21 - Are You The One For Me?

Falling In Love

Chapter 21 – Are you the one for me?


Introducing a new thing! ***** Means, that the POV is the same, but there has gone some time. It will probably not be used a lot, but yeah…  

Hope you enjoy the update!




Nayoung’s POV:


Seohyun and I were sitting in 2NE1’s living room, eating goguma and discussing the rumor about me and Hyoyeon.

“I know Hyoyeon loves you a lot. I actually think she’s ready to tell everyone…” Seohyun said, and peeled the skin of another sweet potato. I was still so afraid of everything. Believe me when I say, my biggest wish was to be public with Hyoyeon… But I just couldn’t. I was too afraid of other people’s reaction. What if they would throw us out of South Korea? That’s not a problem for me; I don’t have family in Korea, but Hyo… I couldn’t make her loose her friends and family because of me.

“You are ready too, right?” Seohyun added, making me stop the discussion with myself in my head, and turn back to reality. When I didn’t answer, Seohyun furrowed her eyebrows and looked seriously at me. 

“You are, right? Unnie?” Seohyun asked, with a slightly angry tone in her voice. Not something you would pay attention to, if you didn’t know her well; it was very minor. I still didn’t answer; instead I looked into my lap. The truth was that I wasn’t ready. I was ready to marry Hyoyeon, ready to raise kids with her, ready to spend every single minute of my life with her… But I wasn’t ready to tell everyone. Not if it could harm her in any way.

“I can’t believe you are doing this to her.” Seohyun muttered with a clearly disappointed tone in her voice. She stood up from the chair, and grabbed her bag beside her. She turned around after looking at me with a sad look on her face, before walking inanimately away from me, and towards the front door.

“Seohyun! Wait, let me at least explain everything!”  I yelled after her, as I jumped out of the chair I was sitting in, and ran towards her.

“Explain what? That you don’t love her? Do you know how much she loves you? Have you just been messing with her heart all the time?” Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes.

“Seo…” I muttered, unable to make everything in my head make sense. Grabbing her arm, I tried to make her stay, so that I could explain everything to her. She just looked at my arm with a disgusted expression on her face, and pulled her arm back.

“I thought you were nice. But in all reality, you are just a ing . You ing stay away from Hyoyeon, understand?” The girl spat out with a huge amount of hate and disgust in her voice. She turned around and stormed out of the dorm, leaving me there confused, mad and on the edge of tears. I looked after the brown hair of the dongsaeng, who had just left me.

Then I broke into tears.




Chaerin’s POV:


I was on my way to my dorm after visiting the BigBang oppas’ dorm, but I opened the door to my dorm only to be surprised. Nayoung was lying on the floor just a couple meters from the door. I dropped my handbag when I noticed the red stains on the wall covering above her. I froze for a second, as my heart began to race, before I ran to her.

“Nayoung!” her breathing was fast and irregular, as I shook her by her shoulders. Her eyelids began to flutter, and a big wave of relieve washed over me. I bowed down to the level of her, and hugged her tightly, not wanting to ever let her go, burying my head in her soft, brown hair.

“Chaerin? Is this real? Or am I just having a nightmare?” The lying girl’s question confused me a little. Had something happened?

“Sweetie, what has happened?” I looked into her eyes, holding her by the shoulders, before she broke down in front of me.

I felt my heart break into millions of pieces. For every tear that streamed down her chin, my heart broke a little bit more. That was when I noticed her knuckles. I took one of her hands, and looked closer. She had these weird, bloody scratches on them. A ton of questions flew through my mind;

‘Had she been hitting the wall?’

‘Was this related to the blood on the wall?’

But most importantly:





Hyoyeon’s POV:


“Unnie, we have to talk.” A very angry Seohyun bursted into my room, while I was drying my hair with a towel, just finished bathing, and locked the door behind her.

“Okay… You want to sit?” I asked a bit confused, rethinking everything that could have caused her to be this mad.

