20 - Caught

Falling In Love

Chapter 20! I’m honestly very proud for keep updating this story, hehe. There’s about 5-10 chapters left. :)




Nayoung’s POV:


“Hyoyeon and I have been dating for a little past 5 years today, and honestly, I’ve never been this happy. I’m so, so in love with her, and I know that the feelings I have in my heart won’t change. I wish to stay with her forever, getting married and creating a family. Even though it sounds so cheesy, it has become a small daydream of mine.

We have both told a lot of people, mainly K-pop idols, about our relationship. And surprisingly most people took it quite well. Some of them were of course a bit taken aback and thought it was a little strange and abnormal, but really… For us, other people’s opinions don’t really matter anymore.

We are also in the process of finding out, how and when to tell the Korean media about our relationship. –Or confirm it, if we ever have to. I’m really excited for that to happen, so that we don’t have to be together in secret anymore. I think I will feel happy, and like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders, when that happens. It’s not something we have planned to do soon at all, since we are still in our groups, and we both really love our lives as idols.

We (2NE1) have just released our new single, Missing You, and it’s a big success! I personally really love the song, and I know Bom does too. Both of us cried our eyes were recording the song. So embarrassing…

Bom and Seunghyun oppa just recently told us that they had been dating for a month. I’m so happy for them! –Especially because I know that Bom has had the biggest crush on him for such a long time. My Chaerinnie and Jiyong oppa are still together, and they seem to have a good relationship too. I remember when I had a crush on Chaerin… Good thing that’s over now. But I understand why, though. To be honest, I still find Chaerin very attractive.

I was chatting with her here the other day, and she told me, that Jiyong and her had discussed getting married and start a family, when their relationship is confirmed to the public. I’m kind of jealous of them… They can get married… I would kill to be able to get married with Hyo.

SNSD is doing great too! We celebrated New Year with them, and really, now all of us are like really, really good friends. Sooyoung and Yoona have just been confirmed dating two guys, and everyone took it surprisingly well. Of course there are some broken-hearted fanboys and fangirls here and there, but that can’t really be avoided, right?”

I put down my pen and stopped writing, when I heard my phone ting beside me. I hurried to pick it up, when I saw who the caller was.

[NY]: “Seo, hello!”

[SH]: “Hi unnie! Please hurry and turn on the TV, and watch the news. There is something important you need to see.”

[NY]: “Okay”

I hurried to add “Seohyun’s calling, and it seems like it’s important.” In my book, before I stood up and hurried to run into the living room and turn on the TV.

Yesterday at 9:33 PM, Kim Nayoung of 2NE1 and Kim Hyoyeon of Girls’ Generation were caught on something that looked like a date. The two were seen holding hands, hugging and possibly kissing, after they had eaten on a local Korean restaurant. Most of the Korean citizens find it very strange and some even disgusting, if they really are dating. We are still awaiting information from both parts. It has also been confirmed, that Super Junior’s Leeteuk…”

When I heard it, I was speechless. I had no idea what to do.

“Most of the Korean citizens find it very strange and some even disgusting, if they really are dating.” Did that mean, people were accepting us or not? Wasn’t there just a small chance, that we could be accepted?

We are still awaiting information from both parts” Was it now we would confirm it? I wasn’t ready yet…

The two were seen holding hands, hugging and possibly kissing, after they had eaten on a local Korean restaurant.”And excuse me, but do we not have a little bit of private life at all? How could someone follow us on our date? Something like that is private…

[SH]: “Ya, unnie! Are you okay? Do you need some company? I can come if you want me to…”

I couldn’t help but smile. Just like I knew, Seohyun would always be there for me. She was the best dongsaeng ever.

[NY]: “Seo, you are the sweetest thing ever. I’ll cook some goguma for you, okay? You know, you are welcome. Everything’s fine, I’m okay… But I think it would be best to discuss this with Hyoyeon.”

[SH]: “Unnie, stop acting. I can hear you are sad. Hyoyeon’s busy with a photo shoot right now, but if you want me to, I can come?”

I felt so sincerely happy for having a sweetie like her as my friend.

