
Not Another Fairytale


Hee Rin was writing down some poems as Ms. Kwon recites some palace rules for her over and over again. It was already 3 in the afternoon and she felt very sleepy. She’s not able to complete her sleep these past few nights since she’s been worried about her husband. He’s been too quiet and it’s as if he forgets how to speak.

Myungsoo keeps on avoiding Hee Rin as much as possible these past few days. He doesn’t want to feel guilty when he’s in front of her lovely face. No scratch that. I mean, he doesn’t want to feel guilty when in front of her innocent face.

“Hello Miss Kwon, Hee Rin” Woohyun goofily grins as he entered the library. Ms. Kwon sighs since she knew that this prince has nothing to do but bother Hee Rin’s lesson again.

“Hi Woohyun” Hee Rin waves lazily as she yawns.

“You must be tired. Ms. Kwon, you should give Hee Rin a break” Woohyun pouts and Ms. Kwon narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t give me that look, Your Highness” She coldly stated and the latter stuck his tongue out.

“Hey Hee Rin, want to eat dinner with me?” He cheerfully asks.

“I can’t, I have to eat with my husband” She sleepily reasoned and Woohyun’s face suddenly hardened. He suddenly remembers his fight with his brother few days ago and he can’t help but to feel his blood boiling just by thinking about it.

He wants to tell Hee Rin everything. He wants to end her suffering and let his brother suffer but somehow he feels like he’s not in the right place to do that. Myungsoo was the one behind all this plans and Woohyun realizes that Myungsoo was the right one to fix everything up.

Woohyun just prays that Myungsoo will learn something from this plan when everything was over. And he also prays that Hee Rin will be okay in the future even if he knew that it is impossible.

"Okay then. I actually have special someone with me later and I was hoping you could be there to meet her first" He pretends to be hurt but Hee Rin just yawns while waving her hand at him.



When Hee Rin steps in their house, she can’t wait to lie on her bed and feel the soft blankets but a loud voice interrupts her dreamy thoughts. “Who’s that?” Hee Rin curiously asks herself as she furrows her brows.

Hee Rin walks silently towards the living room where the loud voice came from and found a guy who’s sitting comfortably at the couch as if he’s in his own house. She almost gawked at him as he gave her a wide smile and saluted her in such informal manner. His smile was so big and you can even see the word ‘H-A-P-P-Y’ around his cheerful self.

“Who are you?” Hee Rin hesitantly asked and the guy jumped off the couch as he animatedly brushes his hair with his fingers coolly.

“I’m Dongwoo. The most handsome and charismatic friend of Prince Myungsoo” He puffs up his chest while biting his lower lip as if he was trying to actually seduce someone.

“Oh! It’s nice to meet you!” Hee Rin’s eyes sparkles as she smiled at him warmly and Dongwoo was stunned by her beauty for a few seconds before he shrug the thought off and noted to himself *She’s pretty to be a maid*

“Anyway, where’s my married friend?” He asked exaggeratedly as he stretches his arms widely. “I have to say my late congratulation to him and to his wife” He his lip as he turned to face Hee Rin who just blinks innocently at him.

“Aren’t you going to ask me for a drink?” He incredulously asks and Hee Rin awkwardly looks around, pointing at herself as if not sure if he’s talking to her. “Oh gosh. Is this how you treat your master’s handsome and charismatic friend?” Dongwoo says as he rested his hands on his hips.

“Oh sorry, please give him a drink. Is lemon juice okay with you?” Hee Rin asks as she waves to order one of the maids that were standing beside her. “Everything’s fine” He flips his bangs.

“Anyway, where’s Min Ae?” He interrupts as he sat back on the couch while Hee Rin was standing there while fiddling with her fingers. She didn’t know that Myungsoo has this kind of friend, a very outgoing friend that is and very hyper too I must add.

“Min Ae?” Hee Rin furrows her brows. “She’s not here” She says and thinks to herself why he even ask her where Min Ae is.

