It had been almost two months since Key came in on his rampage. None of you had heard from him since. Everyone hated that it was this way, people dying, people leaving, people being in danger. You hated it the most.

 “I saw Taemin..!” She sobbed into your shoulder. 

 You stare at her in shock. ‘Is that where he went when he faded? To Tiffany?’ You thought looking at the ground. Did it mean that they weren’t really dead but more in a limbo type area? 

 Could you get them back?


 Key’s eomma was sitting in the dining hall waiting for her blood to be served. She was becoming more and more impatient with knowing that soon her son would be back with good or bad news. She was waiting for him, but he was taking too long!

 The second she heard the door open she went flying over to her son. “What did they say about your appa? How did he die?” She asked him pretending to care.

 He looked down and didn’t say anything. Did that mean he found out? 

 “They said there’s no trace.” She looked at him sorrily. “They also said that it was someone with experience...” 

 “I don’t understand why anyone would want to kill your father! He was...such a good man!” She said lying through her teeth. 

 Anyone who knew her knew she was an excellent liar. She could murder someone and get away with it. Which she had already done. She hugged her poor son, knowing he was broken. She could manipulate him again...

 “Maybe it was...Min.” She told him thoughtfully.

 “But how could she possibly do it? She was never in the castle!” Key said knowing.

 She thought for a moment and then smirked to herself. “Maybe she can manipulate people’s minds to make them think they’re doing the right thing. She never did tell you all her abilities...”

 He took in the information and automatically agreed. He knew you’d do something like this! He knew he never should’ve trusted you. He stared over at the picture of him and his appa. How could someone so evil exist. He needed to get rid of you. 

 His eomma wouldn’t let him kill you yet though. He didn’t understand why, but she always said that it just wasn’t time yet. Did that mean that he wasn’t ready? Because he surely felt ready. So what was making his eomma think he wasn’t?

 She smiled at him and put her arm around his waist. “Kibum, you know I love you. And I’m going to tell you now...soon will be your time you kill her, I promise.”

 He smirked and then walked away from her to his room. He didn’t really care about her, he just wanted you dead. And he would do anything to do that. And now that it was your fault that his appa was dead too, he had no mercy for you.

 As he walked into his room he noticed someone was following him. It bothered him, but he ignored it and continued.

 “Hey, .” He heard a familiar voice call to him. 

 He turned around and his eyed widened. Wasn’t she dead? Ae cha stood across from him smirking evilly. She walked up to him and slapped him right across the face. He realized that it actually hurt

 “What the hell?” He asked angrily.

 “What? You have something to say? You’re the one who killed me remember!” She yelled at him in annoyance.

 His eyes widened. He looked down at the ground. He knew he killed three of his friends, but it needed to be done, they were just getting in the way. He couldn’t see any other way to get rid of them...

 Key was about to say something when Ae cha slapped him again. He was in shock. If she was dead, how could she hurt him? She wanted to hit him even harder, but she couldn’t because she didn’t have enough energy. She hated him for what he did, but she also knew that he was only doing this because of his eomma! She hated her!

 “Ae cha, how are you here?” He asked her in confusion.

 “Wouldn’t you love to know?” She stated smirking.


 “What makes you think it was her?”

 “Because she’s the reason for all of this!”

 “What do you mean?”

 He stared at her angrily. Can she even say that she didn’t know about his appa’s death? Ae cha was your best friend, he knew you told her everything, even things you didn’t tell him! “She killed my appa.” He told her sadly.

 “What? No she didn’t!” Ae cha defended you. 

 She didn’t know anything about you killing Key’s appa. And she was positive that you would never do anything like that. You liked Key’s appa, so she couldn’t see a reason of why you would want to kill him! She sighed in annoyance and then smacked him again. But this time her arm went right through him.

 “.” She said quietly.

 “Hah, guess that doesn’t last forever.” He smirked. “Look at you trying to defend her. She didn’t even try to save you!”


 “Hah, yeah you wish.”

 Ae cha then disappeared from in front of him. He stared at the spot where she disappeared from and then sighed. He was annoyed, why was everyone trying to make you seem like a better person than you were? He hated you for that too!

 “Why is she so perfect?!” He yelled angrily.

 He heard a quiet laugh. He spun around and noticed future Min behind him. He glared at her and stared into her eyes. All he saw was worry. Why? Why was she here? 

 “I’m not perfect! I mean, LOOK AT ME!” She said to him rolling her eyes.

 “Yeah, you’re right. You’re fat...” 

 “I AM NOT!” 

 “Look at you!”


 Then she slapped him. 

 ‘Why do I keep getting slapped today?’ Key thought in annoyance.

 Future Min stared at him for a moment and then hugged him. Her eyes beginning to tear. He then sent her flying across the room into the wall. He stared at her with venomous eyes. He hated her. He hated everything about her, and everything about you.

 “Aren’t you wondering why I’m here?” She asked softly.

 “No, I want you to get out.”

 “And if I don’t?”

 “I’ll kill you too.”

 She knew he was warning her. But if everything wasn’t fixed in the past, there was no future for her to go back to anyways. She didn’t care if she died, as long as you were safe. She gave him a warning look and stared at him in worry.

 It didn’t work on him. He didn’t care about her anymore. He took one look at her and then snapped her neck. 

 “I warned you.”


 You screamed in shock and sat up in horror. Did that just happen? Did Key really just kill future Min? You felt a pain inside you. She was dead. A part of you was dead. The tears fell down your cheeks as Minho came into your room in shock. Jonghyun followed behind him feeling the pain coming from you.

 “Yah, Min what’s wrong?” Jonghyun asked in worry.

 “Future Min...Key. He killed her.” You stated wide eyed. 

 The two of them gasped in shock. You stared at the bed emotionless. They were worried now. If he could kill future Min, did that mean that he could also kill you


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Chapter 29: Can I creY OMG THIS IS SO WELL WRITTEN!!
Key is y wuhhuuuu LOLOLOL
I really like your writing style, fighting! ^_^
Lucy97 #2
Chapter 29: This story is the best!!!
I read this story in summer,but now i think i will read this again:)
my-life #4
Chapter 28: daebak! Please write more stories like this! ^^
I know I'm super late, but I just dropped by to tell you some things. (: I recently created an aff account, and kept searching for this story! Why? Because it's the first ever fanfiction I read, and it was amazing. I remember reading this some time at the beginning of 2011, and I couldn't stop bawling in so many parts! I was obsessed with it, and this may sound like a lie, but I read this 6 times, and barely got sick of it. You're an amazing writer, thank you for this memorable story. It really inspired me to write too, and because of this story you wrote, I continued to read many fanfics over the past year or so. x
This story was truly amazing, like seriously this could have been made into a book/novel. Iv read a lot of vampire novels like (Vampire kisses, Twilight, House of Night and etc..) And as good as this story was this would have been a very successful book. But anyway this was the first vampire fanfic that I have read and finished and compared to the other ones I'm sure that this story took first place. Thanks for letting me read such a great Fanfic. Also this story was very fun and it took me on a lot of emotional rides; Your a great Writer :-)
devinapurwadi #7
I love it, you're amaizing! Haha. Thx for the great story, I really enjoy reading it :)
GingerP0P #8
New reader here :) Beautful story. LOVE IT <3