Epilogue: Happiness

Snowy Spring
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"Sarang..." I heard someone call my name.

"Sarang," They said again. My name sounded sweet on their lips. Like honey. I smiled as I slowly opened my eyes. I looked up to see Hongki smiling at me.

"If you don't hurry, Anna's going to be late for school," he whispered with a small laugh. I checked the time. It was 7:45. I gasped.

"Oh my gosh, why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked him. I scrambled to get out of bed when Hongki laughed and lay down next to me.

"I'm just kidding, it's the first day of summer break," he told me, grinning widely. I sighed with relief and punched his arm.

"You scared me," I said, lying back down. I turned to face him. "Shouldn't you be at work?" Hongki shook his head.

"I get a week off from the company." He shrugged. "They'll be fine without me. Besides, I get to spend more time with you and Anna." I smiled and he kissed my forehead.

"But," he said. I raised an eyebrow. But? "We're going to miss the plane if we don't hurry."

"What plane?" I asked.

"The plane to Jeju island. We're going to spend the next week there while I'm on vacation." I got up from bed.

"Don't we need to pack then?" He shook his head.

"I got that all covered. Everything we'll need is already there." I rolled my eyes. I tend to forget that he officially took over the position of the CEO after his father passed away a few years back. I got out of bed and went into Anna's room.

"Anna?" I whispered into her ear.

"Anna wake up, we're going on a trip!" I said. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"Really mommy? Really? Where?" she asked groggily. I laughed and picked her up. She was only 4 years old and she could speak faster than me.

"Daddy arranged a fun trip to Jeju island for us!" I told her. She rubbed her eyes. She had Hongki's eyes. I kissed the top of her head as she rested her head against my shoulder. Hongki came in and kissed Anna's cheek.

"Come on, we're going to be late," Anna frowned.

"Can't we just take the private jet?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at Hongki, who laughed.

"It's not good to spend money carelessly," he told her. Anna nodded as if she understood and I laughed.

When we got to the hotel, I saw that our luggage was already there. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I wondered who it could have been and when I went to go get it, I grinned in surprise.

"Sarang!" Mina shrieked as soon as she saw me. She gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

"When did you come back to Korea?" I asked. Mina and L moved to Japan where L expanded his photography business. It was now the number 1 photography business in Korea and Japan.

"Yesterday!" she replied. "Hongki invited us and a few others." She winked as she came in. Behind her, followed L with Sungyeol, their 5 year old son, Jonghun, who was still single, and Yonghwa, who married a famous actress a year ago.

"You guys!" I said, smiling.

"Hey Sarang!" Jonghun said, winking. Yonghwa nodded with a smile.

"What are you all doing here?" I turned to Hongki for an explanation. He came to stand beside me and put his arm around my waist.

"I invited them here for a small reunion," he said with a laugh. I smiled. I haven't seen everyone together since Yonghwa's wedding.

"Well let's get going," Mina said, pulling me away from Hongki.

"Where to?" I asked.

"The beach, silly," she said, rolling her eyes. She dragged me out of the hotel room and soon we were looking out at the sea. I grinned and sighed. It was beautiful. I heard footsteps behind be and turned to see all of my fri

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I finally finished the fic! Thank you to those who read it and for being really nice and supportive! ^^ ♥♥♥


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skullhongluna12 #1
Chapter 33: Awesome
Chapter 33: Thank you for the epilogue! :D It's so cute and lovely to see their life after everything that had happened ^^
Chapter 32: It's finisheddddddd omggg. Yay! Hhaha these two had a long journey♡
Chapter 31: Thank you for the updaaaaate^^
Chapter 31: /internal screaming/ NUUUUUU omgomgomgomgomg what is going to happennnn?!?! Wake up hongki!!
Update juseyooooo^^
Chapter 30: Ah the meeting failed huh. They didn't make up... there's always a next time!