13 - The Day After

Falling In Love


No One’s POV:


”Hyo? Ya, Hyo, wake up!” A girl said to the sleeping dancing queen, slightly shaking her, to wake her up. Hyoyeon’s eyelids fluttered, as she was wakened up by the girl in the room. She opened her eyes, and saw Jessica in front of her. She didn’t really mind, until she realized, that she still was and had a person sleeping next to her.

“Ya!” She bursted out, forgetting the sleeping girl beside her for a second. “Sica! Get out!” Hyoyeon realized, that Nayoung was beside her, and covered them both up. Nayoung started to move a little, and opened one of her eyes. She got a shock, when she saw the ice princess inside the room.

“Oh my god! What are you doing in here?!” She yelled, and covered herself with the comforter all the way to . Jessica started laughing a high pitched laugh because of Nayoung’s reaction.

“Relax! I just wanted to warn you before...” The girl was cut off

“Hyooo~” The maknae stuck her head into the door opening. But when the innocent maknae saw her unnie lay in a bed with a girl beside her, her eyes widened, and she put her hand up to when a gasp escaped from her lips. Her cheeks reddened, and she bowed apologetically at the two, as she hurried to leave the room.

“Hyo! You dirtied maknae’s oh-so clean and innocent mind! I think I should go talk to her… Maybe she will faint from the shock or something…” Jessica said, her voice going from loud to quiet, as she started to walk out of the room. She was just about to close the door, when another person yelled and disturbed the two’s -and-alone time.

“Sica! Wait!” A tall and thin girl with brown, shoulder length hair appeared in the door opening. She was shocked, when she saw Hyoyeon in her bed, with an unknown girl beside her too, but that didn’t stop her from asking her question. “When are you going to make food? I’m literally starving!” She complained dramatically and put a hand on her hungry stomach.

Hyoyeon looked apologetically at Nayoung, who smiled a small understanding smile back at the dancer. She held Nayoung’s hand and gave it a small squeeze, before answering the hungry girl.

“Sooyoungie, don’t worry. You’ll get food soon, okay?” she said sweetly to the tall girl. Her eyes immediately lid up, and she looked so happy; like a small kid, who had finally gotten that tasty piece of candy, the person had been craving for. “But please, let us get dressed and wash up first.” the blonde girl continued, making Sooyoung pout. She nodded understandingly and left the two alone with a smirk on her face, closing the door after herself.

Hyoyeon turned towards the beautiful girl beside her.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know they would barge in like that. I should have locked the door. I’m so, so sorry.” The dancer apologized and sat up to bow at Nayoung. Then she looked nervously at her folded hands. She could understand if Nayoung wanted to leave. It must be really uncomfortable to have two and a half (or does Jessica count as a whole stranger?) strangers come into the room you are staying in, when you are and have the strangers’ friend laying beside you.

A hand lifted her face up. Nayoung looked deeply into Hyoyeon’s eyes, and smiled as she answered the dancer.

“Hyo. Don’t worry about it. My members would probably have barged in too.” She said the last sentence with a small chuckle, and Hyoyeon looked happily at the brunette. She planted a small, sweet kiss on Hyoyeon’s soft, pink lips, before smiling sweetly at her.

“Should we get ready? Sooyoung needs food, remember? And you smell like .” She said teasingly at the blonde girl, and earned a small hit on her arm from Hyoyeon.   

“So do you, babo.” Hyoyeon stuck her tongue out at the girl, who smiled cutely back at her. “Do you want to wash up first?” Nayoung nodded and was given a towel by Hyoyeon.


Hyoyeon’s POV:


I gave Nayoung a towel, and watched her as she walked into me and Jessica’s bathroom. As soon as she closed the door, I hurried out of the room.

“Taeyeon, Taeyeon!” I yelled after our leader. I really felt the need to talk with her about something quite important.

 I turned to the left, and saw the back of Taeyeon. She was standing beside Tiffany, chatting about something. Apparently she said something funny, which caused Tiffany to giggle and show her beautiful eye smile.

I poked the shortie’s shoulder, to turn her attention towards me. She turned around, and I saw a glimpse of surprise in her eyes. I could hear it in her voice too.

“Oh, Hyoyeon. Is anything wrong?” She asked me still a bit surprised. I could understand her. We had never really been close; we had never really talked a lot together either. I knew she was sweet, but it was just so awkward between us. Especially when we were alone. Maybe it had something with Taeyeon’s open gayness to do. It just made me so afraid to think about how people would accept it, if and when I would come out too. I probably wouldn’t be as accepted as Taeyeon.

Maybe everyone would find me weird and disgusting.

No, I shouldn’t think like that. There is nothing disgusting about me, as far as I know. And there is nothing wrong with being homoual either. I would answer her question later, when we were alone.

“Can I talk with you?” I asked her sweetly, not answering her question. I could see, that she was waiting for me to say something more to her, and Tiffany waited patiently by her side.

“Alone.” I added to the sentence. I saw Taeyeon nod, and gestured me to follow her into her room.


I’m sorry I haven’t been updating for so long.  This chapter was pretty crappy, but I thought, that I should update, so that all of you wouldn’t unsubscribe. :)

But seriously, I have been feeling so bad inside. I didn’t update because I didn’t have the time, heck, I had lots of time, but I just couldn’t make myself do anything. I’ve pretty much only been laying in my bed and thinking or reading for the past two weeks. I don’t know... I’ve been so depressed and exhausted. I feel so empty. I know it sounds really stupid, but I just wanted you to know the reason for the missing updates.

I’m so sorry. I will try my best to keep on updating, even when I feel bad, okay? :)

Poll, yayayayaya! :


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Chapter 19: Can you make an alternative plot for chaerin? PLEASE!! AUTHOR-NIM I BEG YOU~!
Chapter 29: What a sweet ending. Good job!(;
I hope to see more from you
Chapter 29: Ahhh. Thank you for the amazing story author. I'll miss this plot line. ♥
Chapter 27: I'm so in love with this story, keep up the amazing work! Remember to sleep well and always be happy ^.^
saksen #5
Chapter 25: OMG! i cant't belive this, this story is so exciting can't wait for the next episode!
Ps: Remember this, ver stolt over dine ting pigebarn ;)
Chapter 23: Why Chaerin?!
Chapter 23: What...... the eff.
Chapter 10: Goodness, this is the first fanfic that I've read that has made my heart flutter since last year! Great job~ >U<
Chapter 22: oh man. I was so shocked when I read '5 years' I was like did I accidentally skip chapters or what?! HAHA but its very cute and I hope they can become public