Pranking...or trying to prank Taemin

Lee Taemin's Ji-Ara

I glanced at Anna and winked at her.  She gave me a confused look.

“Taemin Oppa! You said you will finish early” I said in a high pitched voice, going by his side, like an excited fan.  “I have been waiting for you for hours!”

The other SHINee members were quite stunned to see me holding his arm and looking up to him.  , I forgot he grew taller.  Since I was standing really close to him, the difference in our height was more pronounced.  I had to arch my head back a little to talk to him.

“Taemin! You gave a fan our address here?” Jonghyun asked, with some kind of anger in his voice. 

Before Taemin could answer, I held on to his arms tighter and answered for him. “I am not a fan!” I said, pretending to be annoyed. 

“I am his girlfriend!” I stated and the SHINee members gaped at me.

“Taemin?” key looked at him with searching eyes.

“Yes, Yeobo, tell them that we are together” I said, challenging him to agree to this.

“Since when did you get a girlfriend?” Minho asked, looking somewhat…...interested? I blushed.

Taemin blushed even more and stuttered. “Hyung…I I am not her boyfriend” he said, blinking fast.

“Oppa! You are breaking my heart.” I whined.  I glanced at Anna who was trying hard to hold back laughter. She finally understood i was trying to prank him XD

I glanced at Jonghyun and showed him my ring finger.  “See? Taemin gave me as a gift” I showed him the ring I took from Taemin’s hand I was holding.

The SHINee members were surprised.  They all knew Taemin never took this ring off.

“Enough, Chubby” Taemin said, seemingly tired of this little play.

“But Oppa, you insisted I come to Seoul and live with you” I said.

“What?” The SHINee members exclaimed at the same time.  Were they surprised at me living in their dorm or that Taemin liked a boyish kind of girl.

I glanced at Taemin.  He was in a fix.  I bite my tongue to hold back laughter bubbling inside.  I know his hyungs a lot.  How would he get out of this one now?


Suddenly, I saw his expression change from what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you look to wanna-play?-two-can-play-at-this-game look.

In a flash, he shook off his arm, put it around my waist and jerked me super close to him.  “Okay love, enough games.  I just wanted to give them a surprise.  Of course I am your boyfriend” he said with a devilish twinkle in his eyes.


This proximity was a bit too close.  “I …I” It was my time to stutter, looking at the SHINee members.  I am sure they had never seen Taemin behave like this.  Neither did i!

Taemin looked at his hyungs and said “See, they don’t believe us” Then with his gaze on me, he said “Should we show them with a little kiss?” he asked and his face was actually inching closer to mine!

I pushed back with all my might.  “Taemin-ah!” I said.  This time, Anna was by my side.

Once off his grip, his expression remained mischievous.  “What happened Yeobo? We are already engaged.  It’s allowed for us” he said with a wink.

I glared at him and was about to punch his arm when key said.  “Okay stop it right now!” In a loud voice.

“Who are you?” he questioned looking at us. 

“Key Omma!” Taemin said placatingly.  “That’s her.  The girl I was talking about, my childhood friend” he said and key visibly calmed down.

“Ji-Ara, is that it?” Minho said and I nodded.  I apologized for the prank and the members assured me they did not mind at all.

“Taemin is quite bright, so it is usually difficult to prank him,” key said, then as a second thought, he added “As you may have witnessed yourself.” And I nodded.

“So, you are Ji-Ara.” Jonghyun said with expressive eyes.  “Taemin sometimes would never shut up about you.  So we kind of feel like we already know you” he said.

“Nice to meet you” Onew greeted me in his turn.  “Aren't you guys hungry?” he said all of a sudden.

“Since Ji-Ara and Anna are here, let’s order chicken!” he said and all the members rolled their eyes at him.

At lunch in their dorm, Anna and Jonghyun bonded over well, while Minho invited me to play a match when I told him I loved soccer.

“Let’s see how good you are” he said excitedly as the game was loading.  Taemin sat on the side sofa.

“Hmmm, if I win you tell me all of Taemin’s secrets” I said. I desperately wanted to get back at him for what he did earlier.

Minho smirked.  “And if I win you make me cheese cakes.”  Taemin had broadcasted it how i can't cook anything except cheese cakes.

“Deal!” I said and Taemin chuckled.  “Good luck hyung.  She was pro at soccer at school”

“That’s impressive, but no one can beat me” Minho said confidently and the game started.

Halfway through, I was winning while Minho looked distressed. 

“You might as well start with his secrets” I teased during half time.

“We’ll see.  The game is not over yet” he said and focused all his attention on the second half of the game.

After some time, Taemin got up and I thought he had left, when suddenly I heard him behind me.  He came close and whispered in my ear

“This is for trying to prank me earlier” he said.  I was concentrating so I did not really listen so it came as a shock when I turned and saw what he was putting in my lap.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” I shouted, threw the controller in my seat and got off the sofa, getting on the side sofa and standing on it.

Taemin was holding a small doggy in his hands.  I liked dogs but I could never go near one, however big or small.  They always scared the crap out of me. 

Minho looked sideways and shouted. “Goal!” that was when I realized Taemin did it to make me lose the game!

“Taemin-ah!!!!!!!!!” I shouted at him.

He looked up with a purely innocent smile.  “What? I forgot you were scared of dogs.” He said, all innocent.


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really really great update... i really like this story its really interesting and u make the characters and scenes so realistic i can play them in my heads whilst reading:) awesome job and stuff so yh update soon
CutieMonsta #2
Chapter 15: wahhh amazing story, I hopeyou will update soon.