S4C6: Bang's POV

Before The Sunset

"Do I really got to stand here and greet all these people?" Bang asked, slipping into the Korean language. His mom glared at him.

"Yongguk! This is a very important day for your brother and Lita. Don't ruin it!" She hissed. She turned back towards the guests and her smile returned. Bang continued to fake his and he did his duties as his brother's best man. Yongnam revealed to the rest of the family that he wanted to have the ceremony right away. After Bang reminded him that he was still in school, Yongnam decided to have the wedding in December, when Bang was on winter holiday. Now here they were greeting people at the chapel days before Christmas. Bang's father lead the families to their seat. His reaction surprised Bang the most. His father was actually excited that Yongnam and Lita were getting married, he even agreed to pay for half the expenses.

"Minji!" called out a female voice. We both turned to see Danny's parents walking through the entrance. Bang's mother beamed up as she hugged her neighbor and friend.

"Oh Brenda, I'm so glad you two could make it!" She said, in perfect english.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," she replied. Bang frowned as he looked at them.

"Where's Danny?" he asked, noticing the boy wasn't with his parents. Danny's father looked at him.

"He's coming later. Something about a group study session," he told him. Bang nodded, not bothering to hide the confused look at his face. Since when did Danny need a tutor? He shrugged it off and continued to help people in their seats. After some time Himchan and Sooyoung showed up. She pranced over and pecked his lips.

"You look good in a suit, baby," She told him. He smiled and hugged.

"And you look good in that dress," He complimented. She grinned and leaned closer to his ear.

"I look better with it off," she whispered, nibbling his earlobe.

"We'll see about that," he whispered back. He took them to their seats and went to go find his brother. When he found him, the ceremony started. He stood by his brother's side as the priest did his routine. Finally, it was coming to an end.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said, shutting the book in front of him. Yongnam smiled and leaned into Lita, who was already crying, and gave her the biggest kiss possible but still appropriate in front of the family. After that, everyone headed into the hall where food was going to be served. Bang walked over to his brother and gave him a hug.

"You finally did it man!" He told him. Yongnam laughed.

"Yeah, thannks for being apart of this little brother," he said. Bang turned to Lita and hugged his new sister-in-law.

"You looked beautiful, Lita," He told her.

"Thank you. I promise I'll look after your brother," she said. He nodded and turned to the side so Lita's parents could congratulate him. He glanced at the tables full of people, trying to spot Himchan and Sooyoung.

"Lita," her mother said. "We met these two really nice boys. Can you tell us who they are?" She pointed to a table at the corner. Lita looked but then shook her head.

"Ask Yongnam I have no idea," she said. Yongnam turned and smiled.

"The boy with the black hair is Danny, our neighbor," he said. "I don't know who the other guy is though." Bang whipped around at the sound of Danny's name. Sure enough, there the he was. He was with his family as they ate their food. That's not what bothered him. What bothered him was the other boy, Daehyun. Danny got up from his seat and walked away towards the men's restroom. Bang left his brother and his new wife and followed him, an annoyed look already on his face. When he reached the hall, Danny was already leaving the restroom. He looked up and saw Bang approaching.

"Oh, hey-Ow!" He grunted when Bang grabbed him by the arm and tugged him into an empty room. He shoved Danny away, releasing his tight grip on him. "What's your problem?!?" Danny demanded.

"Mine? What about you?!?" Bang yelled.

"What about me???" Danny asked, confused.

"You brought him with you?" Bang accused. Danny still looked confused.

"Who? Daehyun? Yeah, they told us we could bring a guest and Brooke couldn't make it-"

"So you brought him?!?"

"Well yeah he's my boyfriend," Danny said, still rubbing his arm. All anger drained from Bang's body as he stared at the boy.

"Boyfriend?" He repeated. Danny nodded.

"Yeah since August."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bang asked. Danny scoffed.

"I didn't feel the need to tell someone I haven't spoken to for months," He said. He tried to leave but Bang blocked his way with his arm. "I don't see what the big deal is!"

"You don't see the problem of inviting HIM to MY brother's wedding?" Bang told him.

"This isn't about you, Bang. I came for your brother."

"He needs to leave," Bang said. Danny glared at him.

"Fine, we'll go." He tried to leave again, but Bang's arm was still blocking his path. "What?!?" Bang looked at him, not knowing why he felt sad.

"You're going too?" He asked. Danny nodded.

"Tell your brother I'm sorry," he said, going under Bang's arm and exciting the room, leaving Bang all alone in his thoughts.

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Chapter 47: So sad, i remember when this story has like 2 subscribers and you still updated, i really love this story :3 hope to see more of your writing here.
Chapter 47: It's sad to see this go, but all good things must come to an end. You did so well authornim and frankly this story is going on my list of favorites, and that list is a big list. (: Thank you for a wonderful story, and I hope there's more to come!
Chapter 47: I'm so sad now but this is such a good story, good job and thanks for your hardwork authornim, hope to see you soon :D
Chapter 46: They love is so strong, i wish i meet someone like that ;)
afiercesong #6
I like this so much!
Chapter 28: Oh Danny I understand your pain with Yonggukkie, but you'll have to forgive him one day. I think Yongguk has learned his lesson and shouldn't give up on winning Danny's heart. They are meant to be together, but I can see it'll take both of them a long time before they even end up together <3 Author-nim Hwaiting :D
Chapter 27: lol, that was pretty funny that the only way Yongguk could enjoy that BJ was imagining Danny xD I guess it makes us see that Yongguk really want Danny. hehe I can't wait for your next update~ Fighting! ^^ <3