His needs and hindrance

Not Another Fairytale

The rain stops pouring and the house were dead silent again. Myungsoo was stirring his coffee with a table spoon while Hee Rin was washing the dishes. He rubbed his temple then turned to look at his wife whose back was turned from him and a sly grin appeared on his lips. She looks really like a perfect wife.

“Hee Rin” He called and his heart thump just by calling her name.


“Do you always wait for me every night?” He asked as he turns his gaze to his coffee.

“Yes” She says while wiping the corners of the sink.

“Don’t you get tired?” He asked and took a sip of his hot drink. Hee Rin turned her body to face him and shook her head. “No”


Days and weeks have passed and after that night of Myungsoo’s realization, he became so close with Hee Rin to the point that they would always talk about some random things with a cup of tea every night or sometimes they would just share the silence while resting in each others arms.

He frequently goes home early too and would eat dinner with his wife while exchanging few words. He would always ask about Hee Rin’s opinion whenever he’s having a hard time deciding about his plans in the company and it was a very big help for him.

But of course there were also times where Myungsoo suddenly turns quiet and would just stare at nothing when he remembers about his stupid plan.

He wants to end everything and would freely be married with his wife but he knew it wasn’t that easy… There was one time where he called his lawyer that if he can make the fake marriage real. But that was impossible. Unless if he will remarry Hee Rin.

“Hee Rin…” Myungsoo calls one time when he’s doing nothing in his office.


“If someone lied to you…. What will you do?” He asked hesitantly and bit his lower lip as he waits for her answer. There was a long pause before she answers.

“It depends..” She mutters and Myungsoo sighs.

It was hard… And there were times when Myungsoo wants to give up and run away from all of this.  



Today though, Myungsoo’s friends ask him to come over and hang out at the bar. He tried to reject them since he promised that he will pick Hee Rin up and they will eat dinner outside but Sungyeol suggested that he should just bring his wife with him.

Hee Rin hesitantly agreed when Myungsoo asked him to come since she hasn’t been to any bar before and she heard lots of bad things about those kinds of places. But then as long as her husband is there then she thought it won’t be as bad as she thinks.

“Hey Myungsoo, Hee Rin” Hoya greets as he drag Myungsoo inside the bar, Hee Rin followed suit.

The music was too loud that Hee Rin has to cover her ears and the girls were wearing almost nothing. She watched as some of the girls grind their with the boys who’s having fun dancing with them. It almost looks like they’re going to make out at the dance floor.

The smell of alcohol and smoke enters Hee Rin’s nostril and she cringed. They were guided towards the VIP section and her eyes almost pop out of its socket when she entered the room. Girls were almost making out with Myungsoo’s friends and bottles of alcohol filled the table. The room was undeniably cold and it sure does calls for some heat… Body heat.

The lights were dim and the laughters of the girls were filling the room. There was a karaoke and Sungjong was having the time of his life, singing with all his might while having his one arm around the girl’s waist.

*Isn’t he still minor?* Hee Rin confusedly thought before she felt Myungsoo holds her hand. She almost jumped on her spot and she sighed in relief when she saw her husband’s smile.

He guided her to the seat and she hesitates to sit down since she imagined how many disgusting people occupied that seat and not to mention how they used it.

“You okay?” Myungsoo asked as he sat down beside her. Hee Rin wants to say no and that she wants to go home but then she noticed that all eyes were staring at her and she thought it’s not good to say something that can make everyone upset..

“Yeah, I’m okay” She crookedly smiles and sighs inwardly.

“Let’s party!!!” Dongwoo cheered and filled a shot glass some vodka before giving it to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo dryly laughs and he glanced at Hee Rin. He wants to go home too but then he thought it wouldn’t be nice if he leaves his friends early while they were having fun and besides, he’s just waiting for Hee Rin to say she wants to go.

“Can I drink?” He asked and Hee Rin blinked.

“Just drink it man!!” Dongwoo nudged as one of the girls threw her arms around him.

Myungsoo scratches his head and drink straight up the vodka. He puts the shot glass back to the glass table and glanced at his wife who’s almost looking like she’s lost. He smiled at her innocence and reached to squeeze her hand and she turned to look at him.

“You sure you’re okay?” He asked and Hee Rin bit her lower lip before nodding.

Soon enough, Myungsoo gulped down another shot of vodka, then another, then another and another until he felt as if he’s getting dizzy. His friends were too demanding and he can’t say no when they forced him to drink again… Some glass was asked for Hee Rin to drink but Myungsoo knew that she doesn’t drink and so he took every glass for her.

“Myungsoo… I think you should stop” Hee Rin suggests as she grasped on his arm. Myungsoo exhales through his nose and loosens his tie as he felt his body getting hotter.

