22 - Broken - 1

Falling In Love

Nayoung’s POV:


After crying for a long time, Chaerin had sung me to sleep. Right there on the floor. I woke up at the sound of smashing doors.

“Hyoyeonnie?” I mumbled and sat up, rubbing my tired, swollen eyes. I thought I heard her voice, and was a little disappointed to see Chaerin in front of me. “Oh, it’s you. I thought I heard Hyoyeon’s voice?”

Chaerin turned around and looked into the ground, looking like she felt guilty over something. It wasn’t common to see her like this, so it made me a bit nervous.

“I have done something really stupid, Nayoung.”




Hyoyeon’s POV:


“Ring ding dong”

I pushed the button on my parents’ door, hoping for my mom to be home. Tears were streaming down my face by now, and I was shaking from crying too hard. Beginning to cry even harder, I banged on the door with my fists.

“Umma! Umma!” The tears were running down my face in waterfalls, as I was screaming at my mom, before she opened the door.

“Hyoyeon-ah, Hyoyeon-ah, my baby, what’s wrong?” As soon as she saw me, her face got that warm, motherly expression, and she hurried to give me a warm, loving hug. She kissed my hair, before parting from me, and cupped my face with her soft, small hands. Brushing her thumbs on my cheeks, she removed some of the salty, wet, cold tears away from my face. Feeling the warmth, the love, oozing out of my mom, right into my heart, I broke into tears again. I hugged her so tight, like if I was a little girl again, my arms tightly secured around her waist, and my face buried into her thick, dark-brown hair, which had the nice, familiar smell of my mom, mixed with some shampoo and some of the warmth from my home. I missed this.

“My baby…” She patted the crown of my head, and held me tightly with the other, while planting small kisses on the top of my forehead. “Come in, so we can talk.” Taking my hand, she lightly brushed her thumb back and forth on it in a calming way.  She slightly dragged me inside and closed the door behind me. Showing me the way to our old, light beige couch, she gestured me to sit down.

“I’ll go make some tea and find some biscuits. Wait for a second, my dear.“ She gave me a small, light kiss on my forehead, and walked with light, fairy-like steps out of the kitchen.

I sat back and dried my cheeks from tears, sniffling a few times as I watched my mom’s light steps away from me. I had always thought my mom was so fairy-like, so small and fragile, but always so sweet and happy. Always wanting the best for others, to please others. That was why, I was so, so happy and relieved that she was okay with me and Nayoung being together, when we told her together three years ago.

‘If we still are together…’

I bit my lip and looked down, when the sorrow washed over me again. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, trying not to let any tears come out. As I opened my eyes again, I could feel a warm tear roll down my cheek, and I hurried to brush it away, before taking a deep breath.

My mom came into the room again, carrying a tray of tea and small biscuits on. She placed it on the table without a sound and sat down beside me, turning her body towards mine.

“Hyo, what brings you here?” She brushed some of my bleach-blonde hair, which covered my face behind my ears. I sniffled again, which made her look concerned at me. “Who has made you so sad? Is it one of the SNSD members?” She asked. There had been fights between some of us before and therefore, it wasn’t the first time, I had come here for help and support. I shook my head.

“Some business stuff?” She asked again. We would usually do this; the guessing game. She would try to find different stuff, that could be wrong, and then, I would nod or shake my head, if it was right or wrong. I shook my head again.

“Nayoung?” When her name was said, I broke down, and covered my face with my hands. I felt her arms tug me into a warm embrace. She brushed her hand up and down my back to calm me down. This warm, comforting feeling calmed my sadness down a little bit, and my crying slowly stopped.

“Seohyun said Nayoung doesn’t love me…” I confessed, hugging my mom tighter, and rested my cloudy head on her shoulder. “I don’t know what to do anymore.” As I muttered these words to myself, my mother’s face became sullen and sad, and she held me out by my shoulders.

“I’m very sure, she loves you. Why wouldn’t she? There’s so much to love.” I lifted my face to meet her gaze, when I heard these words. Even though they made me feel warm and comforted inside, I still didn’t believe them.

“Apparently not enough for Nayoung to love.” I looked down, looking down at my crushed confidence as my mother took me in a calming, comforting hug again.

“Baby, if she doesn’t love you. I know it looks dark right now, but don’t worry too much. It will be better some day. Maybe days will pass, months will pass or years will pass. But I know, you’ll find someone, who wolves every single little thing about you.” She lifted my face up by my chin. “Kim Hyoyeon, you are the most talented, beautiful and sweetest person in the whole world, and if she can’t see that, she’s not worth it. “ My mother’s hands went down into my lap, and she held my hands tightly, giving it a small squeeze. “Just remember that you have so many around you that love you so, so much. Your father loves you, your brother loves you, your members love you, your family and friends love you. And Hyoyeon-ah, I love you with my entire heart.” These words made a tear fall down my cheek. “But Hyo, it hurts me so much to see you like this.” She brushed the tear away with her thumb, and cupped my cheek, before placing a small kiss where the tear just was, and hugged me tightly. I felt her kiss my hair, and I held her close to me.

“I love you too, mom”




New update~

Hope you enjoy. :)

-The next update will be a bit short, but it will also be puplished very soon. :)

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Feel free to contact me on snapchat (cl-roo), if you want to. I have kakaotalk too... I will write to you, if you write your name on Kakaotalk to me, hehe. I want to make new friends, you know. ^^ 

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Chapter 19: Can you make an alternative plot for chaerin? PLEASE!! AUTHOR-NIM I BEG YOU~!
Chapter 29: What a sweet ending. Good job!(;
I hope to see more from you
Chapter 29: Ahhh. Thank you for the amazing story author. I'll miss this plot line. ♥
Chapter 27: I'm so in love with this story, keep up the amazing work! Remember to sleep well and always be happy ^.^
saksen #5
Chapter 25: OMG! i cant't belive this, this story is so exciting can't wait for the next episode!
Ps: Remember this, ver stolt over dine ting pigebarn ;)
Chapter 23: Why Chaerin?!
Chapter 23: What...... the eff.
Chapter 10: Goodness, this is the first fanfic that I've read that has made my heart flutter since last year! Great job~ >U<
Chapter 22: oh man. I was so shocked when I read '5 years' I was like did I accidentally skip chapters or what?! HAHA but its very cute and I hope they can become public