Chapter 21: Disaster At Cube

The Luckiest B2UTY!


The next day, Doojoon, who was already awake by 4AM, quickly woke up the other members.

“YAH! WAKE UP EVERYONE!!! (gets hit by a pillow) YAH! WHO THREW THAT?!”



They all rushed to the living room where the television was.


“Following events last night at the 25th Anniversary Ball of the KHRC, top idol group BEAST is in deep waters today. After their performance at the ball, member Lee Gikwang admitted publicly that he is in love with Kim Minyoung, Co-President of the company. It’s important to note that during the red carpet event, Kim Minyoung and Infinite’s Kim Myungsoo, also a Co-President of the company admitted that they are now currently dating. After what Gikwang did, Minyoung revealed to everyone present what really happened during her stay at the group’s dorm…”


Gikwang turned the television off much to everyone’s surprise.

“I’m going back to bed…”

The other members all looked at each other with worried expressions.

At the same time at the Kim Residence, Minyoung woke up to find herself still locked at Myungsoo’s embrace so, she silently wiggled out of his embrace and got off the bed. She kissed him on the forehead before going to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she went back inside their bedroom and her laptop. She was surprised to see that her inbox was full of emails from fellow B2uties and B2stlies!


“Is it true that they did that to you?!”

“You should’ve told us!”

“No way! I still can’t believe this!”

“We’re supporting you! If they are really like that then they don’t deserve fans at all!”


She was very much surprised by their messages.

“Kim Minyoung, did you really do the right thing?... (shakes her head)… Aigoo! Yes you did! It’s final!”

“Oh, you’re up already?” It was Myungsoo who has just risen and was rubbing his eyes.

“Ne, did you have a good sleep? Aigoo, I shouldn’t be asking that!”

“Of course! I was hugging you! What are you reading?”

“…Oh! It’s some emails that my co-B2uties and B2stlies sent to me regarding… them…”

“Ah… Oh right, so, tomorrow’s the day right? I’m all for it so, are you as well?”

“Ne, I am. Want to eat now?”

“Geurae! Oh! Let’s wake up the others!”

“Arasseo but, doesn’t Sunggyu oppa always locks his room?”

“Don’t worry, I have… (goes towards a drawer and gets something) this!”

“A key? To his room?”

“Not just his room but all the rooms here!”

“You got a master key without me knowing… WOW! Hahahaha! Let’s go!”

They sliently went outside and unlocked the door of Sunggyu’s room; once inside, they saw that it was like they had a party inside! Everyone was just lying everywhere!

“Yah, oppa, I have an idea.”

“I think we’re both thinking the same thing! After this, we have to buy more toothpaste!”

And so later, they decorated the other members’ faces with toothpaste! They hurriedly went out of the room before anyone woke up.

By 6AM, the two were having breakfast already downstairs.

“Any minute now, hana, tul, set!” As Myungsoo pointed at his watch, they all heard screams from upstairs!


The two burst out laughing!

“Minyoung-ah, ready the camera of your phone!”


They quickly ran upstairs to snap a photo of the others!

“Yah! Oppas! Say Infinite!” Minyoung quickly took a photo of them! She quickly uploaded it on her Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts!

“YAH! MINYOUNG-AH! MYUNGSOO-SSI! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!” Sunggyu shouted as he tried to take off the toothpaste on his face!


Later that day, the photo which was named by Inspirits as “Toothpaste Faces” reaced 10, 000 likes on Facebook, the same number of retweets on Twitter and the same number of shares in Instagram! They were trending as well!

After having breakfast, Infinite’s manager came to pick the others up then, Sunggyu, Minyoung and Myungsoo decided to go grocery shopping.

“So, what are we buying?” asks Sunggyu who grabs the list from Myungsoo. “… TOOTHPASTE?!”

“Ne! We wasted all our stock! And some food as well!” says Minyoung.

Back to BEAST, their manager arrived at 7:30AM and told them that they were being asked to come immediately to Cube that instant so of course, they complied.

The CEO was so mad at them for what happened. He said he expected more good things from them. Then, he showed them the posts, comments, tweets, everything that was being passed in the social media. Their morale hit an all time low as they read negative comments about them and one of those comments was that they should disband.

He asked them if they have asked forgiveness from her which they said yes but when he asked how come she (Minyoung) still revealed the truth, it was Gikwang who answered.

“Before our performance, I talked to her about something outside, at the garden but, Myungsoo came and asked her to come back inside and she told rather warned me not to do something foolish or else she’ll be forced to do something.”

