Our first Date

Lee Taemin's Ji-Ara

I woke up with bright lights pouring into my room.  I sat up and rubbed my eyes.  I could feel a slight headache.  I stretched and realized I should have been in the recliner on the terrace.


I glanced around me and saw a note on the pillow.


“You sure are heavy chubby O.o
I did not want you to be cold so I carried you inside. 
Lose some weight!

P.S You snore when you sleep XD


I glared at it.  How dare he say I snore!  I immediately looked for my phone and called him.

“I DO NOT SNORE” I said expressly into my speaker.

Taemin laughed.  “And good morning to you too chubby”


“Why are you so mean? Can’t you be like a normal boyfriend and say sweet things to me?” I asked, annoyed.  I am NOT a morning person, this headache made it worse.


“Why are you weird? Can’t you be like a normal girlfriend and invite me out on a date?” he retorted back and I heard laughing in the background.  So he was being macho in front of his hyungs!


I changed my voice to something sweet and girly.  “Wait for me tonight when you get back home honey.” I said and hung up; knowing Taemin must be shocked, with his cheeks turning red.



Shinee’s POV


He was trying to be so macho just a minute ago, however, he was completely pale right now.

“What happened?” Key asked.

“She was being weird” Taemin replied in a low voice.

“How weird?” Minho asked, concerned for his maknae.

“Weird enough to call me honey, and ask him to anticipate me going home” Taemin replied and his SHINee member burst out laughing.

However, key sighed.  “Why can’t you guys be a normal couple?”

Taemin sighed.  “I think I regret asking her something like that” However, deep in his heart, he was anticipating it.



In Anna and Ji Ara’s apartment


“Are you sure you wanna do this?”  Anna asked a very excited Ji Ara.  She nodded. 

“I guess it was true what he said, I have to stop being so awkward with him.” She said, trying on yet another hairstyle.

“You think this is good?” she asked Anna for the hundredth time already.  She sighed.


“If you really want to impress him, try being yourself.  I have a feeling Taemin likes simple girls.” She said, finally bored.

“He likes cute girls like Eun Soo.  But tonight I am going to be Sherry the star!” Ji Ara said, finally going with a hair down, messy look.

She took a step away from the mirror and analysed herself.  Little black dress with black studded stiletto and a shiny clutch was perfect.  She looked like the actress that she was.

It was high time for a real date.  She called SHINee’s manager.  “Oppa, he is done?”

“Yeah, he is finished with today’s schedule.  You should leave now.  He will be home in a few minutes” he said and Ji Ara smiled. 



Taemin’s POV


“You think she’s home?” Jonghyun hyung asked with a sly smile.  I shrugged.  I knew she could be mischievous when she wanted to be.

Minho hyung opened the door and switched on the light.  When we saw no one, I realized I was holding my breath and I exhaled.

“She is not here” key hyung said and I nodded, quite disappointed actually.  “Good for you, you reek of sweat.  Off you go to the shower Taeminnie.” He ordered before I even set foot in the house.

I rolled my eyes behind his back and walked straight to the kitchen for my banana milk.  I plopped myself on the couch and started watching some music show on TV.

“LEE TAEMIN!!!! SHOWER! NOW” key hyung shouted.  Jonghyun hyung who took my place as I stood up smirked at me.  I sighed and walked to my room.

As soon as I my light, I saw Ji Ara standing there, her back to me and her phone in her hand.  She smiled at me and turned, that was when I realized she was dressed up and damn it, she was HOT.



Ji Ara’s POV

I relished the look on his face.  Shock, then happiness at me being there and then the look in his eyes, and I never felt more proud of dressing up.

“Good evening Taemin” I greeted him with a smile.  He stood frozen for a moment before greeting me back. 

“So you did come” he said trying to act as though he was not affected.  I stood there and smiled at him.

“Who are you tal_” key oppa suddenly barged in and saw me, his eyes went round.

“Ji Ara” he whispered and shook his head.  I chuckled.  This was the effect I had on men when I was dressed as the ‘Hollywood actress’ that Anna had nicknamed it.

