Can't tolerate anymore

Not Another Fairytale


Myungsoo was staring at the pile of paper works at his table that he’s going to finish today. He rubs his temple and sighed. He sure has a lot to do.

Taemin went to help him and they were discussing about his upcoming meeting with Mr. Andrew in Europe. “We still have two days to prepare” Taemin inquired as he scrolled down on his phone to check the schedules.

Myungsoo nods and proceeded to finish his paper works while his assistant continues to blabber about their plans. He noticed that his phone was vibrating but he doesn’t care at all since he knew that it was just Min Ae. She’s been calling him since last night and he can’t even sleep.

Somehow, he finds himself getting annoyed by her bratty attitude. She always wants to get anything she wants. She hates it when somebody gets on her way and whenever she feels mad towards something; she will blame it to someone else that it pisses Myungsoo off.

When they started dating, Min Ae was different. She’s kind and sweet at that time and Myungsoo knew that he fell for her because of that. But as time passes by, her true personality was getting revealed and Myungsoo observes how everyone around her tries not to get on her way since they knew that Min Ae has a very bad attitude. She wouldn’t care about how people will feel when she embarrasses them publicly.

There's this time when they went to a place to help some needy for the palace's program, Myungsoo was shocked when he first saw Min Ae pushing a beggar disgustingly when it comes to beg for help. He hurriedly ran to the beggar and helps him to get up as he shouted to Min Ae, telling how cruel she is to do that. “He’s touching me with his dirty hands!” She protested, not even feeling guilty whatsoever.

At that same time, Woohyun also witnessed everything. And he knew… That Min Ae wasn’t the perfect candidate to be his brother’s bride. A prince’s bride should help the needy and should not show disgust in front of them.

Since Myungsoo loves Min Ae, he tries to understand her… Everyone around him would tell him that he will regret dating her but he doesn’t care at all. He thinks he can change Min Ae’s attitude and that it will just take some more time for her to adjust.

But till now… Nothing’s changed. In fact, she even got worse. It is one of the reasons why Myungsoo’s family doesn’t agree for her to be their son’s bride.


It was past 1 in the afternoon and Myungsoo and Taemin didn’t even realize that lunch passes without them eating. They were too busy to even care about their lunch.

“Boss, you haven’t eaten your lunch yet” Taemin states worriedly as Myungsoo was now signing on some papers that he is asked to sign.

“Yes, I know. I’m still not hungry. You should eat too” He looks up from the papers and nodded at Taemin. “I can finish this” He added before busying himself again.

“Alright then…” Taemin sighed and proceeded towards the door.

“uh… Boss?” He calls again as he stared at something when he opened the door.


“You have a visitor” Taemin says as Myungsoo looks up. He can see a wide grin on his assistant’s face while holding on the door knob. He rolls his eyes.

“Look, I’m busy and I have no time to entertain—“ He stopped mid way when Hee Rin steps inside with a small smile on her lips.

“Hey” She greets while tightly gripping on the paper bag she’s holding.

“I’m sorry Ma’am, but Prince Myungsoo is busy today an—“

“Leave us, Taemin” Myungsoo says and the younger one snickers before dashing out of the room.


“I’m sorry…” She apologizes as she glanced at the door where Taemin dashed out a while ago. “I didn’t know you’re busy and—“ She says as she bit her lower lip.

“It’s okay” Myungsoo cuts in. He puts down his pen on his table and stood up to walk round his table before leaning on it, crossing his arms against his chest while eyeing his wife standing beside the door. He stared at her and noticed how angelic she looked with that flowery dress she’s wearing. Her dark brown hair looks so smooth and it complimented her dazzling eyes. She's beautiful, he thought.

“I brought you something” She says that makes Myungsoo snapped out of his trance. He clears his throat. “I figured you haven't eaten your lunch yet and you forgot to bring your lunch with you when you left earlier” She proceeded as she walks towards him.

“Here” She outstretches her arms and gave him the paper bag. Myungsoo peeks at it and chuckles. “I wasn’t able to go back home and get your lunch so I decided I’ll just buy some food outside” She remarked.

“Thank you” He smiles and Hee Rin grins. He awkwardly looks around. “Have you eaten your lunch?” And Hee Rin bashfully shook her head. “Eat this with me then” He grins and drags her towards the sofa at the other side of his office.

“Oh don’t worry about me. And besides I only bought enough just for you” She waves her hands at him but Myungsoo laid the bowl of noodles and two more dishes on the table between two big couches.

“Come on. I can’t eat this on my own” He convinced and Hee Rin sighs.

“Okay then. I’m sorry I can’t buy you expensive meal. I can only afford those” She hung her head low. “But I guarantee you that it’s the best noodles I have ever tasted!” She added anyway with a bright smile and Myungsoo laughs.

“You guarantee it?” He raised a brow and Hee Rin nodded eagerly.

“I always eat there after school hours and I’ve been so close to the ahjumma that serves that noodles. She even gave me discount today!” She beams.

