
Not Another Fairytale


Hee Rin stared at the big mansion in front of her, remembering the memories she and Myungsoo had created there and couldn’t help but to tear up. It still hurts her but she’s trying to accept everything, because no matter what she’ll do, it will just hurt her remembering things. She needs to accept everything in order to make the pain go away.

Maybe not all the pain, but at least it would just give less pain. But of course, it will take time to accept everything.

Taking in a deep shaking breath, Hee Rin step onto the stairs and stopped at the entrance door. She was hesitating to do this. She was hesitating to step in this house that holds lot of memories that might break her down again. But she knew she have to.

Though everything pains her, she still manages to think of what will be the best decision for everyone. Honestly, she planned to leave and go far away from everyone, where there is no one who could judge her. She planned to talk to Myungsoo and tell that it’s already a goodbye… But then the King suddenly got hospitalized and Hee Rin had to think twice.

She knew she will do a big chaos when she leave, she knows it too well. But then when she found out about what happened to the King, she realizes that fate was still working and it tells her to not leave now. She doesn’t want another issue for the royals to face and it would make the King’s health worse. So once again, she will sacrifice her own happiness.

In the back of her mind, she wants to think that maybe this is the opportunity that’s given to her and Myungsoo to get back together again. And maybe this will be a good idea to at least fix the mess up. She really hopes they could fix everything… She really does.

When she stepped in the mansion, the lonely atmosphere hit her right there immediately and she couldn’t help but to frown. The mansion was rather dull and empty- not literally empty but there wasn’t any warmth of love and happiness.

The clattering of her heels was the only thing to be heard and a melody of the piano that was playing on the speaker throughout the mansion. She found some of their maids cleaning invisible dirt in the living room and their eyes sparkled when they took sight of their princess. Although they weren’t close to her, they were still sad when Hee Rin didn’t go home for days because there’s no one who can light up the mood at the mansion besides her.

“You’re finally back, your highness!” One of the maids chirped and the other glared at her for not controlling her excitement in front of their Madam. Hee Rin chuckled and shook the concern away, waving to everyone with a smile on her face. She thought, ahh, at least there’s still reasons to make her happy in this house.

The maids happily made Hee Rin a good food to eat. Somehow, she misses this. She misses every memory that this house is holding and maybe it was good to be back once again.

After eating, she walks upstairs to her room but stops midway to glance at the other room across from her. It was Myungsoo’s. She smiled as she thought of something stupid; Myungsoo doesn’t want to share bedrooms with her before because they weren’t married. So now, she knows the reason and at least it answers a question that she is thinking fro quite some time.

She realizes, even Myungsoo lied to her, he’s still thinking what’s good for her. I mean, he’s a true gentleman for not taking something precious to a girl… And it makes Hee Rin proud of him.

When night time came, Hee Rin went downstairs to check what’s on the menu for dinner. The chef asked her if she wants to suggest any food. “Just surprise me” She smiles and was about to walk away when the chef asked her again.

“Would you like me to cook Prince Myungsoo’s favorite food?” And Hee Rin stops. *His favorite food?* She thought. *What is his favorite food by the way?* she asked herself.

“I’m sorry. I just thought you would like to suggest any of his favorite food” The Chef apologizes and Hee Rin waved the concern away before smiling and walking away.

She realizes she hasn’t known Myungsoo that well till now… They’ve been together for months but she can’t recall any times where she and him would spend together the whole day just bonding and getting to know each other. Maybe that was the thing their relationship lacks about.

Hee Rin sat at the dining table and stared at her twiddled hands, letting herself be drown in her thoughts. She notices that these past few days, she’s been always staring into distance and will get lost in her thoughts. There was lot of questions she wanted to ask before but now that everything was clear to her, she somehow regretted finding the answers.


Just as when the dinner was settled on the table, the door bell rang.

