
Not Another Fairytale

First, I'm sorry for being gone for tooooooo long:( It was such a long and depressing reason so all I can say is I am very sorry:(


Myungsoo woke up from his deep slumber and held his head as it squeezes in pain. He squinted his eyes and realizes that he had fallen asleep in the library.

He slowly stands up and heard a cracking sound. Looking down at his feet, he noticed his broken phone and he grumbles at the sight before kicking the poor thing out of his way. “Stupid life” He mutters to himself and rubbed his temple to soothe his headache.

Glancing at the clock, Myungsoo realizes that it’s already past 1 in the afternoon and he hasn’t eaten his lunch yet. Scratching his head, he walk towards the room of the girl he longed to pursue and knocked on the door gently while calling her name.

“Sir? I’m sorry but Madam wasn’t there” One of the maids spoke which made Myungsoo turns around. “Where is she?” He asked with furrowed brows and the maid just gave him a nervous gulp before she ducks her head down.

Myungsoo cocked his head to the side and somehow, he felt his blood boiling and the feeling of nervousness kicked in his guts. “Did she… go out?” He asked with his low voice and the maid bites her lower lip before nodding guiltily.

Myungsoo widened his eyes and madness was taking over him again. “Why did you let her go?! It was dangerous!” He roars and the maid bows again and again while begging for forgiveness.


Hee Rin breathes in deeply as she steps out of the car. Looking up at the building infront of her, she bites down her lower lip and camera men that was waiting outside begun running towards her and fighting to take a picture of the princess. Bodyguards guided Hee Rin as she was lead to the studio where the press conference will be held in a few minutes.

“We’re about to start in 5 minutes” Director shouted and the staffs panicked, running all over the place to check if everything is ready.

“Madam, it’s time” One of the staffs informed Hee Rin. She was about to take her step and do the interview that everyone was anticipating for when a hand grabbed her arm tightly, pulling her hard that makes her yelp. She spun around in shock and gasped as she met eyes with her fuming husband

“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” Myungsoo roars, not minding that there were other people in the room.

Hee Rin trembled in fear, her eyes gets watery and she ducks her head down to hide her face. Holding Myungsoo’s grip on her arm, she weakly whispers “Let me go. You’re hurting me” But Myungsoo doesn’t seem to hear anything that he even hold both of her arms and shook her. “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!! Why can’t you just listen to me!” He shakes in anger. Some of the staffs tried to stop Myungsoo but his bodyguards told them let the prince be, for he knows what he is doing. The Staffs was send out of the room for the couple’s privacy.

“Myungsoo!” Hee Rin cries. “Stop!” She shouted and Myungsoo stopped but his grip tightens even more.

“I’m so tired of everything that is happening! I just want to breathe!” she tries to explain.

“And your plan is this?!” He asked with his jaw clenching. “What can I do?! I don’t want this life anymore!” she blurted unintentionally that makes her gasp. Myungsoo’s grip loosened and Hee Rin looks away.

Myungsoo’s hands fell on his sides and he called 2 bodyguars with his voice sound defeated. “Get her inside the car” He simply orders and Hee Rin looked at him with bewildered expression.

“Myung—“ She was about to protest when the bodyguards forcedly drag her outside.



Hee Rin cries inside the car , feeling so weak that it burns her inside.

Myungsoo was currently facing the nation instead of Hee Rin. He doesn’t know what he is doing but all he knows is that this is all for the girl that suffered in his hands, for the girl that is nothing but a good wife, best friend, and mother-like to him. This is for the girl that he loves dearly.

He confesses to the media that the rumor about their marriage was true. That everything was falling apart. Though he didn’t tell the exact reason why, everyone still is very sad. He told them that busy schedules and countless arguments and misunderstanding were the reason for this.

The whole nation seemed to stop while listening to the prince’s every word and no one dares to judge. He tells everyone that no one was at fault at this and that they don’t need to blame the palace or Hee Rin because he admitted that she is nothing but a very good wife to him, too good in fact. “If you love her, then why is your marriage falling?” One of the reporters asked and Myungsoo just gave them a delicate smile. He didn’t answer but instead, he apologizes for everyone’s expectation for the both of them.

By the time he was apologizing and was bowing in front of the cameras, his eyes looked lost and full of regrets. He begs for everyone to give them a peaceful mind from this day on and would not give them any pressure after the interview. “After this, please don’t change your view of my wife. Because if there is someone you could blame, it’s me” he explains sincerely. “It’s never easy for us and I hope all of you would try to understand” he continues.

This time, he faces the camera with his eyes full of determination and regret at the same time and says. “I want to ask for everyone’s forgiveness for letting down all your expectations. I’m sorry for not giving you all the happy ending we supposed to have” he finished and bows.

The interview has finally ended.

Netizens and people that were watching were left shocked and sad at the same time. No one dares to say any bad comments but only sad words were to be exchanged. Some of the couple’s fans were crying after the news and was losing their hope of witnessing an almost fairytale like story.