Though Myungsoo doesn’t eat such thing when it’s not his chef who cooked it, he still doesn’t mind since he trusted his wife now and he doesn’t want her to feel upset when he rejects her offer.

They were about to eat when the door swung open that makes them turned look at the intruder. It was Min Ae. She looked pissed as soon as she took sight of Hee Rin sitting across her boyfriend and not to mention they look like they were having fun.

“Min Ae! Hello” Hee Rin brightly smiles and wave to her. Min Ae scoffs and rolled her eyes before glaring at Myungsoo.

“We need to talk” She says through greeted teeth while crossing her arms against her chest. Myungsoo sighs and turned to look at his wife who’s staring at him blankly.

“Excuse me. I’ll just talk to her.” He stated and Hee Rin glanced at Min Ae before nodding to Myungsoo. “Wait for me” Myungsoo says before walking out of the room with Min Ae trailing behind him. Hee Rin noticed how Min Ae stared hard at her before she walks off and she suddenly felt a bit of worry inside her. *Did they fight?* she thought and sighs.



“What do you think you’re doing, Myungsoo?!” Min Ae yelled as they reach the rooftop. “You’re not even answering my calls and why are you with that girl now?!! And why is she here?!!” She bombarded him with questions while Myungsoo rubs his temple with his right hand while the other was resting on his hips.

“Answer me!!!” She shouted angrily at him.

“What?!! Say something!!” She demands.

“Stop it, Min Ae!!! Just shut up!!” He roared suddenly and Min Ae was taken aback from his sudden outburst.

“I am so tired dealing with lots of problem and your nagging wasn’t helping at all!!” He sneered.

He took a deep breath and reaches to hold Min Ae’s shoulder. “Look, Hee Rin is here because she bought me lunch. We’re not doing anything wrong Min Ae” He explains but Min Ae just yanks his hands away.

“That’s pathetic! You aren’t supposed to show her kindness!” She protests and Myungsoo flinches. “You’re supposed to hurt her and make her suffer so she’ll just leave you and your plan will be a success!” she said, fuming.

Myungsoo looks down on his feet and shook his head lightly. “I can’t do that Min Ae… I can’t do that to her” He mutters which earns him a slap on his cheek.

“You’re pathetic” Min Ae states coldly as Myungsoo held his cheek where Min Ae slaps him.

“You’re falling for her, aren’t you?!” She asks in disbelief while raising her brow. Myungsoo looks up at her in bewilderment.

“No!” He protests almost immediately.

“Then why are you acting like this?!!”

“Hee Rin is a kind person!”

“So you’re falling for her, huh?! Huh?!” She angrily asks while pushing Myungsoo on his chest.

“Shut up, Min Ae!” He growls and Min Ae heavily breathes, glaring hardly at Myungsoo.

“I’m warning you, Myungsoo. If you won’t convince your Dad to give you the company after one month…” She starts and Myungsoo furrows his brows. Here she goes again. “I will break up with you” she said coldly, as if that was the easiest decision she has ever think.

Myungsoo clenches his fist as his blood started to boil out of anger. He’s too tired to hear this warning from Min Ae. She would always warn him that she’ll break up with him and it just hurts his ears. He was panicking when he first heard those words from Min Ae but as she warned him over and over again… He somehow realizes that Min Ae doesn’t love him the way he thought she does.

He realizes, when you love someone, you aren’t suppose to threat them. And Myungsoo realizes how blind he is for not seeing it before. Min Ae just loves him because he’s Myungsoo, the prince and the heir of one of the biggest company in town. But he doubts she will still love him without the wealth in his name. He really doubts it.

“Fine” He finally spoke while clenching his fist. His eyes look dark and his jaw was clenching. He doesn’t want to do this but Min Ae leaves him no choice. “Let’s break up” He coldly stated that makes Min Ae narrowed her eyes.

“W-what?” She squeaks.

“Since you always bring up that topic and I’m tired of it. I will agree. Let’s break up” He says.

Min Ae clenches her fist and gulped heavily. “Jerk” she muttered, flipping her hair as she walks away harshly, making sure that she bumped Myungsoo’s shoulder.

Myungsoo exhales exasperatedly while his heart was pounding badly against his chest. It hurts, yes. He must admit that he does love Min Ae but he can’t tolerate what she’s doing. And these past months, all that Min Ae gave to him isn’t the love he is expecting but rather the stress he can’t add up to his problems.

Somehow, Myungsoo felt relieved even if a part of him was hurt. They were in a relationship for so long that it wasn’t easy to let go just like that. But Myungsoo knew that what he did was for the best. And he knew that this decision will not lead him to nothing. Myungsoo, for the first time, made a decision that makes him feel satisfied.


When he walks back to his office, he found Taemin instead of his wife. “Where’s Hee Rin?” He asked and Taemin shrugged.

“Oh. She got a call and was ordered to go to palace right away. Ms. Kwon was furious since Hee Rin just go here without her permission” Taemin informed and Myungsoo sighed.

He walks back to the couch and stared at the food, still untouched. “She didn’t even eat” he murmurs and eats on his own.

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)