In a relationship

Not Another Fairytale


not edited. Sorry if there's any typos. Ciao!



“You’re here already?” Hee Rin shrieks when Chanyeol steps inside their house while dragging his luggage, walking past his sister like she’s not even there. 


“Where are the others?” Chanyeol enthusiastically asks, running towards the living room then to the kitchen with his happy virus on. Hee Rin watches him as he run back and forth.

“Oh my gosh. Mom!!! Happy Virus is here!!” Hee Young shouts as she run down the stairs, she hurriedly scanned his luggage, trying to find some chocolates.

Hee Rin walk to the living room and plopped herself on the couch. She can hear her mom greeting her brother and was asking what he wants to eat for dinner. Its good when Chanyeol is back at home since the house will definitely be in big chaos and it will definitely be filled with nonstop talking and laughter.

“Ayo!! Sup sis?” Chanyeol beamed as he plopped beside Hee Rin, resting his arms on her shoulders. “I’m fine, It’s not yet weekend yet you’re already here” She says and Chanyeol squinted his eyes at her.

“Does that mean you don’t want me to be here?” He raises his brow and Hee Rin shook her head. 

He looks around for a moment before leaning to whisper something on his sister. “well.. You see.. I got suspended.. so…” He embarrassedly stated and scratches his head. Hee Rin widens her eyes at him “No you don’t! Dad will be furious about this” She exclaimed and Chanyeol rolls his eyes, mocking Hee Rin.

“They wouldn’t know, unless you will tell them” He glares and Hee Rin exhales exasperatedly. “And I think you have some stories to tell” He added with a sheepish smile.

“What?” She blinked.

“Ey~~ Don’t try to deny it. Mom told me you’re dating someone already” He teases while poking Hee Rin’s sides, she jerks back.

“Mom!! I told you I’ll be the one to tell Chanyeol Oppa!” She whines and her mom pops her head from the kitchen. “What? I didn’t do anything” Her mom protests and winks at Chanyeol.

“Just tell me~~” Chanyeol sang while tugging on Hee Rin’s sleeves. She knew this would happen. And so she told him everything, but not the part where the one she is dating is actually the prince. Her brother was glad that she finally dated someone since they thought that she’d be growing old without even finding a partner. 

She also told him about how she feels nervous about dating since she thought she can’t be a good girlfriend.. She didn’t experience dating before so she doesn’t know how to be a good girlfriend.

“Well.. You should make him feel like he’s the most special guy” Chanyeol advices as he took a bite on his cookie that their mother baked. “And don’t flirt with other boys” He added while nodding to himself.
“Of course!” She chortled.


Today, Hee Rin decided to visit Myungsoo at his office to give him some food that she cooked. Her brother told her that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach so she took his advice. 
She’s not familiar at the city but good thing she can search through the internet where Myungsoo’s company is. It was one of the advantages of having a popular boyfriend; it’s easy to find him.

She tried to text him and asks if she can visit but he wasn’t replying and he’s not even answering whenever she calls. She thought he’s busy so maybe it’s not that bad to visit and give him something to eat. She wants to be a good girlfriend and this is how she will start. To care for him.

It’s been two weeks since they became official and Myungsoo tries hard to visit Hee Rin as much as possible. He tried to fulfil his duty as her boyfriend even if it’s just all pretention. Even though he doesn’t want to become attached to her, he knew that he still need to treat her well. That is the least he can do.

There were times when Myungsoo wants to give up his plans but whenever he sees Min Ae and feels how he wanted her to be his so badly, he can’t help but to be more determined. He can’t give up on her and Hee Rin is the only way.
“Can I see Mr. Myungsoo?” Hee Rin kindly asked at the front desk in the lobby. She amusedly gazes at the perfect structure she is in. The building is so big and people going inside and out looks very elegant that Hee Rin was kind of embarrassed
*I should’ve wear my dress* she thought while puffing her cheeks.

The lady that was sitting behind the desk dialled on the phone, asking if Myungsoo has an appointment with Hee Rin. “Ma’am, what’s your name again?” The lady asked and Hee Rin says her name respectfully. 

“You can see him at 18th floor Ms. Hee Rin” The lady smiles as she hangs up the phone and Hee Rin bows before walking to the elevator.

She timidly bows at the men and women entering the elevator with her as she tightly grips on the bento box that she prepared. She looks around the elevator and can’t help but to be amused at the gold metal walls surrounding it.

“Excuse me, can you tell me where’s Myungsoo’s office?” She asked one lady that passes as she steps out of the elevator. The lady looks at her from head to toe and it’s as if judging her as she says “right there” while pointing towards the door at the very end of the hallway. Hee Rin bows at her with a smile and run towards Myungsoo’s office, excited to see him again.


She opens his door and pops her head inside as she mumbles a “hello” while timidly waving at Myungsoo who’s talking someone on the phone. He immediately hangs up the phone when he took sight of Hee Rin and he waves her to come in, smiling in the process as much as possible.

“What are you doing here? And how did you know my office?” He bombarded her with questions and Hee Rin fidgeted. She sat at the long leather black couch just at the side of his office while she placed the bento box on her lap.

“I wanted to know how you’re doing.. I was calling you last night but you seemed so busy” She said and Myungsoo flinches at the word ‘busy’

Yesterday night he was at one of his friend’s club, Sunggyu. He took the day off yesterday to take some rest and spend time with his friends and his ‘true’ girlfriend. Once in a while, his phone would ring and he knew it was Hee Rin but he doesn’t seem to care. He doesn’t want to hear her voice especially when he’s having a very good time. His friends knew about his plans and they were very much furious about it, they thought it was stupid, it was true. But they knew they can’t change Myungsoo’s mind because once he makes his plans, it will never change. 

“Uh.. yeah, I attended some meetings and I didn’t brought my phone” He lied, and she believed. 

“I made something delicious for you!” Hee Rin beamed as she skipped toward him, wiggling the bento box infront of his face and Myungsoo awkwardly peered at it.

“What’s this?” He asked and Hee Rin opened it for him. He gave her an awkward smile as she tells him to taste it but everyone know for the fact that Prince Myungsoo will never eat such thing.. Not if you’re one of the top chefs in town. But Hee Rin worked hard for that meal, she even stayed up all night just to watch some cooking advice in the internet. Her mom also helped her though and she even woke up early to prepare...

Soon, Myungsoo convinced Hee Rin that he will just eat it later and that they should just talk with his spare time. He told her that he’s very much busy and that she can’t just show up there any time she wants, he tried to sound as good as possible so she won’t feel bad. Even though he was just using Hee Rin, he also doesn’t want to make her feel bad during their time together since it was the least he could do for her. 

The thing about their relationship is that they didn’t spend time together all the time like usual new couples do. Instead, Myungsoo would just send Hee Rin text messages if he feels like it and would sometimes call her just to please her. Hee Rin was a very understanding person, that’s what Myungsoo observed.. Very understanding actually and he sometimes wonder if she ever holds grudges inside her.

And later that day, after Hee Rin disappeared in his office, the bento box that she prepared for him all night with all her heart poured in it ended up… in the trash.


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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)