4 - Tu-tu-tu-tuaeniwon

Falling In Love



I’m sorry I’ve not been updating for so long. I’m kind of dissatisfied with this chapter.. I just kind of remembered how annoyed I always get, when waiting way too long for someone to update their story…  Well, yeah.. Sorry. :)






NaYoung’s POV:


I loved it there. Even though I had only been training for half a year, I really felt like I had been improving a lot. I pretty much only spoke Korean, even though I wasn’t fluent yet. I had a lot of accent, and I made a lot of mistakes, which the other trainees would tease me with, but, as YG have said to me, practice makes perfect, and that is the phrase I started to live after.

All trainees would usually go to school 3 times at week, train for 3 days and rest on Sunday. In the half year I had been training, I didn’t rest a day. On Sundays, I would usually wake up just a bit later than usual, and then train by myself. I wanted to show YG, how much I wanted this. I wanted to show him, how much I would fight for this.

They had been holding more auditions, and more talented people had joined YG entertainment. A couple of them gave up, though. But I remember Lee Hi talking about a girl, she thought where really nice to her. I hoped that they would be friends. Because of all the training I had been doing, I didn’t see Lee Hi a lot. We were in different classes. She focused on singing only, while I focused on both singing and dancing. I heard her sing once before. She was seriously amazing.

I was dancing, practicing a new choreography with five other trainees. YG had said to us, that he would record it, and put it on YouTube, therefore we wanted to practice, until the dance was perfect to impress the people, who would be watching the video.

Suddenly I heard my phone ring, and I walked from the group of trainees, to answer my phone.


“Nayoung-shi. Please come to my office. I have some important stuff to say to you.” I heard YG say to me through the phone, before hanging on. I didn’t even get to answer. He sounded serious, and it made me really nervous.

I made my way over to the group of girls.

“I’m sorry. I need to go. YG just called me” I said to them in Korean. They nodded, and I started walking away.

“Hey, unnie!” One of the girls called.


“Whaiting!” She said, while making a cute expression and a fist pump. I smiled back at her. Then I walked out of the door, and made my way to YG’s office.

My heart started to beat faster and faster, as I came closer to YG’s office. I was so afraid that I would be sent home or something.

When I stood in front of the door, I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down. Then I knocked on the door.

“Come in”

I opened the door, and saw YG sitting at a table, resting his chin on his folded hands. I bowed as I walked in, and stood up straight with my hands folded in front of me.

“Sit down, Nayoung.” He said to me, and gestured his hand to the chair in front of the table he sat at, before folding his hands again. In front of him he had some papers, but I couldn’t see what where written on them. I sat down, and straighted my back and looked down on my folded hands. I tried to prepare myself for the worst.

“Nayoung. I have been watching your practice.” YG said without changing his expression. 

I waited anxiously for him to finish what he was going to say.

“Well. I have noticed how much you put into this, and I will be honest and say, that I am impressed. Your singing and dancing have improved a lot. I am very happy, that you take this so seriously. You have probably noticed how many people quit after a short period of time.”

“Thank you YG sunbaenim. I do my best, and work really hard. I’m very happy, that you have noticed.” I said. I felt a lot of weight been taking off my shoulders. But I tried not to get too happy. I knew how much YG loved trolling, and sometimes his trolling could be harsh. But I knew, how gentle and sweet he could be. He was kind of like a dad.

“Yes, I have noticed. That is also why I have come to the decision to put you in 2NE1. I think you will fit perfectly with your cuter image. It will soften the hardcoreness of Minji and Chaerin. I know that you already know the members, so I believe it’s not necessary to tell you about them.”

“Really? Thank you so much, sunbaenim! You won’t regret it. I will do my best, and work hard. And yes, I have talked a bit with them. They seem nice.” I said. I felt so unbelievable happy. No words could ever describe the feeling I had inside. The feeling of coming so close to your dreams. It made me smile.

