
Lee Taemin's Ji-Ara

Ji Ara's POV


I walked to the room and sighed.  A wedding was dreadful as it is, but with so much going on, I felt like I would crumble.

First, it had been a week since Taemin proposed.  A week since his mother stated that we should not see each other till the wedding.

Secondly, she was supposed to be planning a small ceremony for us, which turned out to be a huge thing at our local church with only us attending.

Secondly, Minho was being mad at me because Taemin wanted a huge wedding and he compromised to have a small one because of me.

I sighed.

“That’s like the third time you sighed” Anna said as she eyed me.  I looked up at her from the sofa.

“We should elope” I stated.  She looked horrified.  She and Taemin’s mom became crazy when it came to the wedding.

“That’s exactly what Taemin just said.” Jonghyun appeared out of nowhere stated with a smirk.

“Why deprive my sweetheart of planning a wedding” he said drawing Anna close to him.

“Then plan your own!” I stated then immediately regretted it, hoping to god I did not make it awkward between the two.

I gazed up at them to see Anna blush and Jonghyun looking lovingly at her.  I rolled my eyes.

“Please, flaunt your love elsewhere” I stated, irritated beyond control.

“You, young lady are lucky that you are beautiful” Jonghyun stated.  “But you are right, the room might be better” he stated naughtily and dragged a blushing Anna to her room.

I sighed.  What was wrong with me? Why was I so irritated? Was it really because I did not see Taemin for a week? I shook my head.

I heard Anna’s door open and heard her order “Get some beauty sleep”

I sighed again and went to bed.  Tomorrow was my wedding…and I was dreading it.

Not the fact that I was marrying the man of my dreams, but because I hated the attention and all the unnecessary frivolities that came with a wedding. 

My phone rang and I looked at the message.  “See you tomorrow chubby” was all that he sent.  I made a face and went to bed.




Wedding Day


“You are looking so amazingly beautiful!” Taemin’s mum whispered as soon as she walked into the room.  I was wearing a simple white dress and the family veil.  I smiled.  Every girl wanted to look pretty in her wedding dress.

“I need to go if I don’t want to re-do my make up” she stated and hurried out.

Anna sighed too.  “I want to get married too…it’s not fair” she said.

“That should probably not take long.  Jonghyun is head over heels” Onew said from behind and we glanced at him.

He was a handsome man in a tux.  He walked up to me and exclaimed. “My daughter is all grown up” and me and Anna shared a look and we both laughed.  Since I did not have a father and because I was closest to Onew, he accepted to walk me down the aisle.


“How’s Taemin doing?” I asked, nervous about what was going to happen.

He smiled.  “He is getting impatient.” He said and walked to me and offered his arm.  I graciously took it and we walked out of the room.

As I stood at the church entrance, I could see everyone there; Taemin’s mum, SHINee members and the manager, Anna and the local priest.  MBLAQ members had managed to come too.  I smiled.

My walk was unsteady but Onew held me firmly and we started walking.  “Focus on him” he whispered and I did.  I focused on the immaculately dressed guy I was about to marry.  I focused on his cheekbone smile.  I focused on the fact that this incredible guy was going to be mine.


Onew gave my hand to Taemin and he accepted it with a huge smile.  Time was lost on me as I stared into his face, until it was time to say his vows.


“You are the only constant thing in my life.  I love and accept everything about you.  I would love to come home to you…you are home.  I promise to love you always and forever” he said and my eyes misted.

“You are everything to me, family, best friend and husband.  You complete me in a way no one can.  We are not perfect individually, but together, I know we can take on everything that comes our way.  From now onwards, I promise to always love you and be by your side” I said and his smile broadened.


“You may now kiss the bride” the priest said and without losing a single moment, Taemin’s mouth was on mine while everyone cheered.





“Ladies and Gentleman, presenting to you for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taemin” SHINee’s manager announced as Ji Ara and Taemin walked in Taemin’s backyard, where the reception was being held.


The smile on their faces made Taemin’s mum cry.  She had never seen the both of them so happy.  The SHINee members cheered on while everyone was wooing.


Taemin made her sit.  “After you wifey” he said and Ji Ara blushed.

Soon enough, everyone was enjoying themselves while Taemin did not leave Ji Ara’s side for a minute.

“Care to dance?” Onew asked her and before she could reply, he took her hand and whisked her away.  Taemin frowned while the girls laughed.

After Onew it seemed like everyone wanted to dance with the bride.  Taemin wanted another dance with his wife, but they kept taking her away. 

It was hard enough that they did not see each other for a week before the wedding, now they could not even dance together.


“Why the frown?” Minho asked, taking a seat next to him.

Taemin shrugged and took the glass Minho offered him.  “So, you are married now!” he said and Taemin smiled while looking at his wife.

“You sound worried hyung”

“It’s just that, I know she loves you, but I feel she is changing you” Minho said, worried about his favorite maknae.