Myungsoo tiredly walks in while loosening his tie, feeling depressed as ever. “Is the dinner ready?” he asked the maid who got his brief case for him. The maid nodded and Myungsoo sighed before dragging his feet to the dining room.

But when he looks up, he almost jumped in surprise when he saw Hee Rin sitting at the dining table. He widened his eyes and Hee Rin turned to face him and says. “Oh you’re finally home. Let’s eat” She says and faces the table again. Myungsoo gulps and blinked before slowly walking towards his seat, not believing that his wife was here to eat dinner with him.

Ever since Hee Rin didn’t go home, Myungsoo somehow felt lonely… The house looks unhappy without her presence and he couldn’t help but to feel even sadder when he will go home without her greeting him at the front door.

But now that she’s finally back and was eating with him in complete silence, he felt as if she’s not even here either. She’s too quiet unlike what she used to be before… He remembers how she would blabber about things when they were eating together before and how she would smile brightly at him. He misses those times and how he wishes he can repeat it again.

After eating dinner, Hee Rin stood up from her seat and says good night to Myungsoo without looking into his eyes. Myungsoo looks at her and watches her every movement with his heart pounding so badly…

He stood up abruptly before Hee Rin could walk away completely. “Hee Rin” He calls and held her wrist. She stopped. “I… I just—welcome back” He sighs and Hee Rin looks at him over her shoulder before giving him a quick nod.

“Yeah… It’s good to be back..” She mutters, not sounding happy either. Myungsoo lets go of her hand and Hee Rin took few steps again before Myungsoo calls her name once more…

“Can we talk?” He asked calmly while facing her back. Hee Rin sighs and looks down at her feet. Although she wanted to avoid any conversations with him, she knew that sooner or later, they really need to talk. And she realizes, he has the right to explain himself to her.

They walk at the garden located at the back of their mansion as Hee Rin breathes in the cold night breeze. “Are you cold?” Myungsoo asks and Hee Rin shook her head before stopping and gazing up at the sky, trying to count countless stars twinkling above.

Myungsoo glanced at Hee Rin for a while before looking up too. “Did you know that I really like watching night sky?” she asked out of the blue while smiling up the sky. Myungsoo looks down at her and saw how her eyes looks calm when staring up the night sky and how her smile hid those pain very great.

Myungsoo looks down at his feet and takes in a deep breath before looking at Hee Rin again… “I’m sorry” He mutters and Hee Rin’s smile faded before she diverted her gaze from the sky to Myungsoo. Their eyes met and Hee Rin saw how his eyes look sad and… sincere. “I’m sorry for giving you the pain you don’t deserve” He continues while searching for her eyes.

Though Hee Rin wasn’t ready to hear any of this, she still wants to know what he is thinking and she still longed to hear his explanation. So she didn’t utter any word and just stared at Myungsoo as he continued to say sorry to her again and again. “I’m sorry that you have to face such problems when you can be happy without me” He croaks and breathes heavily.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked seriously and Myungsoo gulps.

“I was planning to tell you everything but I can’t find the right time” He says and Hee Rin scoffs as she looks away. “You always have the right time if you plan for it” She says.

“I know I did a terrible mistake and I would give everything just to show how I regretted everything” He desperately explains… “I know you have suffered enough and I am so sorry for being the one responsible for that” He croaks.

Hee Rin looks down and bites her lower lip as she felt her tears welling up in her eyes again. “But Hee Rin…” Myungsoo softly calls and reaches to hold her hands and she looks up at him. “Thank you for coming back.. I know you’re still not ready but thank you for always being there. Thank you for being kind and patient” He says and gave her a crooked smile. Hee Rin looks away.

Myungsoo looks at their hands and caressed hers gently. “I promise that I will make it up to you and you won’t regret coming back…” He mutters. “Just let me show how special you are to me…” He begs sincerely. Hee Rin stared at her hands that were enveloped with his and pulls away. She looks up at him once more and sighed in defeat before walking away. 

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)