Hatred for a lost friend

Lee Taemin's Ji-Ara

I walked back inside the house to have Anna in manager mode, specs on and eyes focused on her laptop in front of her.

“What happened to enjoying your holidays?” I asked

She grunted.  “You happened.  Your movie’s brought in another million and you’re now the big shark everyone is looking for.”

I sighed.  “No interviews” I said and before I could go for a shower, she turned to me and said

“Not everyone as in only paparazzi.  I am talking about Parties, Dinners, Award shows and all the high profile stuff.” She said, looking annoyed.

I did understand her. As my manager, this would be a dream come true as I was being recognized for my hard work and for being an A- list celebrity.  Her talent agency would benefit so much.

However being her very first client , I had the liberty to draw up a clause about wanting to keep my private life just that – private.  I really did not care for being famous and the talk of the town.

“No parties, dinners or any of those stuff” I said, not looking at her and walked into the bathroom.


During the day, Ajumma came with all my favorite food and I relished every bite of it.  She chuckled.  “Now I know it’s definitely you”

I looked at her questioningly. 

“You still eat like a baby dragon” she said and laughed and I just frowned at her.


After brunch, we sat and talked about everything.  Suddenly, her tone changed to being serious. 

“I am sorry about Taemin, dear” she said, eyes misty.  I felt a pang of pain at the mention of his name.

“Don’t worry about it Ajumma.” I said, avoiding looking at her.  When I was a kid, she would always know when I was lying.


“I would have believed you had you looked at me when you said that” she said, when I was silent, she continued.  “You should forgive and forget dear.”


I looked at her then.  “Have you completely forgiven him for what he did?” I asked her.  She averted her eyes and shook her head in sadness.


She took in a deep breath and said more cheerfully, “You should get ready if you want to go meet your mother” she said and I nodded. 




That evening we had all visited my mother together.  Anna had immediately bonded with her.  My mom still looked frail and weak.  It hurts to see what love can make someone into.


While returning after dinner in town that night, i had to brake and the car screeched to a halt.  Five vehicles were parked in front of ajumma’s house with lots of paparazzi being fended off by bodyguards.


“He’s here, isn’t he?” I asked her and she nodded. 

“No one told me he was coming though” she said more to herself than to me.  She bade us goodnight and walked to the back of her house.


“What’s happening?” Anna asked.  “Paparazzi” I said and she nodded. As I parked the car, I told her it was time to shift to a hotel.

Later than night, Anna whispered to me, “The paparazzi are not at our house Sherry”

“They probably think we are staying there instead of here”


“You are a good actress which means u can lie like it’s the truth but I am a good manager hence I know when you’re acting” she stated matter of factly.


“And I know enough Korean to understand when you said some guy was back” she continued when I still didn’t say anything.

I sighed.  “You should have been a lie detective”

“And you have some explaining to do”


“Ok fine.  You know my neighbor…well she is a famous guy’s mum and he’s home” Anna seemed to digest that for a while.

“Who’s the celeb?”


“Taemin” I finally said out his name while Anna just stared at me.  Shifting into manager mode again she said “Whole story. Now”


**********Five years ago**********

“Ajumma!” I tried to console her.  “You cannot cry every weekend.  He is doing something he loves and getting paid for it, isn’t that his dream?” I asked, trying to pacify her. 


“My son” she merely said and started crying all over again.


Every last weekend of each month, Taemin and his mom would go somewhere, anywhere, just mother and son and bond over, be it visiting family, camping out, going at parks etc.


“It’s been over two years, in two months it will be 3 years since he left and he has not visited once.” She said.

“You should support him, whatever he is doing.  Once he’s stable enough, he will be back.” I said, reminding her of Taemin's promise to return and take her with him.


She finally calmed down but I certainly understood her.  Taemin had promised to keep in touch with me, but he never contacted me.  Without him, everything seemed different.  That was when I realized that I lost my best friend.


However, that summer was when it had really dawned on me.  It all started with my mum finally succumbing to her heartbreak and suffered a major heart attack.  It came to a point where doctors recommended immediate surgery which would cost a fortune.

I still remember that phone call I made to him, after three years.


“Taeminnie” I whispered his name.


“Yes. Who is it?” he asked.  Something had changed. His voice was more…distant.  Did he really forget my voice?


“Ji-Ara” I stated and took in a deep breath.  I had always been fiercely independent hence asking anyone for money was a real ordeal for me, much less asking from a lost best friend.


“Ji-Ara” I heard him exclaim when he finally realized who I was.  “After three years now you call me?” he asked.


“Taemin please, it’s really urgent.  I need your help” I said.


“You need money right?” he asked suddenly.  So his mum told him about the impending surgery.


“Yes” I said, tears rolling down my cheek.  So he knew my mother was sick and he had not even bothered to call.


“You forget all about me all these years and as soon as I am successful you call me?” his tone was condescending and I could not hear anymore as I just ran from the phone booth.


“Did he send the money already dear?” Ajumma asked as soon as I entered my mother’s room.  I shook my head.  She seemed sad. 
“Don’t worry ajumma.  I know just how to get the money” I said and left.


That day I realized Lee Taemin changed for the worst.


**********Present day**********

“You mean he just did not care?” Anna asked and I looked blindly at her.

“Stardom changes people.  I don’t blame him” I said.


“But you do, you blame him for hurting you, for not being there when you needed him the most” Anna said, reading right into me.


Anna was quiet for some time.  “If he’s back, what are you going to do?”


“What you mean what am I going to do?” I asked incredulously.  “We are shifting into a hotel” I said, getting up to pack.


“We can’t move Sherry” she stated sadly. 


I halted and turned to her.  “What you mean?” I asked carefully.



She looked sad.  “Your movie premiered in Seoul last week.  By now you are famous here too” she stated and it dawned on me what it meant.  Paparazzi!  My private life I tried so hard to protect all gone.

But stil....

“Me and staying right next door to Lee Taemin? No Way!!!”

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really really great update... i really like this story its really interesting and u make the characters and scenes so realistic i can play them in my heads whilst reading:) awesome job and stuff so yh update soon
CutieMonsta #2
Chapter 15: wahhh amazing story, I hopeyou will update soon.