7 - Dancing Queen -1

Falling In Love


NaYoung’s POV:


”Omo! Are you alright?”

I looked up and saw an amazingly beautiful girl running towards me.

She had long, wavy, light brown gold-ish hair and the front of her hair, was tied in a tot on the top of her head. Her eyebrows where kind of arched, and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. She was wearing a top, that didn’t cover her entire stomach, with loose pants.

‘Wow my gosh! Dayum girl!’ I thought for myself. She was extremely good looking.

She extended her hand out for me to grab. I took it, and tried to stand up. But since my foot was hurting so much and I just couldn’t hold my own weight. I fell towards her.

The next thing I felt was her hands around my waist, and her chin just a little over my shoulder. My head was in the crook of her neck, my lips just a few centimeters from her neck, with her long hair everywhere. I for some reason didn’t want to part from her. She smelled extremely nice. I just felt comfortable.

“Uhm… Nayoung? Your hands are like… A kind of awkward place right now…” She told me, with what I thought was a pretty y voice.

But I only realized now, what she meant, and where my hands actually where placed. They were on her chest. I hurriedly removed my hands and stepped a step backwards away from her, and then looked down in embarrassment.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I apologized to her and bowed like crazy. I could feel the warmth in my cheeks, and my heart was beating like crazy. I touched my cheek. It was so hot.

‘Gosh, this is so embarrassing’  

“It’s okay, really.” She assured me with a cute smile on her face. It was, like, kind of shaped like a V. I smiled back at her. Suddenly, a pain shocked through my ankle, and I almost fell again.

“Aah… Appa” I said out of reflex, and I could feel myself stumble again, but she caught me, before I fell. She held my shoulders, and helped me not to fall.

“Are you sure, you’re alright?” She worriedly asked me again.

“It… It hurts a little bit.” I answered her quietly. She smiled at me, and helped me over to a bench, and made me sit down. Then she bowed down, and took the foot I had hurt, and put it on her lap. I looked at her concentrated face, as she removed my shoes and socks to take a closer look at my foot. She had a concerned look on her face.

“I think you got a bruise. Wait here, I’ll go get some ice for you.” She said, removed my foot from her lap, and laid it carefully back at the bench. I nodded, and looked at her, as she walked out of the room.

I sat there and waited for her to come back. I couldn’t help but rewatch the scene that just happened in my head. She was so gorgeous. I remembered that I had touched her , and started giggling for myself. . She actually had good s. Like, not because I thought about that.

‘Nayoung, this is not a good time to be y’ I tried to tell myself, so my thoughts wouldn’t wander even more. It didn’t work. I started to think about the gorgeous blonde girl.

She came back with some ice, while I sat there in my own thoughts. Since I didn’t react to her arrival, she started to wave her hand in front of my face, to get my attention. I got a shock, and widened my eyes. It made her laugh. I studied her laughing face.

‘Aw, she covers when she laughs. That’s so adorable!’ I started to smile too. I couldn’t help it. She was so cute.

“Please inform me, if it hurts, okay?”

I nodded and watched her as she sat beside me, and lifted my foot on to her lap. She put the ice packet on my foot. The sudden coldness made me shiver.

“Oh is it too cold? It doesn’t hurt, right?” She asked me in a concerned way. I looked at her, and her face told me, that she was afraid, she might have done something wrong.

“Aniyo, it’s okay, really.” I assured her, smiling.

We sat there for a while. She concentrated on my foot, and I just sat there, and looked at her concentrated face. She bit her lip slightly. It looked y. I secretly wished for her to stop doing it, because I had a hard time controlling my hormones.

“What’s your name?” She suddenly asked me. I was thankful, that she broke the silence.

“Kim Nayoung. I’m 16, by the way. What about you?” I asked the golden haired beauty in front of me.

“Kim Hyoyeon. I’ve just turned 18. But Nayoung, please speak comfortably to me. I don’t like honorifics.” She informed me, while smiling that cute V-shaped smile.

“Okay.” I said while smiling back at her. “I’m not very good at honorifics anyway.”

“Oh, really? Why is that so?” She asked me.

“I’m a foreigner, as you probably can tell. I’ve only been here for a little over a year, so my Korean isn’t the best yet.” I told her. I found it a bit strange. Well, even though I might not look like the typical European, I still didn’t look very Asian at all. Or, at least, that’s what I thought.

“Only a year? And your Korean is that good? Wow, impressive.”

“I got a special private teacher. Plus, they only speak in Korean to me here, so I just kind of needed to understand it fast.” I told her honestly. I felt like I could be open with her.

