What frightens him

Not Another Fairytale


Myungsoo leaned his back on the door of his car and crossed his arms against his chest. The weather was warm today and the sun was brightly shining above. He took the day off to bond with his wife but of course he didn’t realize that his wife was busy too and there is no such thing as day off on what she is obliged to do.

So Myungsoo decided to just visit Hee Rin to the orphanage where she is helping today. He tries to call her multiple times but she wasn’t answering and it pisses him off. “Prince Myungsoo!” A man beams as he saw Myungsoo leaning on his car.

“What are you doing here, your highness?” The man asked and Myungsoo observed from the way he dressed that he is one of the bodyguards that the King sends to protect his wife outside.

“Uh… Have you seen my wife?” He hesitantly asked as he straightened up.

The man led him inside the orphanage and some kids’ gapes at him as he pass by… The black coat he’s wearing suits him perfectly and his facial features makes teenage orphans swoon over him. The way he walks makes the people turn to check him out. He was obviously gorgeous.

Myungsoo was led to the Rec room that comprised half the second floor with twelve windowed eves. Kids in different ages were in every corners of the room and Myungsoo observed that most of them were in ages around 3 to 5.

The volunteers and some housekeepers amusedly stared at Myungsoo when he entered the room as if the time stops for him. His eyes were looking around the room to find his wife. No one dared to neither talk to him nor ask him what he needs because even with that handsome face of his, the cold aura still encircles him.

A small smile suddenly creeps on his lips when he took sight of Hee Rin. She was carrying a child around 3 years old and they were facing the window. She was racking the baby side to side and Myungsoo softened as he watched her. He wonders how it would be if the baby she is carrying is their child.

He walks towards her and Hee Rin turns around just as when he was few feet away. She yelps and her eyes narrowed at him. “What are you doing here?!” She asked.

“I took the day off” He raised a brow and Hee Rin sighs. “You’re not even answering my calls”

Soon, Hee Rin assigned Myungsoo to help taking care of the kids and he swears he just wants to go home. *I should’ve slept than suffer here!* He thought while taking care of three kids. Some staffs were laughing at him since he was scowling all the time and it was obvious that he wasn’t fond of kids. But it was cute to watch.

Some kids were afraid to approach him since he doesn’t seem like a person to welcome someone warmly…

God must have answered Myungsoo’s prayer since Hee Rin told him that they have to go early since she needs to go meet her brother. Chanyeol was visiting the city where Hee Rin and Myungsoo lives and he invited his sister to meet him up. It’s been months since they last seen each other anyway and they want to bond for a while.

Myungsoo insisted that he will go with her since the purpose of his day off today is to be with his wife anyway. He will go on a business trip tomorrow so he wants to spend his time with his wife before he goes.


When they arrived at the café where Chanyeol says he was, they quickly saw him sitting near the counter while staring at the menu posted on the wall with his brows furrowed. Myungsoo saw how Hee Rin’s face lit up when she saw her brother and she practically run up to him like a kid who just saw a new toy.

“Yahhh… I miss my sister” Chanyeol smiles as he hugs Hee Rin and spins her around.

“How are you?” She weakly smiles after they pulled away and joyful tears were welling up in her eyes. Myungsoo lightly patted her back.

“I’m fine as always, come on let’s sit first” Chanyeol rolls his eyes and sat on the chair while the couple sat across him.

Chanyeol crossed his arms against his chest and stared at his sister. “What?” Hee Rin asked.

“Nothing…. It’s just… You really changed a lot” Chanyeol crookedly smiles. The way she dresses isn’t like the way the old Hee Rin does and the way she moves gracefully now was too unfamiliar to him. She wasn’t the little sister who would cross her legs when sitting on the chair and was always unaware of her posture. She sits like a Queen now and she talks carefully than before. She really changed a lot.

“Come on… It’s still me” Hee Rin smiles and Chanyeol shrugs it off. They ordered their drinks and some pastries while they exchange talks about some random things.

Hee Rin learned that Hee Young tops her class this semester which is a miracle and their Mom was volunteering to their subdivision’s program where Mothers will plant on the subdivision’s park. Their Dad was also planning for his resignation next year. There was a lot to talk about and lot of things to catch up and Hee Rin was disappointed that time passes by quickly and they need to go.

Myungsoo saw how Hee Rin’s shoulder deflated and how her smile fades away when Chanyeol announced that he needs to go. He witnesses how her eyes look so eager when Chanyeol was talking about how their family has been these months that she’s away. Her smile was so wide and her eyes were tearing up once in a while. It must have been really hard for Hee Rin to live away from her family.


When they arrived at their house, Hee Rin has a small smile lingering on her lips but the sadness in her eyes was still visible. She walks straight to her room and Myungsoo followed her. “You okay?” He asked and Hee Rin nods at him.

“You want to drink some tea?” He asked as he sat beside her on the bed and Hee Rin sighs before leaning her head on his shoulder.

“I should take a bath” She says and stood up. “You should rest. Your flight is at 6” She inquired before walking to the bathroom while Myungsoo sighs before going to his room and rest as what his wife told.

But Myungsoo can’t even sleep. He just received a text message from Taemin saying that the lawyer calls his office and warning them that the fake marriage will be expired soon. It’s been almost 6 months and the deal was only 7 months to 8.

He was so frustrated and it’s as if his brain was about to explode by too much thinking on how he will handle all this properly. He can’t even imagine himself confessing to his wife the truth and it makes his stomach churns. Everything seems so wrong.

“Myungsoo?” Hee Rin’s voice suddenly interrupts his thoughts. “Come in” He says and Hee Rin steps inside while hugging a pillow.

“Can I sleep here?” She asked.

“Of course”

They cuddled with each other under the thick blankets and Myungsoo was having hard time thinking about his problems while his wife was on his arms. “Why aren’t you asleep?” She whispers.

“Just thinking about something” He says while caressing her hair.

“Hee Rin…” He calls and she looks up at him. “What if… someone betrays you? Let’s say it’s your bestfriend.” he asked while staring straight into her eyes.

“Why? Does your bestfriend betray you?” She innocently asks and Myungsoo shook his head with a smile.

“Well… That must be awful if someone I treasures betrays me” She says while playing with his t-shirt. “And I don’t want to think about it…”

“But what if it really happens?” Myungsoo still asks and Hee Rin pouts.

“I will jump off the cliff and leave the planet earth” She firmly stated with serious tone and Myungsoo narrowed his eyes.

“You won’t” He mutters and Hee Rin laughs. “I was just kidding”

“Don’t ever say that again” He orders seriously and Hee Rin nods like a kid.

“But if ever that really happens to me… I don’t know what to do… Especially when that person really matters to me” she explains. “I mean, how can somebody betray a person who treasures him/her, right?”

Myungsoo gulps nervously and looks away. “What if the person regrets it with all his heart and was asking for a second chance?” He asks as he turned his body and stared at the ceiling. He can’t face Hee Rin.

“Anybody can regret their mistakes, but not everyone can forgive. Hey, why are you asking such things?!!” She frowns and slaps his arm.

Myungsoo turned to look at her with his blank expression and he pulls her in his arms quickly. “Are you okay?” She asks and Myungsoo nods as he buries his face in the crook of her neck.

“I just don’t want to lose you Hee Rin” He murmurs and embraces her tight. She giggles.

“Of course, you won’t” She says and Myungsoo knew that he will never forgive himself if he will to lose her.

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)