Myungsoo drove to the place where he can see the whole city with Hee Rin. He leaned on the door of his car and stared at the overlooking in front of him while inhaling fresh air. Hee Rin weakly gets out of car and stood beside Myungsoo, words have left since the interview.

“I used to love watching the city up here” He mumbles and gazes up the sky. Hee Rin stared at him with puzzled expression.

“Myungsoo… Why did you do it?” She squeaks, remembering the interview.

“I should be asking the same question to you” He answers back as he turned to look at her. Hee Rin shook her head.

“This isn’t the way I planned it to be” She mutters while shaking her head.  “Why did you make people hurt you instead of me?!” She accused as she look up at him, tears were gathered in her eyes. He gulps. *Please don't cry*

“You were supposed to be love by your people” She says, her voice shaking. “I should be the one taking the blame not you!” She quivers.

Myungsoo’s eyebrows creased and he pulled Hee Rin into his arms, hugging her with all his might. “Don’t say that. I was the one at fault, not you. Why are you always willing to take the pain?!” He tells her and Hee Rin cries.

He hated himself right now. He hated it how Hee Rin planned to take all the blame instead of him. He hated it how she could be so good that it’s hard for him to let her go. He hated it how the nation he loves can hurt his fragile wife like this.

He hates it that she’s crying right now in his arms, feeling her small body against his. Seeing her so weak that he feels like he’s the only one she can depend to.


Soon, Hee Rin and Myungsoo were called in the palace.The King was as usual, roaring his anger out at the couple kneeling in front of him. The Queen was sitting sadly beside the King and was wiping her tears away. “Hee Rin has nothing to do with this, Sir. I was the only one at fault” Myungsoo respectfully explains which made the king even angrier.

“I’m sorry, your highness” Hee Rin deeply bows and Myungsoo shot her a look.

“Stop saying sorry” He warned her but Hee Rin just ignored him.

They ask for forgiveness countless times but the King has made his decision. They have to obey.



The ride back to their house was absolutely silent. They never glanced at each other even once… Hee Rin was just staring out the window and Myungsoo was just focused on his driving. Their minds were filled with thoughts but the silence was the only thing they can share by now because nothing is as peaceful as what silence is giving.

Hee Rin lifelessly walks up the stairs and onto the entrance door of their house when Myungsoo calls her name. She turns around to face him while he was looking up at her for he is standing at the first step of the stairs. “I’m sorry” he chokes and Hee Rin shook her head in an it’s okay manner.

Shw went to her room and sighs before looking around sadly. A week from now, she will leave this house and the memories that she made here. She admitted herself that she will miss everything in this house but she has to leave.

Maybe you’re all asking as to why they made such stupid decision. Why did they do this when they can just reconcile and live happily ever after? Or why does Myungsoo have to do the interview all of the sudden and made a chaos?! Isn’t that a stupid idea?

Maybe some were judging and some were criticizing for what the couple have done.. But if we were on their shoes, are we able to handle such things? Can you handle the pain?
Hee Rin is a very strong person, we all know that… But even the strongest person has his/her own weaknesses too. She has had enough and she doesn’t think she can handle things anymore. Everything was falling apart and she doesn’t know how to make things get back to what it was supposed to be.

Once and for all, she decided to leave and let go. It was of course very hard for her and she can’t even imagine herself getting back to her old life without Myungsoo by her side. But she realizes, maybe it will be more hard if she stay and hide behind the truth that everyone was craving to know. She doesn’t want to keep the burden anymore and she doesn’t want to see Myungsoo suffering.

Though Hee Rin knows that Myungsoo will suffer too if she leaves, she knows that this will just take a while and after some time, he will understand why she did this. He will understand that this is all for him…


After two days, Myungsoo and Hee Rin faces the nation together to say their apologies. Some of the netizens were regretting how they wanted to unravel the truth and now that they’ve done it, they realize they should’ve kept quiet and let the couple reconcile than this…

Myungsoo’s friends treat him to the fancy bars and would cheer him up every now and then but they knew that no one can make him feel better but only himself too. 

As time passes by, fewer and fewer words were exchanged between Myungsoo and Hee Rin. Pretty soon, they grow distant from each other. They both knew that everything has already ended for the both of them but whenever they would pass by the hallways of their mansion or by the dining room, they couldn’t help but to look at each other for a while before walking away, regretting the words they couldn’t tell to each other.

Hee Rin’s things were already packed and were placed in one corner of her room. She didn’t touched nor places her dresses and shoes on her luggage because she wanted to leave everything that can make her remember the moments she made with Myungsoo and the people she used to love here.

She wanted to be back to her normal self when she still hasn’t met Myungsoo… When she still wear jeans instead of dress and a pair of converse instead of high heels. She wants to forget about everything that pains her but she can’t forget the memories Myungsoo has made with her.


I'm sorry if what I've updated upsets you guys. I'm still trying to gather my feels for this fic since I've been gone for so long. Ciao!

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)