I'm in love with you

Snowy Spring
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Love. Love. Well then, this wasn't going to end well because who on Earth would fall in love with me? Sigh... Now that this thought had entered into my mind, it wouldn't get out. Should I confess? Wait... how do you even confess?! Do I just keep it a secret? How is that even possible when he makes my heart beat so fast? I climbed into my bed, thought about this for about half an hour, then fell asleep.

'I don't love you. You will never be good enough for me.'

I woke up, breathing heavily and with tears in my eyes. I cried from just dreaming about him rejecting me. I definitely wasn't going confess. I checked the time, and it said six-fifteen. I decided to get dressed, and eat a piece of toast before heading out. It was Friday, one day before the weekend. I packed my bag, then headed outside. The air was warmer than yesterday, but it was still pretty cold. I had brought a scarf this time to keep me warm (in case I would have another fever). I stepped out of the small gate in front of our house, then was about to turn, when sombody said,

"Took you long enough." I turned around to see Hongki, leaning against a wall. He smiled, then stood up straight. I didn't know why, but I wanted to just burst out in tears. Of course, I kept it in and smiled.

"Uh, thanks for waiting for me..." I said without looking into his eyes. I then turned around and was about to start walking, when he grabbed my wrist.

"Is something wrong?" I looked into his eyes then and it just melted my heart. His eyes were full of sincere worry. I tried my best to smile.

"Uh, no, I'm fine!" I even attempted to laugh a little. It sounded terrible. Ugh. He let go of my wrist, then I started walking. Instead of catching up with me, he slowly followed me from behind. We then got to school, and I quickly rushed into my classroom without greeting Hongki's friends. I took my seat, then Mina came up to me.

"Are, are you okay?" she asked. "I'm really sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to make you mad..." Her voice trailed off, and it made me feel really guilty.

"Oh, no, it's fine! I was just caught off guard, that's all..." I tried to explain. Her face then brightened up and she smiled.

"Okay, this is probably going to make you mad, but... do you love Hongki?" I wasn't even mad. I couldn't even think properly.

"N-," I stopped. There was no point in lying to her. "yeah, I think so." She smiled. What was with h

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I finally finished the fic! Thank you to those who read it and for being really nice and supportive! ^^ ♥♥♥


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skullhongluna12 #1
Chapter 33: Awesome
Chapter 33: Thank you for the epilogue! :D It's so cute and lovely to see their life after everything that had happened ^^
Chapter 32: It's finisheddddddd omggg. Yay! Hhaha these two had a long journey♡
Chapter 31: Thank you for the updaaaaate^^
Chapter 31: /internal screaming/ NUUUUUU omgomgomgomgomg what is going to happennnn?!?! Wake up hongki!!
Update juseyooooo^^
Chapter 30: Ah the meeting failed huh. They didn't make up... there's always a next time!