Hee Rin turned to look at the boys and she swear she doesn’t want anything that she is seeing right now. Hoya pushed the girl to the wall as they kiss hardly. Dongwoo has a girl sitting on his lap while playing with the buttons of his polo. Sungjong already passed out. Sungyeol was kissing with the girl while they were sitting and his hands were on her legs. The only one left was Sunggyu and good thing he wasn’t making out with any girl… He’s just standing at the doorframe while rubbing his temple as he glance at his phone every now and then.

“Aish! She’s not answering!” He groans and paced around the room. His brows were furrowed and his lips were in a firm line.

“Yah Hyung! Can you stop walking around?! It hurts my eyes!” Myungsoo grumbles and Sunggyu looks up to meet Hee Rin’s gaze and he shook his head while pertaining that Myungsoo was drunk already.

“Are you alright?” Hee Rin asked Sunggyu and the latter sighs exasperatedly.

“My girlfriend wasn’t answering my calls and I don’t even know if she’s still angry” He frustratedly explains and tightly grips on his phone.

“You fought?”

“Yeah. That’s why I asked the boys to drink. And Sungyeol was broken hearted too” He explains and sheepishly smiles when Hee Rin glares at him.

“Now look at your friends” She clucked her tongue and Sunggyu rubbed his temple before panicking when his phone vibrated.

“Oh My gosh she’s calling!!!” He panics and deeply breathes before answering the phone.

Hee Rin shook her head and yelps when Myungsoo rests his head on her lap. She taps his cheek and was trying to wake him up. “Myungsoo… Let’s go home already” She nudges but Myungsoo just shook his head and hugs her legs.

“Myungsoo..” Hee Rin tries again but to no avail.


Since it was Sunggyu’s fault, Hee Rin asked him to help her get Myungsoo to their car. She also called for a driver to drive them home.

“Are they always like this?” Hee Rin worriedly asks as they set Myungsoo to the back seat.

“Oh no. The boys were just facing some problems these past few days. And if you’re worrying about Myungsoo, don’t worry because he knows his limit. He’s afraid of you anyway” Sunggyu grinned and Hee Rin nods.

“Good luck taking care of the other boys” She smiles and Sunggyu rolled his small eyes before biding their goodbye.

It must be a very bad day since there was traffic and Hee Rin was so frustrated. She’s so tired for today and then there’s traffic that just gets on her way. And not to mention that her husband already passed out on her lap. She was worried about him and was also worried about the other boys that they left at the bar.

She was worried that the boys were doing this all the time and she can’t help but to feel bothered. Do they always do that when they have problems?! She nervously asked herself and glanced at her husband while playing with his hair. *Hope not* she thought and watches the cars through the window. She mentally noted not to let Myungsoo go to the bar again especially when he have problems. Tsk. Boys.

When they reached their house, the maids quickly run up to them and helped Hee Rin to get Myungsoo upstairs. As always, she takes care of him like she always does.

“Good night” She whispers and turns off the light before going to her room. She took a quick bath and wore her night dress before lying on her bed tiredly. She thought she can finally sleep.....

Until Myungsoo opens the door and steps inside her room. His brows were furrowed and his hair was tousled. He was wearing his pjamas and a wifebeater. “Hee Rin” He calls and Hee Rin turns her body to face him.

He smiled when he saw her still awake and slipped under the blankets beside her. He pulls her by the waist and rests his chin on her head while Hee Rin listens to his heart beat.


It was already 2 in the morning and Myungsoo can’t even sleep. His throat feels dry and he’s cold that the thick blanket weren’t helping at all. Hee Rin was already sleeping and Myungsoo hugs her tightly. His head was still aching because of the impact of the alcohol.

He can smell her sweet scent and it makes his insides melt. Her fragrance makes him want her and the innocent face she has when she’s sleeping just doesn’t help at all. He glanced at her face then down to her beautiful neck… Then to her bare shoulders.

Her skin looks so smooth and milky and Myungsoo found himself kissing her shoulder gently.

Hee Rin stirred and slowly opens her eyes when she felt Myungsoo kissed her skin. She looks up at him and saw his eyes full of love. Myungsoo didn’t even give her a chance to say something and just kisses her lips without warning.

Hee Rin was shocked but then she gave in and kisses him back. Myungsoo felt so electrified and he found himself already hovering above her. Her lips were so addicting and he swears he can kiss it all day if he was given the chance to.

They almost cross the boundaries but then Myungsoo suddenly remembers something. As if something hits his head and he suddenly wakes up from his happiness… *Your stupid plan!!!* His mind tells him and he swear his heart cringed.

It wasn’t the right time… His stupid plan was on the way…

Hee Rin can’t give herself to him… Not now…

He respects her with all his heart and so Myungsoo stops and stared straight into her innocent eyes. “I’m sorry” He murmurs as he rests his forehead on hers. Hee Rin bit her lip shyly… *I should stay away from alcohol* he mentally scolded himself.

He smiled and falls beside her. He encircled his arms around her waist and pulls her closer before kissing her forehead with so much love. “I love you” He whispers and hugs her tight.

The cold night encircles them with so much innocence and respect...



sorry for the late update. I'm sick.

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)