“Ani, I guess we all make compromises because we don’t want to hurt the other” Taemin said, looking at his worried hyung.

Minho nodded.  “I guess.  I just always thought that when I love someone, it would all automatically be movie perfect”

Taemin chuckled.  “It definitely is not.  The reality is totally different” Taemin said with a smile.

“And yet you say it’s the best thing to ever happen to anyone?”

“It really is.  I don’t really know how to explain it, but it’s never perfect, and yet, there is perfection in the imperfection” he said before getting up. 


“I see a chance to dance with my wife now hyung” he said and dashed to her, before anyone else would whisk her away again.


Minho saw Onew wince as he walked to him.  “She really can’t dance at all.  Making maknae wait was pure torture” he said as he took Taemin’s seat and took off his shoe.

Minho chuckled.  “Are they really perfect together? They don’t share the same passions or interests” he stated and Onew chuckled.

“I would love to answer that, but having never loved anyone myself, I cannot answer you”

That seemed enough and Minho nodded.  He could never understand this whole love thing, but as long as his maknae was happy, he had nothing against it.



I opened my eyes to see her standing near the balcony door, looking at the dawn.  I smiled and walked over to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her bare shoulder.  She snuggled closer.  “Love you” she whispered and I breathed in her scent.  She smelt of lavender which reminded me of our very intimate lavender bath.

I pulled her closer to me.  “Love you too” I said and she turned to me.  “We need to get ready” she said. 

“Hmmm” I groan when she moved.  “I am better here”

She chuckled.  “We are not even on our honeymoon yet” she said and moved away while I just plopped myself on bed.

“We already are.  Every day will be like a honeymoon” I said and she looked at me, eyes full of lust.

She shook her head and went to the closet.  “We leave in an hour Taeminnie.  They will be here soon” she said referring to my members and my mother.

“Thank God we are going to be alone for two whole weeks soon” I mumbled and dragged myself off bed. 

Ji Ara was still wearing my shirt and when she bent down to double check the suitcases, I had a nice view of her back.

I slapped her as I walked to the bathroom and she groaned “Mean”

I chuckled and walked back, scooped her in my arms and placed her back on bed.  “You my dear wife need to learn to respect your husband” I said in a fake authoritative tone. She wriggled underneath me then giggled.

“And how do you plan on teaching me that” she asked, playing along.

“Hmmm, first of all, you need to be for me to teach you” I said and I proceeded to show her in a very intimate way.




Key's POV


“You think they are still doing it?” Jonghyun asked and I smacked him in the head again.

“Owww.  That hurts”

“Good because this is not a very good thing to say about them” I complained again.

I knocked on the door again and finally a smiling Taemin opened the door.

“Hyung” he said and we all barged in, making him groan. 

We placed the gifts on the table and sat down.  A very blushing Ji Ara came out of the room and greeted us all.

“Aigoo our newly weds” I said and she blushed even more.

“Are you both ready?” Anna asked and they nodded.  They actually looked like they could not wait a moment longer.  I smiled. 

“Wait, where’s Minho hyung?” Taemin asked, noticing a missing Minho.  I cleared my throat and decided to answer that.

“His father has a very important match.  He went to see him.  But he sends his best wishes to the both of you” I said and saw Taemin’s face fall.

But I could not tell him that his father was suddenly sick.  Knowing the strong bond between Minho and Taemin, he would have run straight to the hospital to see him, postponing his own honeymoon.

“He was really sad he could not come.” Jonghyun said “So he promised he will be the one to pick you up” and Taemin nodded.

Onew hyung got up and said “Come on, we need to head out if you guys don’t want to be late” he said and we all started for the door.

Jonghyun’s POV

Once at the airport, we saw them off, walking hand in hand, both blushing and incredibly happy.

We could not help but smile at them.  Taemin had finally found a life partner and he could not be any happier.  They were both vastly different but so perfect for each other. 


And Ji Ara was the perfect girl for him.  She was an amazing person as well.  I tightened my hand around Anna’s, if it hadn’t been for Ji Ara I would not have met my soul mate.

I gazed at her smiling face.  “I love you so much” and she blushed.



Somewhere on the plane, Taemin was thinking the same thing.  He had found his soul mate and married her.  Their lives were going to be simply amazing.  He squeezed Ji Ara’s hand.  “I love you so much” he whispered for her ears only and relished the dimpled smile she gave him.

He laid back and smiled, anticipating the amazing life with his one true love.




The End :)

Thank you everyone for reading.

And please look forward to the next story: Minho's Tribulations :)


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really really great update... i really like this story its really interesting and u make the characters and scenes so realistic i can play them in my heads whilst reading:) awesome job and stuff so yh update soon
CutieMonsta #2
Chapter 15: wahhh amazing story, I hopeyou will update soon.