Chapter 27

Mr. Wolf or Mr. Zombie?
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Chanyeol picked Hyejung up for going to school together the next day, and the next day, and the next day. Simplely, he picked Hyejung up almost everyday. Yes, it was almost because sometimes Hyejung insisted to go with Taemin. Chanyeol couldn’t help him self but to grow annoyed at the thought of Hyejung go to school with Taemin. Then he would just calmed him self down by saying that Taemin was JUST her brother.

It was a rare sunny Friday in January. Well, winter hadn’t gone yet so it’s so rare to meet a sunny day these day. Hyejung sat on her seat in literature class. Her attention was so occupied by the teacher explaination when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Silently she looked at her phone and noticed there was a message. From Chanyeol. Absentmindedly her lips curved up.

Meet me after school in school gate. Don’t forget to tell your mother that you’ll be home late and have dinner outside – Chanyeol

“What? He never ask me for dinner and just order me around?” Hyejung frowned silently as Chanyeol never mentioned to ask her dinner tonight but she admited that she was excited at the dinner.




Hyejung frowned. She checked her watch occasionally. Chanyeol asked her to meet him after school. but she had waited for him for about half an hour and there was no sign of him. The students slowly getting fewer and another minutes later the school was totally quiet. There were some students, staffs, or teacher for late class but they were all inside the school building. While Hyejung was on the school gate, by her self, chilled at the weather as she didn’t brought any jacket earlier.

The sun was already setted. Hyejung was shivered when suddenly a car stopped in front of her. She recognized that car as Chanyeol’s. She was mad at him for making her waiting too long but she couldn’t stop her self for smiling at Chanyeol’s arrival.

“Sorry, Jungie. There’s something I have to settle first. Am I making you wait too long?” Chanyeol concerned as he strode up to Hyejung. Hyejung tried to put her annoyed face again even though she wasn’t mad anymore.

“Absolutely. How long do you think I’ve waited you here?” Hyejung frowned, at least she tried.

“Errr... almost an hour,” Chanyeol grinned shyly as guilt illustrated on his face.

“Yes and it’s cold,” Hyejung still trying to act angry. She held her laugh hardly when she watched Chanyeol’s guilt expression.

“I’m so sorry, Jungie. Come in. You’ll be frozen if you stand longer here,” Chanyeol opened passanger seat for Hyejung then sat on driver seat him self. Finally Hyejung putted down her guard and laughed loudly. Chanyeol putted a confused expression.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“You have to look at your face earlier, oppa,” Hyejung replied still laughing. Chanyeol groaned.

“That’s no

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Kuro_no_Daisy #1
Chapter 28: And what happened between Taemin and Baeky??? I don't really get this one.
Kuro_no_Daisy #2
Why don't you make a extra chapter about what happened to Baeky/Bacon after this all? I would love if he fall in love with Eunmi! Please!!! *cries* *sobs*, and if those doesnt worked... *puppy eyes* *begging*
Kuro_no_Daisy #3
Chapter 28: Such a sweet ending! It wasn't lame! The funniest thing is because I found out this fanfic when the story was just a foreword. Than everiday from there a chapter apeared. And now It's over... Noooooooooooooooo!!!, it cannot be over like this! I wanna know more about what happened to Baekhyun! I want a happy ending for him too!
This is really nice ^^
Chapter 28: I love the ending! Thanks alot Author nim! Great story! I'm so happy to know this story since her debut and now it's so perfect... *crying* FIGHTING AUTHOR NIM! I'll read your next stories, promise! ^^
Mariam8808 #6
Chapter 28: i love it
and i like the ending :D
Chapter 28: This was a perfect ending <333
I loved it so much
There aren't many Chanyeol fanfics, so I was really happy finding this one ^^
Chapter 27: Fhfyhvkjjfgbkjjcdfgh TwT
This is adorable!!
Chapter 27: I.. LOVE.. IT!!!!! OMG can't wait for the end! Chanyeol is such a romantic boy! I wonder what's he was preparing fir that night! UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM & FIGHTING!!!!!!!