“Nayoung doesn’t love you.” Seohyun just said in a monotone way, with a emotionless expression on her face.

My world stopped spinning for a second; my heart stopped beating for a second.

Her words kind of stung, but I knew they weren’t true.

“Of course she loves me. Seohyun, we have been together for five years. Of course she loves me.” I tried to convince Seohyun, trying to sound as happy as possible. But deep down inside, there was a small voice that told me: ‘Hyoyeon, of course she doesn’t love you. You are nothing to her. You are nothing to everyone. No one likes you. No one cares about you. Get it in your mind already. What is there to love anyway? You don’t have the looks, the personality. You know that’s why you are the least popular member of SNSD. No one likes you. Why do you try to convince yourself? Why? ’I tried my best to never listen to that voice again, and I actually stopped doing so, after me and Nayoung got together. I felt it slowly creep its way into my mind again.

“Unnie... I just talked with her. When I asked her if she loved you, she didn’t answer me. I’m sorry.”~

I died inside




My heart beat faster, when I neared 2NE1’s dorm. I half-walked, half-ran down the hallway, as I felt the last confidence and happiness I had inside me crumble away. Slowing down, I reconsidered whether this was a good idea or not. I laid a hand on my heart and felt my heartbeat’s fast pace and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Why was I so nervous in the first place? I trusted Nayoung and I knew she could never do anything against me. But if what Seohyun had told me was right, had our relationship then been based on a lie? Those 5 years, we had spent together… Were they just a lie? A waste of time?   

I rounded the last corner, and saw the door slightly ajar. Taking the last deep breath, I opened the door.


It felt like a knife was stabbed through my chest.


Chaerin was hovered over Nayoung, who was lying on the floor. When she heard my footsteps, and the small gasp that escaped from my lips, she hurried to sit up straight.

“Hyo-Hyoyeon…” She looked surprised at me, before her eyes darkened and she got a really pissed expression on her face. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“What the hell are you doing with Nayoung? Get off her.”  I spitted back, feeling just as pissed and betrayed myself. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Like you care.” Chaerin stood up, and walked towards me. “Just off and let me handle this, Hyoyeon.” That was like a slap in the face, and I could feel how the anger was starting to take over myself. I tried my best to keep myself calm.

“She’s my girlfriend, Chaerin.” I stated and waited for Chaerin to answer me.  

“And?” She held a small break before continuing. “You know, she once had a crush on me. –And who says, we haven’t done anything, huh? I don’t think you have any business here, Hyoyeon. Please go.” She pushed me out of the dorm and smacked the door loudly behind me. 

It took me a while to proceed what had just happened. And when I realized everything, I was speechless. I felt empty.

I brushed the cold tears away from my cheek with my hand, as I hurried to get home to my dorm.


‘Nayoung, are you the one for me?’




I’m considering really badly to make a blog post where I sing. I would like some hear some opinions on my voice… Do you think I should do so? :)

-If you have snapchat, then add me. My username is cl-roo. :)

Please don't be a silent reader! :)



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Chapter 19: Can you make an alternative plot for chaerin? PLEASE!! AUTHOR-NIM I BEG YOU~!
Chapter 29: What a sweet ending. Good job!(;
I hope to see more from you
Chapter 29: Ahhh. Thank you for the amazing story author. I'll miss this plot line. ♥
Chapter 27: I'm so in love with this story, keep up the amazing work! Remember to sleep well and always be happy ^.^
saksen #5
Chapter 25: OMG! i cant't belive this, this story is so exciting can't wait for the next episode!
Ps: Remember this, ver stolt over dine ting pigebarn ;)
Chapter 23: Why Chaerin?!
Chapter 23: What...... the eff.
Chapter 10: Goodness, this is the first fanfic that I've read that has made my heart flutter since last year! Great job~ >U<
Chapter 22: oh man. I was so shocked when I read '5 years' I was like did I accidentally skip chapters or what?! HAHA but its very cute and I hope they can become public