
Lee Taemin's Ji-Ara

Ji Ara's POV

I sighed.  “Come on.  I am not a coward” I said to myself and got out.  I had to face everyone and him.  How could he say he loves me?  I mean we have not seen each other for almost 8 years!  That’s a long time.

I opened the door and peeked; great, no one in sight.  I sure as hell did not want to see Anna.  She would just be gloating with an i-told-you-so look.  I walked out the kitchen and noticed there actually was no one. 

I looked everywhere and concluded that they just left.  I sighed.  I really did not want to go back to the hotel room and face Anna.  I decided to stay here for a few hours, in SHINee’s dorm, hoping they won’t mind when they come back.

As soon as I sat down in front of the TV, I heard a door open.  ! I slowly glanced back and saw Taemin standing a few spaces behind me, with a weird look on his face.

“Because I love Ji Ara!”  Flashed in my mind.  I think we stood there looking at each other for a minute.


I gave a small smile and he responded with walking towards me.  I could feel my heartbeat speed.  What the hell! How do I tell him I don’t love him?

He quietly sat beside me and looked at the TV screen.  “What are you watching?” he asked.

“Some award show” I said, not daring to say anything else.

“They are all gone, aren’t they?” Taemin asked and I nodded.  I heard him sigh.

“I guess the party was fake.  I am sensing Jonghyun hyung’s part in this.”

“And Anna as well, she can be very determined when she puts her mind on something.” I added.

However, Taemin looked at me with a serious face.  In a flash, he was at the door, trying to open it, but it would not open.

“What the hell” I said and went to try myself.

“Damn it! How can they just lock us in?” he whined, obviously frustrated.

“We have the video screening tomorrow!” I said and tried again and again without success. 

“It’s all your fault!” I blamed him.  It really was, had he not said what he did, we would not have been in this situation.

“Why is it my fault?” he frowned and looked at me.

“Why did you say what you said?” I asked, not being able to bring myself to say that he loved me.

“Because I really do” he said heatedly then realized what he just said and blushed.

That silenced me too.  I walked over to the table and grabbed some chips.  There was a note in the bowl.

“Admit that you like each other and call us.  We’ll come let you out” was scribbled in it.

Taemin came besides me and read the note and sighed.  “Jonghyun hyung’s handwriting” he said.

I ignored him and watched the award show, eating the chips.

He plopped him on the seat beside me and we watched in silence.

“You know, you don’t have to feel the same way” he said after a while.

“I don’t” I affirmed it for him.  I heard him in a breath.

“You don’t have to be so vocal about it”

“I am”

“I hope we can still be friends”

“We are”

“Damn it Ji Ara, look at me” he said, frustrated.

“Don’t want to”

I purposefully did not want to look at him.  I liked Taemin.  He was my best friend.  But love? It actually hurt me that I did not feel the same.  He was not my type at all.

I sat there stoically looking at the award show, when he sighed.  “I’m sorry I have to resort to this” I heard him whisper then I could feel his hands on my shoulder, turning me towards him.

I did not, could not look at him so I struggled out of his hands, but we both ended up on the floor, with him pinning me down.

This reminded me of our childhood.  How many times did I pin him down like this when he would not do something I asked him to.

He smirked.  I started struggling again but his hold just got more firm. 

“Don’t even try, I told you, I am way stronger than you now” he said arrogantly.

Damn it.  I have to forget he was not the weak Taemin I knew back then nor was I the fat girl anymore to be able to tackle him.

“Now that I have your attention, let’s decide what we will do about this situation” he said and got up while I frowned at him.

“We need to call them and tell them we love each other so they can let us out” he said and while I continued to frown at him, he chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I know you don’t, but we have to lie so they’ll let us out.  Or else, you’ll be surprised how scary those hyungs can be”

I nodded.  But I still could not be myself.  How can you be yourself when your best friend just said he loves you and you don’t feel the same?

“Chill, there’s no pressure at all.  We are friends, that all” he said when I still did not say anything and I nodded.  If I can’t love him, the least I can do is be his best friend again.

“But we can’t call them now.  Let them wait.  They probably won’t be sleeping, waiting for our call” I said with a smirk. 

He chuckled.  “Right! Let them wait it out.”

On a second thought, he said, “Its revenge time Jonghyun hyung”


Is taemin really that unaffected that his best friend did not return his love? How can he be so cool about it?

If Ji Ara does not love Taemin, does she really like Seungho?

Stay tuned for the next Chapter "Feelings", which will be having more emotions, revelations and a new relationship!!!!! 


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really really great update... i really like this story its really interesting and u make the characters and scenes so realistic i can play them in my heads whilst reading:) awesome job and stuff so yh update soon
CutieMonsta #2
Chapter 15: wahhh amazing story, I hopeyou will update soon.