“Aish that girl. She needs to change and just stay at home now that she’s married” He exasperatedly spoke and extended his arms to rest it on the couch’s back support. “And why is this mansion so lonely? Give me some music!” He claps his hands and one of the maids hurriedly the player and sets the volume up as the speakers around the house made a loud booming sound with the beat of the song.

“That’s what I am talking about” Dongwoo enthusiastically pointed out as he bob his head to the music. Hee Rin glanced at the maids who just gave her an apologetic look as well.


“Dongwoo!!” Myungsoo barged in the house. He got a call from his butler that Dongwoo has come back from America today and was in his mansion to visit him. He hurriedly drove his car and just ditches his remaining meetings since he was in panic that Dongwoo would just say something to Hee Rin. Hopefully not.

He flinches as the loud music greets his ears as soon as he opens the doors of the mansion and he hurriedly run towards the living room. Hee Rin turned to look at him and her face brightened, he gestures one of the maids to turn off the music as he walk towards Dongwoo who was feeling the music with all his heart wile waving his hands about.

“Hey, why’d you stop the mu—“ Dongwoo was about to protest but stops when he saw Myungsoo standing in front of him. “Hey man!!” He immediately stood up and gave his friend a quick hug as Myungsoo sighs.

“I miss you bro!” Dongwoo grins as he punches Myungsoo’s chest lightly.

“I miss you too bro.” Myungsoo nervously grins as he takes a quick glance at Hee Rin.

“By the way, where’s Min Ae?!”  Dongwoo suddenly asked and Myungsoo froze. *oh no* he thought. “We should go out for a dinner! I’ll treat you guys out since I wasn’t able to witness your sweet I do’s~~~” He coed as he elbowed Myungsoo. The latter laughs at him awkwardly while Hee Rin was furrowing her brows.

“I never thought you’ll actually marry her man! We thought you’ll get tired of her bratty attitude” Dongwoo laughs as Myungsoo narrowed his eyes at him.

“Excuse me?” Hee Rin clears and Dongwoo gave her a look. “What did you just say?” She asks and Myungsoo reaches to hold her hand immediately, trying to distract her.

“Yeah, man. What did you just say?” Myungsoo laughs as he squeezes Hee Rin’s hand while narrowing his eyes at his friend. Dongwoo stared at Myungsoo and Hee Rin’s intertwined hands as his jaw dropped. *what the?*

“Why are you holding her hand?” He gawked at Myungsoo.

“This is Hee Rin, by the way. My wife” Myungsoo proudly announced and Dongwoo gawks at him.

“What?!! I thought you’re with Min—“

“HAHA, why don’t we go get something to eat?” Myungsoo cuts in while laughing awkwardly, narrowing his eyes at Dongwoo, trying to tell him to zip his big mouth. Hee Rin watches the two boys throwing each other weird looks as she herself was confuse.



“I’m really sorry. I didn’t know that you’re Myungsoo’s wife” Dongwoo apologizes after Myungsoo told him everything. They were now sitting across each other in the dining room with cups of teas served in front of them.

“I really thought that Min-AHH!” Dongwoo yelps as he felt Myungsoo kicks his leg under the table. “I mean, I miss Min Ae! She’s my friend too” Dongwoo dryly laughs as he shoots daggers at his friend while rubbing his sore leg.

“Are you okay?” Hee rin worriedly asks and Myungsoo reaches to rest his hand on her waist. “He’s perfectly fine honey” He smiles at her and Hee Rin blinked up at him. *what’s wrong with him?* she asks herself.

Somehow, when Hee Rin watches the two close friends’ converse with each other, she realizes that she doesn’t know her husband that well. She doesn’t even know if how many friends he has or how close they are to him. And a part of her was confuse too since Dongwoo would never stop talking about Min Ae earlier and he even wronged her as Myungsoo’s wife. But oh well, maybe Dongwoo was just away for many years and was never been updated about his friends, she thinks.

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)