“Anneyong oppa” I greeted him cheerfully.  He seemed to recover himself.  “I’ll leave you two alone” he said and closed the door.

Taemin looked at me with a murderous gaze.  “Vixen” he accused and I laughed.  He grabbed his towel and walked towards me.  My heart almost skipping a beat, I stepped back.

“So you ARE new at this” he stated with a victorious smile. 

“Of course I am. Just because I spent most of my formative years in America does not mean I am a vixen” I retorted.

He shook his head.  “Why are you here?”

“I am being your normal girlfriend.  Tonight we go on a date”

Taemin gave that gorgeous smile again and I felt something flutter in my stomach.  “Great, give me 20 minutes to get ready.” He said and I slowly walked to his door, with him following me.

Before I could leave his room though, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me near.  “No normal girlfriend looks so hot” he said and dashed to the bathroom before I could react.

It took me a full moment to realize that he was much more affected by my appearance than what I believed.


As I walked into the living room, I got to see SHINee in their training clothes, all sweaty and without make up.  I smirked.  Had Anna been here, she would have gone crazy.


Where did SM scout all these handsome guys who looked gorgeous even without make up?

“What are you smiling about to yourself?” Jonghyun oppa asked as I took a seat next to Onew Oppa.

“Just how cute you guys are” I said, smiling innocently at him.

“The word you are looking for is handsome, not cute” he said in his am-so-awesome manner.

Onew oppa and I chuckled.  “So, date night huh?”  he asked.

I nodded.  “I have to start behaving like a girlfriend.  So I thought dating is the first step”

“You have never been on a date, have you?” he asked which totally surprised me.

I stared at Onew oppa.  He was the weirdest one of all.  He would make jokes at the wrong time, he was very much awkward and a dork, and yet, at other times he could be insightful and mature.

I slightly nodded dead embarrassed at my confession.

“No way!” Jonghyun oppa said, gaping at me.  “Looking like that, you should have men around you everywhere” he said and I shifted in my seat.

Onew hyung sensed that I was uncomfortable and completed ignored Jonghyun. 

“First thing girls want to do on a date is look cute and dainty not y with too much appeal.” He said. 

Coming from anyone, it would have felt like an insult, but from Onew oppa, I knew he meant well.


“I just never dated, so I don’t know.  In the roles that I played in movies, whenever I had to date, they would dress me up like this” I said apologetically.

“I still can’t believe you never dated” Jonghyun oppa butted in again. 

“There was never time.  I was always busy” I said and he looked shocked.

“You should ALWAYS make time to date.  Dating is the only way to relieve stress, to look at the beauty of the woman, to enjoy quality time with the opposite ” he went into the playboy mode again and we ignored him.


“Hyung, the bathroom is all yours” Taemin said as he walked into his bedroom before I could take a glimpse at him.

Key oppa came and sat beside me.  “Hyung is right; you should have dressed more cutely”

“You think I should change?”


After considering it, key oppa shook his head.  “Might do him good to go out with a woman, rather than those childish girls he has been dating” he said which caught my interest.


“He dated?” I asked.  I just never thought of Taemin dating anyone else before. Sure I hooked him up with Eun Soo, but even then I refused to believe they would really date.

“Would you look at that? I am all sweaty and I am sitting next to you.  I should have my shower” key oppa said and fled into his room.

I looked at Onew oppa, about to ask him, when Taemin came out and I lost track of my thoughts. 

He was dressed in black jeans with a white t-shirt and a black blazer coat.  It was actually very simple, but damn it, that was hot.

“Ready?” he asked, laughing at my reaction.  I gulped and nodded.  Onew oppa waved us goodbye and winked at Taemin.

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really really great update... i really like this story its really interesting and u make the characters and scenes so realistic i can play them in my heads whilst reading:) awesome job and stuff so yh update soon
CutieMonsta #2
Chapter 15: wahhh amazing story, I hopeyou will update soon.