
Snowy Spring
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Well, things were looking good. It was about a week after the wedding incident.

Hongki made a deal with his father, saying that he'll return home and try to help the company only if he leaves Sarang alone, and Sarang's house was in the process of getting a renovation. Althought it hurt a bit, it was okay, as long as Sarang was happy.

It was lunch, and I wanted to be alone, so I went to the greenhouse. The greenhouse is beautiful and I had wanted to bring Sarang here one day, but I guess not. I was walking through the greenhouse, looking at and taking pictures of the flowers, when I heard something.


"Ow," someone moaned. It came from the other side. When I hurried to see who it was, I was... pretty shocked, actually. It was Sarang's friend. She was in a crouched position, and there was a metal watering can beside her. She looked up at me, then smiled.

"Hi!" she said happily. She jumped up from her crouched position, but winced. I looked at her foot. Her ankle was swollen.

"Did you fall?" I asked, still staring at her foot. She blushed and took a seat on the bench beside her.

"Yeah, I was walking around, admiring the flowers when I... tripped... over this..." She seemed embarrassed about it. She looked up at me, and looked considerable surprised.

"I'm okay, don't worry about it!" I looked at her and she had this huge smile on her face. Smiling even though in pain. Interesting. Without saying anything, I crouched down, took her shoe off, pulled my hankerchief out of my pocket, and began wrapping her foot with it. When I was done, I stood up.

"You need to put some ice on it," I said. She was still staring at her foot, and didn't say anything. I sighed, and crouched down once again, in a position for me to piggy back her.

"Since you can't walk, I'll bring you to the school nurse." After a long silence, she got up, and let me carry her on my back.

"I'm Park Mina by the way," she said.

"I'm L," I replied. She laughed.

"Yeah I know. Your friend better take good care of Sarang, or you'll be hearing from me!" Mina said while giggling. She suddenly ruffled my hair.

"H-hey, stop!" I said, shaking my head. She started laughing again.

"Your hair's so soft!" And with that, she continued to ruffle my hair all the way to the school nurse's office.

When we got there, we learned that the nurse was also on lunch break.

"Sit down," I ordered Mina, and she obeyed. She sat down on the bed, and I went to the freezer where the nurse keeps the ice.

I grabbed a hand full, but I didn't know what to do with it next, so I looked over at Mina. Smiling, she pointed to the cupboard. I opened it, and there was an ice pack. I put the ice inside of it. When I placed it on Mina's foot, she winced.

"It's cold," she complained.

"Yeah I know. It's ice," I replied. This girl was starting to get on my nerves. After about ten minutes of silence, I began to speak.

"So, uh, the weather outside is... very nice," Wow I sounded like a loser, but I couldn't think of anything so say. When she didn't answer, I looked over at her. She was fast asleep. I carefully stood up, making sure I wouldn't wake her up, when she grabbed my arm. When I looked at her face, I could see tears.

"P-please," she mumbled, "I don't want you to leave me too." I didn't know if she was talking to me or if she was sleep talking, but I stayed.

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I finally finished the fic! Thank you to those who read it and for being really nice and supportive! ^^ ♥♥♥


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skullhongluna12 #1
Chapter 33: Awesome
Chapter 33: Thank you for the epilogue! :D It's so cute and lovely to see their life after everything that had happened ^^
Chapter 32: It's finisheddddddd omggg. Yay! Hhaha these two had a long journey♡
Chapter 31: Thank you for the updaaaaate^^
Chapter 31: /internal screaming/ NUUUUUU omgomgomgomgomg what is going to happennnn?!?! Wake up hongki!!
Update juseyooooo^^
Chapter 30: Ah the meeting failed huh. They didn't make up... there's always a next time!