Chapter 18

Mr. Wolf or Mr. Zombie?
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texts on blue is a flashback.

“Hyejung-a, I like you,” younger Baekhyun confessed. He really didn’t look nervous. He’s too confident with his big smile too hear Hyejung’s answer.

“Oppa...” Hyejung’s words lingered on her lips, confused, surprised and felt unsure. “I like you too, oppa...” Baekhyun smiled grew wider, “but just as a brother.” Hyejung last words taken him aback. He was too sure Hyejung would like him back.

Baekhyun couldn’t say anything. He just ran away. Too disappointed, too hurt. When Hyejung went to London two days later he still couldn’t get a grip to meet her.




Baekhyun just held the unconcious Hyejung in his arms. He was holding her in the back seat of his car while Taemin drove the car to nearest hospital. He didn’t say anything since the accident. He just ran after Taemin towards Hyejung, held her, brought her into his car, and just embrace her as he scared of losing her. His minds was too focused to bloody Hyejung. He was too indiferent to his surrounding. It was Taemin who called Hyejung’s mom with Baekhyun phone, led them to Baekhyun’s car and drove them to hospital.

They reached the hospital in no time, thanks to Taemin’s drag skill. Baekhyun unwillingly let Hyejung entering emergency room alone with the doctors and nurses. He wanted to still be her side. He wanted to hold her, to make sure she was okay. But he knew him self that doctor would bring good thing for Hyejung more than him self. Baekhyun just stood in front of the room door againts the wall. His gaze was empty. His mind was far away inside the emergency room. He hoped the best for Hyejung. Nothing could distracted him, even Taemin’s phone call to his mom to inform he’ll be home late, even Hyejung’s mother and sister arrival. He snapped when a doctor came out to face them.

“Hyejung is lack of blood. She needs blood transfusion as soon as possible. Unfortunately, no blood matched hers in our stocks. I hoped there’s her family to donate blood for Hyejung,” the doctor explain as calm as possible. Baekhyun absentmindedly turned his gaze to Hyejung’s mother. She had guilt expression accross her face.

“I... Hyejung... My blood isn’t match with Hyejung either. She had different blood type with me and her sister as well,” she replied nervously. Her tears still streamed on her cheeks.

“Her father? She needs much blood right now or she would be in danger state,” the doctor urged.

“Her father isn’t...” “What’s

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Kuro_no_Daisy #1
Chapter 28: And what happened between Taemin and Baeky??? I don't really get this one.
Kuro_no_Daisy #2
Why don't you make a extra chapter about what happened to Baeky/Bacon after this all? I would love if he fall in love with Eunmi! Please!!! *cries* *sobs*, and if those doesnt worked... *puppy eyes* *begging*
Kuro_no_Daisy #3
Chapter 28: Such a sweet ending! It wasn't lame! The funniest thing is because I found out this fanfic when the story was just a foreword. Than everiday from there a chapter apeared. And now It's over... Noooooooooooooooo!!!, it cannot be over like this! I wanna know more about what happened to Baekhyun! I want a happy ending for him too!
This is really nice ^^
Chapter 28: I love the ending! Thanks alot Author nim! Great story! I'm so happy to know this story since her debut and now it's so perfect... *crying* FIGHTING AUTHOR NIM! I'll read your next stories, promise! ^^
Mariam8808 #6
Chapter 28: i love it
and i like the ending :D
Chapter 28: This was a perfect ending <333
I loved it so much
There aren't many Chanyeol fanfics, so I was really happy finding this one ^^
Chapter 27: Fhfyhvkjjfgbkjjcdfgh TwT
This is adorable!!
Chapter 27: I.. LOVE.. IT!!!!! OMG can't wait for the end! Chanyeol is such a romantic boy! I wonder what's he was preparing fir that night! UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM & FIGHTING!!!!!!!