
Not Another Fairytale

sorry, this isn't what I'm planning but just have writer's block and ended up writing this instead.


Hee Rin as usual tries to understand everything. Even if understanding wasn’t the thing she can do when things like these happens. You might think that she is dumb for letting Myungsoo takes over her again.

But what can you do when a wife only wants everything to be fixed? Everyone was just dreaming of a perfect life, and if nothing is happening so perfectly, then Hee Rin will do everything to make it happen.

She always tells herself how stupid she is for always letting Myungsoo be superior in their relationship. But she can’t let the problems eat her up and just let their marriage be hanging in thread. She knew she needs to forgive him or understand him over and over again even if it’s the hardest thing to do because it’s the only way she can do to save their relationship.

Hee Rin learned some things from the Queen when they were bonding together. The Queen once told her about her giving up her marriage with the King since everything seems getting on the wrong way. When they were still 3 years married, the King was rumored having spotted with different girls every night. The Queen knew and she knew everything was true. The King doesn’t love her and just married her because of their grandparents’ deal. But even though the Queen was still young back then and was easily hurt, she told herself to be strong. She has to be strong and not give up in order saving her loved ones reputation. And so, the Queen forgives the King over and over again. The King only changed when his wife announced that she’s carrying their first child, Woohyun.

Hee Rin learned from the Queen how to be strong. She learned how to forgive and how to move on. Though it hurts her sometimes especially when Min Ae was there to interrupt, she tries to be okay. Because being okay is the only thing she can run into when everything around her pulls her down.


A week has passed and Myungsoo’s Dad finally announced that he will turn over the company to Myungsoo. Everyone was so excited and even attended the party.

Though everyone was excited, Myungsoo was nervous. He was inside the car with his wife and beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. He loosened his tie and gulped heavily.

“Hee Rin” He calls and Hee Rin turned to look at him. She’s dazzling. She’s a wearing black dress with her hair tied up that shows the beauty of her neck and her ears. Though she looks more mature with this outfit, she still wears that innocent aura that her husband loves.

Myungsoo takes Hee Rin’s hand and intertwine it with his. “Later tonight, after the party, I have something important to tell you” He says while searching for her eyes. Hee Rin nods. “And you have to promise me you’ll let me finish talking before you react” He says with his eyes pleading and Hee Rin felt a lump in .

Is it a bad thing?” She asked and Myungsoo gave her a crooked smile before squeezing her hand.

“Just remember that I love you, okay?” He asked softly, kissing the back of her hand and Hee Rin pursed her lips. Somehow, she feels like something’s going to happen badly and she just wishes that everything will be okay.

“Sir, we’re here” The driver interrupts and Myungsoo sighs.

They step out of the car and flashing lights of cameras greeted them. Myungsoo rest his hand on his wife’s waist as they smiled to countless cameras focusing on them.

When they stepped inside the venue, everyone stopped to watch them enviously. They really are the perfect couple, they think.  


As seconds became minutes and minute’s turns to hours, the party still goes on with various greetings towards Myungsoo after the toast.  Hee Rin lets herself watch her husband that is now surrounded by business men trying to get his trust so they can partner with him in the future. She sighs out of boredom and drifted her gaze to the pianist that’s playing beautiful chords.

“Hey Myungsoo’s wife” Someone barks and Hee Rin turns around only to see Min Ae wobbles infront of her with face red and smell of alcohol lingers around her.

Hee Rin furrowed her brows and looked at Min Ae hardly. *What is she doing here?* she thought. “Why are you frowning? Aren’t you going to welcome me in your husband’s party?” Min Ae laughs and stumbles but Hee Rin caught her arm quickly.

“You’re drunk, Min Ae” She states and wrinkles her nose when smell of alcohol enters her nostrils. “I’m not” Min Ae pouted and laugh, causing other people to turn their attention to them.

Before Hee Rin could speak, someone grabs her hand and she looks up to see her husband glaring at Min Ae. “I’ll take care of this” He murmurs without looking at her and squeezes her hand.