“Wow. Her Korean is better than Tippani’s. That doesn’t make any sense.” Hyoyeon said to herself.

‘Tippani? Who is that? Aaw, I feel jealous. Does she have a girlfriend?’  I sadly thought to myself.

“Tippani?” I said without even noticing.

“Oh, you heard?” She asked, seeming a bit embarrassed, that I had caught her talking to herself. “Tippani is one of the members of the group, I’m in. Shi’s prom Amaerika” She said the last part in English, with an extremely heavy accent.

I started to laugh a little. I just couldn’t help it. It was too cute.

“Ya! Did I say something wrong?” She asked me and pouted. I wanted to pinch her cheeks, but I restrained myself from doing so.

“No, no. You just sounded too cute!” I said to her and hided my smile with my hand, as I started to chuckle again.

She blushed.

‘She blushed’

Wait, what? She blushed?

I felt like fangirling inside in my mind. But being the awesome actress I am, I didn’t show it in my facial expression. –Oh, I hoped so.

Suddenly, four girls bursted into the room.

“Nayoooooungie!” A girl yelled and ran towards me. “Why didn’t you wake me up? I could have joined you.” She said while pouting.

‘Aish, this girl. Always so weird and cute.’

“You needed to sleep, Chaerinnie. If I woke you up every time I would go practice, you wouldn’t get enough sleep… And Chae, you know how you are, when you don’t get enough sleep. I can’t deal with that!” I told her, while making a pouting and sad face.

“Arasso, arasso. Mianhaaae~.” She said, making a sad face similar to mine. Then she noticed the person beside me. Hyoyeon had been all quiet, and looked down at the floor with her hands folded.

“Annyeonghaseyo. You must be the choreographer from SM Entertainment, right?” Chaerin said to the blonde goddess next to me. She offered her hand, and Hyoyeon stood up and shook it while bowing.

“Yeh. Annyeonghaseyo. I’m Kim Hyoyeon.” She said and bowed to the rest of the members, except for me. She showed a cute smile to me instead. “I’m actually not choreographer, but I trained dancing together with the boys in SM, because they thought I was danced to strongly to practice with the girls.” She told us. I could hear by the tone of her voice, that it was something she loved, and was very proud of.

“Woa! Seriously? You must be really good then! Can we see some?” An impressed Bom asked, and made Hyoyeon a bit shy.

“Of course I can. If you want me to…” She said nervously, and her gaze wandered towards me. I nodded uplifting to her. I really wanted to see her dance!

“I would like to see it.” Chaerin said. After knowing her for so long, I knew that she was not the type to be impressed by words. She wanted to see or hear something, before she believed it.

 Hyoyeon took her phone and walked towards the loudspeaker, to plug in her phone. Then she scrolled through the songs to find the one, she had been dancing a lot to recently.

We walked from the benches we were at, to the middle of the floor, where we sat down in a rounded line, ready to look at the blonde SM artist.

The music started. It was hip-hop. She walked to where we sat, and started to slightly move to the beat. Suddenly, she started to pop and lock, make waves, and I don’t know what. My mind was blown. I had never seen anything like it. The way she moved was so strong, confident and y. Not y in a booty shaking way, but she just had this y, fierce and confident aura around her. 

When she stopped, all of us clapped loudly. Even the hard-to-impress-Chaerin. Minji whistled, since she was the only one of us, who knew how to do that.

We acted like a group of fangirls.



I decided to split this chapter into two.  The other part will be uploaded soon after this.

Happy Birthday, Hyoyeon unnie. May you have an amazing day! ^^'

-Please comment. I would love to know, what you think about the story so far. And thank you to the 23 subscribers! I am seriously overjoyed because of you! :)


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Chapter 19: Can you make an alternative plot for chaerin? PLEASE!! AUTHOR-NIM I BEG YOU~!
Chapter 29: What a sweet ending. Good job!(;
I hope to see more from you
Chapter 29: Ahhh. Thank you for the amazing story author. I'll miss this plot line. ♥
Chapter 27: I'm so in love with this story, keep up the amazing work! Remember to sleep well and always be happy ^.^
saksen #5
Chapter 25: OMG! i cant't belive this, this story is so exciting can't wait for the next episode!
Ps: Remember this, ver stolt over dine ting pigebarn ;)
Chapter 23: Why Chaerin?!
Chapter 23: What...... the eff.
Chapter 10: Goodness, this is the first fanfic that I've read that has made my heart flutter since last year! Great job~ >U<
Chapter 22: oh man. I was so shocked when I read '5 years' I was like did I accidentally skip chapters or what?! HAHA but its very cute and I hope they can become public