“And what did the two of you talked about?”

He has no choice so he told him the truth about how he likes her very much. H also tells him about his deal with Myungsoo a few days ago and how they were discovered by Minyoung. He tells him everyting right from the very start till the end.

With the truth finally out, the CEO has heard enough. He orders them to call for a press conference the very next day so that the public might understand.

As the members and their manager walk out of Cube, they were greeted by the reporters and some angry fans so they had to hurry to their van and drive off.

“We have got to talk about our course of action once we get back to your dorm.” says their manager while driving.

“Oh wait! Can we stop by the grocery store? I have something to buy.” says Doojoon.

“Arasseo but, only you would be going there.”

“I will. It’s the least I could do after causing that ruckus last night.” says Gikwang as he faced Doojoon.

“Arasseo but, be careful then.”


Once they arrived at the grocery store, Gikwang immediately disguised himself and quickly went inside with the grocery list in hand.

He was by the frozen section when he thought he saw Minyoung pass in front of him so, he followed her and stopped when he saw Myungsoo and Sunggyu.The three were going towards the counter to pay for what they bought. Seeing he can’t do anything at that point, he decides to go back to grocery shopping.

The day eerily passed for BEAST who was all nervous for the next day. They kept on reading the posts on their fan café and were extremely demoralized although some hardliners refused to stand down.

As for the Kims, they had a nice day. After grocery shopping, they went out but of course, under a disguise although Sunggyu was almost recognized by an Inspirit in a parking lot so they had to leave immediately.

That night, before sleeping, both Minyoung and Myungsoo were lounging at the garden.

“Oppa tomorrow’s the day right?”


“You know what, I’m kinda nervous.”

“Jinja? Wae?”

“Molla. I know what we’re about to do is somehow earth shaking but somehow, I feel like something’s stopping us from doing so.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“I don’t know how to explain it actually. Mianhae.”

“It’s alright. Let’s just do it quickly tomorrow, got it?”


At BEAST’s dorm, the six members were in their bedroom and they all felt something bad was going to happen tomorrow.

“It’s like something heavy’s on our shoulders!” shouts Junhyung.

“You feel it too? Aigoo! I thought I was the only one!” says Hyunseung.

“Yah, Hyunseung, do you remember what you said last night about some incoming storm? I think it’s making landfall tomorrow.” says Dongwoon.

“Aigoo! What are we going to do?!” shouts Yoseob.

“Molla!!! My head hurts!” shouts Doojoon.

“I just hope some kind of miracle happens tomorrow!” says Gikwang to himself.


The next day finally arrives and at exactly 8AM, a car arrives at Cube. Two persons and their secretary step out of the car and go inside. The front desk was startled and asks who they want to see.

“Mr. Myungsoo and Ms. Minyoung would like to see the CEO.” answers Mr. Baek.

The front desk attendant quickly calls the office of the CEO.

“He’s waiting for you at his office. You may go up now.”

They head for the elevator and right before the doors close, BEAST comes in through the lobby and Gikwangs sees Myungsoo and Minyoung inside the elevator. She sees him as well and looks away. Myungsoo also does see him and holds her right hand tightly. The doors close and BEAST’s fate is sealed.

They arrive in the office and were greeted by Mr. Hong, the CEO of Cube.

“Mr. Hong, we wouldn’t be here for too ling so we would be saying what we came here for.” says Myungsoo.

“Yes, please (gulps) go on.”

“We’re pulling out our shares from your company. Mianhae and have a nice day.”

Minyoung’s words pierced the heart of Mr. Hong so much that he almost had a heart attack!

Half an hour after they left, he calls for BEAST and their manager to come to his office immediately.

“Yah, is it true that Myungsoo and Minyoung were here?!” asked Gikwang.


“Why did they come here?” asked their manager.

“The Kim Hotels and Resorts Corporation, our largest shareholder who owns 5o% of our company has pulled out their shares!”


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Chapter 29: Thank you for the update! I've been waiting for this since forever XD.
RiYoungPark #2
Chapter 25: update soon!!
Chapter 14: omg hahaha gikwang's brother is so adorable " i want her to be my sister in-law" I realize i might be blowing the commet section up.....
Chapter 5: Nope just kidding! Go myungsoo!!
Chapter 1: I read the comments first and what!! With myungsoo?? Gahhhh how did the happen ><
Chapter 19: omg.. I was hopping that she would date Gikwang.. Update soon please!!
Chapter 10: Please continue~~~can't wait to see next ><
Chapter 1: This is cute X3