YG smiled at my smiling face. It seemed like he was happy to have me in 2NE1 too.

“You’ll have to sign this contract to be in 2NE1. When you have signed, you are not able to quit 2NE1, before you disband.” He said to me, and pushed a paper towards me. I looked at it, and read the text written on it. I signed the paper, and gave it back to YG. He looked at the paper and put it into a black map, with ‘2NE1’ written on the outside.

“You will have to move in with the members. Since you just have been decided to put into the group, you’ll have to share a room with Chaerin. I have talked with her, and she is okay with it.”

“Oh, I see. Why Chaerin?” I asked him, without sounding unpleased. It was not because I felt bad about sharing room with Chaerin. I simply where a little afraid of, how she would feel about me. I would understand if she felt annoyed by it.

“She speaks English. I thought that you might want someone, to converse with. It’s not because I think, your Korean is bad, but you still need a lot of practice. Chaerin can help you with that. She didn’t speak Korean when she came here too, so she knows the difficulties in learning the Korean language.” YG said to me.

“When should I move in?” I asked him. I felt a bit overwhelmed by all this.

“Today. Go pack your stuff. I have already discussed this with the members, and they think you will fit nicely into the group too. I will ask them to help you with your stuff.”

“Yeh. Will I practice with them too?” I asked him.

“Yes. You will start to practice on the dance of your debut song. You need to be prepared and in sync for your debut to be good. You are also going to have singing lessons as a band.” He answered my question.

“Yeh. Thank you so much. I promise I won’t disappoint you.” I said, stood up and bowed deeply at him again, before going out of his office. When I came out of the office, I stopped walking, and just stood there, and looked out in the air. I couldn’t believe what just happened. I felt both good and bad. I felt good because it was my dream. But I just kept thinking.. What about Lee Hi? I felt bad leaving her together with those es.

I started walking towards my dorm again. I felt absolutely awful, because I needed to tell Lee Hi about me moving to 2NE1’s dorm.

I went into the dorm, and walked towards Lee Hi and I’s room. They were still training, so there was no one in the dorm. It was so quiet. I thought about leaving a note, but I still wanted to see Lee Hi, and say goodbye to her face-to-face.   

I started to pack my stuff. I took down my pictures on the wall besides my bed. I stopped when I saw a picture with Lee Hi and I on it, from when we were practicing. I took it, and smiled while looking at it, before putting it into my bag with the rest of the pictures. I packed the rest of my luggage, and leaved the door to the dorm open, after I went out of it. I sat my luggage right outside of the dorm, and started to walk towards the room, I knew Lee Hi was practicing in.


“HaYi-ah!” I yelled into the room, where I saw Lee Hi practicing a dance with some of the trainees. We didn’t practice dancing together, since Lee Hi focused more on singing. When she saw me, she smiled, and walked towards me.




I decided to chop this chapter into two. I just thought, that otherwise it would get too long. :) Hope you enjoy the update, and YG's half-trolling. ^^ 

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Chapter 19: Can you make an alternative plot for chaerin? PLEASE!! AUTHOR-NIM I BEG YOU~!
Chapter 29: What a sweet ending. Good job!(;
I hope to see more from you
Chapter 29: Ahhh. Thank you for the amazing story author. I'll miss this plot line. ♥
Chapter 27: I'm so in love with this story, keep up the amazing work! Remember to sleep well and always be happy ^.^
saksen #5
Chapter 25: OMG! i cant't belive this, this story is so exciting can't wait for the next episode!
Ps: Remember this, ver stolt over dine ting pigebarn ;)
Chapter 23: Why Chaerin?!
Chapter 23: What...... the eff.
Chapter 10: Goodness, this is the first fanfic that I've read that has made my heart flutter since last year! Great job~ >U<
Chapter 22: oh man. I was so shocked when I read '5 years' I was like did I accidentally skip chapters or what?! HAHA but its very cute and I hope they can become public