“Myungsoo” She breathes, worried.

Taemin runs to Min Ae and grabs both her arms before turning to the people that was trying to eavesdrop. “Everything’s okay! Haha. Continue the party” He waves off and leans over to whisper to Myungsoo. “Lawyer So handed me the contract earlier” He said and Myungsoo widened his eyes before Taemin drags Min Ae out.


“Myungsoo, I think you need to follow them” Woohyun appeared out of nowhere and Myungsoo looked at him, bewildered but a nod from his brother makes him understand what he’s trying to say.

“Don’t worry, I’ll accompany Hee Rin” Woohyun says and smiles at Hee Rin who just gave him a confused look.

Myungsoo mouthed thanks to Woohyun before turning to look at his wife. “Hee Rin, wait for me here, okay? I just need to talk to them. Alright?” He orders and Hee Rin stared into his eyes before nodding.

Hee Rin watches as her husband disappear in the crowd and a pang in the heart suddenly makes her wince. She somehow felt uneasy and as if something is bound to happen really bad tonight. Hopefully not.

“Come on” Woohyun interrupts and Hee Rin blinked at him. He led her to the balcony.

The wind hit against their faces and Hee Rin shivers as she felt the cold on her bare skin. “You’re upset” Woohyun points out and Hee Rin gapes at him.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying, you’re upset when Myungsoo told you he’ll talk to Min Ae” He grins without looking at her and Hee Rin frowns.

“You don’t like Min Ae?” He asks jokingly and Hee Rin shot him a look.

“I’m just worried” She mumbles. Woohyun smiles.

“wait, I’ll go get something for us to drink” He offers and Hee Rin nods at him.

Hee Rin doesn’t know why but something inside her makes her want to go and follow her husband. This feeling tugging inside her makes her gulp deeply and curiosity wash over her again. Why is her husband taking so long? He’s just going to talk with Min Ae right?
Somehow, thinking Min Ae's name makes Hee Rin feel more uncomfortable. She wasn’t jealous. No. But anxiety inside her was building up every second that is ticking and Myungsoo wasn’t back yet.

She has trust in her husband but she can't help herself but to feel a bit suspicious towards him.

“Hee Rin?” Woohyun calls as he saw the empty balcony. “Where the hell did she go?!” He panics.


“What are you thinking going here drunk?!!” Myungsoo growls as Min Ae leans her back on her car. They were at the parking lot. Taemin shook his head and patted Myungsoo on the back to calm him down.

“Why? You’re afraid that I would spill your secret?” Min Ae mockingly asked, followed by a playful laugh which made the two guys feel even madder.

“Shut up” Taemin snap and Myungsoo shot him a look.

“Wait a minute… what is this?” Min Ae smiles and struggles to maintain her composure as she snatches the envelope from Taemin’s hand. The latter panics but Myungsoo nodded at him in an ‘it’s okay’ manner.

Min Ae takes out the paper out of the envelope and laugh heartily to herself. “Oooohhh~~~ It’s the contract” She smiled toothily before Taemin snatches the paper back.

“Min Ae. I’m warning you. You’ve ruined our lives so just stop everything here!” Myungsoo said through gritted teeth and Min Ae rolled her eyes. “You’re the one responsible behind my wife’s car accident so leave us alone or I’ll make you pay” He threatens and Min Ae laughs again, mocking him.

“So I am the reason she almost killed herself. I should’ve tell her the worst so she’ll die instantly” She jokes and Myungsoo clenches his fist, screaming in his mind to calm down and remind himself that the one infront of him is still a girl. “Oh, and I wonder what she’ll do when she finds out that your marriage wasn't real. Haha. That the marriage was actually fake" she laughs while clapping her hands like a complete lunatic.

“You’re a monster” Myungsoo glared at her hard and Taemin gulps as he prays not to witness his master bursting his anger out before his innocent eyes.
But a cracking, painful voice coming from behind interrupts the three of them...



"W-What fake marriage?" 

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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)