[NY]: “Seo… Thank you.”

[SH]: “I’ll be there in 10 minutes, unnie. See you.”

[NY]: “See you.”




Hyoyeon’s POV:


“Ya, Hyo. What is that thing with you and Nayoung in the news? Are you two really together?” My favorite stylist unnie asked me, when I came into the changing- and styling room after the first part of the photo shoot.

“We’re in the news?” I asked her confusedly, since it wasn’t something, I knew anything about.

“Yes. You are everywhere. There are so many rumors all over the place… So, are you two really together? I promise I won’t tell anyone, of course. “ My hair and makeup stylist, Haejin asked me, while beginning to brush my hair and curl it for the next concept for the photo shoot.

“Really? That’s something I need to talk to Nayoung about. Do you know how people have reacted so far?” I grabbed my phone from the table in front of me and began to text Nayoung.


To: Nayoungie <3, 16:34

Babe, have you seen the news?


I put back the phone, and continued to discuss with Haejin. She was looking concentrated at the back of my head, where she now was doing some kind of cool hairstyle, I couldn’t see. She pouted her lips in a cute way, before answering me.

“So, are you together or not? Why won’t you tell me? I think they are pretty shocked, but there are actually surprisingly many people, who are okay with it. It’s mostly the elder generation who doesn’t approve of you.” I sighed loudly at her answer.

“We are together.” I admitted, and she made a shocked face.

“Really? Congratulations, haha.”

We discussed the topic until I needed to go out and continue the photo shoot.



Nayoung’s POV:


“Ding, ding” My face turned to the direction of the sound, before I stood up and went to open the door for Seohyun. I grabbed the handle and opened the door, but was surprised and taken-aback when I saw a ton of photographers flash their cameras and microphones in my face.

“Are you and Kim Hyoyeon real?”

“What is your relationship with Girls’ Generation’s Hyoyeon?”

“Are you going to confirm your relationship?”

“Are you lesbian?”

“Did you kiss?”

“Ya, Nayoung!” A recognizable voice was heard in my ears. I looked closer into the bunch of people, and saw Seohyun stand with her hoodie, sunglasses and a scarf covering her face, waving her hand at me. I excused myself through the bunch, still bombarded by flashes and questions and grabbed my dongsaeng’s hand, and pulled her with me into the house, before smashing the front door loudly behind me.

“Oh my god, I didn’t expect that there would be so many people here. Are you not going to call the police?” Seohyun asked, taking off all of her equipment, and laid it, folded nicely, on the little desk in the room.

“Hmm… No, I’ll wait a little. Maybe they’ll grow tired of standing out there in the cold?”

“Haha, I hope so. But they shouldn’t get a cold…” Seohyun looked worriedly back on the door.

“That’s their problem, Seo. I cooked goguma for you!” When I said the last sentence, her eyes lid up, and she ran towards our kitchen, saying “goguma, goguma” to herself. I just smiled at her silliness, and followed.  




New update! Hope you like it! :)

I’m so sorry for those, who are shipping Chaerin x Nayoung soooo much… Chaerin’s getting da D from Jiyong, soooo… 

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Chapter 19: Can you make an alternative plot for chaerin? PLEASE!! AUTHOR-NIM I BEG YOU~!
Chapter 29: What a sweet ending. Good job!(;
I hope to see more from you
Chapter 29: Ahhh. Thank you for the amazing story author. I'll miss this plot line. ♥
Chapter 27: I'm so in love with this story, keep up the amazing work! Remember to sleep well and always be happy ^.^
saksen #5
Chapter 25: OMG! i cant't belive this, this story is so exciting can't wait for the next episode!
Ps: Remember this, ver stolt over dine ting pigebarn ;)
Chapter 23: Why Chaerin?!
Chapter 23: What...... the eff.
Chapter 10: Goodness, this is the first fanfic that I've read that has made my heart flutter since last year! Great job~ >U<
Chapter 22: oh man. I was so shocked when I read '5 years' I was like did I accidentally skip chapters or what?! HAHA but its very cute and I hope they can become public