Prince Myungsoo

Not Another Fairytale


Hee Rin plops on her chair and panted, she thought she’s already late. She sets her bag down and starts setting up her painting stand. She scans her bag for her paint brush and some oil pastels.

“hey, have you heard the gossip spreading all over the campus?” her friend, Jihae asks. Hee Rin doesn’t have anyone she considers her bestfriend, but she does have lots of friends and one of them was Jihae. She’s the closest to her among all her friends.

Jihae is a type of girl whom you can consider as the ‘happy go lucky’ one. Her personality is really bright. She has long brown hair and her eyes were in slits, it disappears when she smiles. She always wears make ups since she’s very much aware about outer appearance. She never experienced being in a relationship though which is very intriguing since she’s the type of girl who’s into ‘romance.’

“What?” Hee Rin asks as she starts sketching on her sketchpad, her eyebrows were furrowing as she concentrates on her work. Jihae leans on her ear and whispers “The prince is here” and Hee Rin stops. She turned to look at Jihae who gets back on sketching.

“Really? And what’s the prince doing here?” Hee Rin mockingly asks and Jihae shrugs, eyeing her work intently.

“I’ve heard he's visiting someone. I assume it’s a girl.” She answers.

Hee Rin remembers that she have watched multiple news about the prince since forever, telling how generous and kind he is towards his people. She doesn’t really pay so much attention to that kind of news; she thought that the royals were just a public display whose role is nothing but to show their wealthiness and their fashion towards the nation whose eyes were blinded by their words. She always wonders why the government still allows Kings and Queens in the country by this generation when all they do was to relax in that interesting palace. Either way, Hee Rin has nothing to do about it and besides, it doesn’t affect her life so she has nothing to think about.

“Prince Woohyun, that’s his name right?” Hee Rin asks as she leans back on her seat. “I’m afraid he’s not the prince who’s here. I’m talking about the second prince” Jihae states with a nod.

“what?! I didn’t know there were two princes. I always thought Woohyun was the only one” Hee Rin taps her chin and furrows her brows.

“It’s because Woohyun is the crown prince. But I’ve heard that his younger brother was hotter” Jihae giggles as Hee Rin snorts. That was absurd.

“what?! I’m just telling the truth!”

Their conversation was interrupted when Hee Rin was suddenly called by the art organization’s president. She never really meets often with their organization’s president and she wonders why he would call her now. Did she do something wrong? Probably not.

She walks through the hallways and waved at the people whom she recognized on the way. *I’m hungry* she thought to herself and rubbed her tummy. When she reaches the office, she knocked on the door and one of the student councils opened it for her.

“oh you must be Hee Rin. Come in, we need you now” The boy who opens the door greeted. Hee Rin bows at him with a smile and led her to the desk where the student president is assigned.


“Hi, I’m Kim Joonmyeon. Art organization’s president. Call me Suho” A guy with a really warm smile introduced as he offered Hee Rin a hand to shake and she reach it with a bow.

When Suho offered a seat for Hee Rin, she gladly accepts it and noticed that the seat across from her was occupied by someone. She her head to the side to get a better look at the guy and she gasps when he looks up at her. *wha?!!!! He’s the guy earlier!* she shrieks in her mind and she quickly looks away, acting as if she doesn’t care.

“uhmm.. Kim joon—“

“call me Suho” Suho smiles and Hee Rin awkwardly nods, secretly watching the guy across her from the corner of her eyes, who happens to be Myungsoo. *Why is he staring at me?!* She thought and gulps. She leans forward to the table so that she can talk properly with Suho or just to distract herself from the awkward atmosphere surrounding her.

“Well.. You see I don’t think I did something wrong because I was trying my best to keep my grades up and I don’t know why do you even call me for.. I know I was not—“ She blabbers nonstop and Suho laughs at her, making her stop. She furrows her brows at him.

“I’m sorry” Suho scoffs. “You’re just funny. Anyway, I called you not because you did something wrong” He stated as he twiddles his hands together.

“Then what?” Hee Rin asks, glancing at Myungsoo in a matter of second and she shivers at his gaze. *Do I have something on my face?* she thought.

“You see, Mr. L wants to take a look at our art gallery and I thought you’re the best choice to tour him around. Yeah?” Suho says with his warm smile and Hee Rin suddenly wonders how can this guy sounds so kind and his smile is… Dazzling. He looks so responsible and very generous.

Hee Rin snaps into reality when his words hit her right there. “Uh… What? Me? Why me?” She asks, puzzled.

“Uh-huh, Aren't you happy to tour him around? So I’m counting on you Miss Hee Rin.” Suho smiles as he stood up and Hee Rin follows suit. He reaches to shake her hand again and he leans to whisper “He’s a VVIP. I hope you’ll do your best” He grins as he faces Myungsoo to shake his hand too.

“Thank you for your kindness” Myungsoo smiled and that's the time when Hee Rin realizes that he’s been silent the whole conversation. She even forgot he’s there.


“I’m Park Hee Rin by the way. You can call me Hee Rin” She gladly introduced as she turned to face Myungsoo, offering a hand shake and he accepts it. They were at the hallways heading to the art museum. She stared at him for a moment with their hands still shaking lightly and Myungsoo had to think if she’s waiting for something to happen.

“uh… Your name?” Hee Rin asks and Myungsoo gapes at her. *She didn’t know who I am?* he thought but shrugs afterwards. Well… so it’s true that not everyone knows the second prince.

“I’m Myungsoo. You can call me L.” He says and Hee Rin nods before she starts walking ahead of him.

“Okay Mr. L. I’ll show you the art gallery. You would love it!” She chirps and waves him to walk fast. Myungsoo coolly walks as he fall into steps beside her, his hands were in his pockets.

She toured him at the gallery as what is told and Myungsoo tries his best to listen to her every word while describing every works of arts, taking note that her face would light up whenever she sees a beautiful art creation. They get to converse a little bit since Hee Rin was the only one talking, Myungsoo would just answer or would say something when he wants to ask about the explanation behind those paintings and she would gladly explain it to him.

At that small amount of time that they spend with each other, Myungsoo realizes that this girl is really gullible. She’s too kind to be tricked. And with his evil mind, he thinks that this girl is easy to deceive.

“And here’s the last painting. I always stop by when I pass by here cause I really don’t know what’s the meaning of this painting” She says while examining the painting that were hanging on the big fat wall. Myungsoo looks up and tilted his head. The painting looks just like a mess, is this actually considered as a work of art? That would be the question running in his mind.


“It’s nice to meet you L” Hee Rin smiles and bows at him. They were done with the touring and it’s almost 5 in the afternoon. She takes note that throughout the tour, girls that would pass by them would swoon over Myungsoo. His charisma is really something and Hee Rin can’t deny that.

“yeah.. Thank you Hee Rin.. I hope we can hang out often” He grins and Hee Rin wonders if they would actually see each other again since she believes that he’s just a visitor here.



Hee Rin walks out of the building tiredly. *At last, It’s time to go home* She sighs and grips on the straps of her bag. The moon was already peaking and the sun was already drowning at the blue sky. The sound of the students in the school had died down already and the rooms were already empty by now. Just another day for everyone.

A honk of a car interrupts Hee Rin’s mind and she stops walking, turn to her side and saw Myungsoo inside his expensive looking car. His hand was tightly gripping on the wheel and his free hand was hanging lazily on the window. He gave Hee Rin a salute and she smiles at him shyly, thinking how cool he looks like when he drives.

“Need a ride?” He coolly offers and Hee Rin shook her head with an awkward smile.

“Come on. It’s getting late” He says.

“It’s okay. I always walk alone everyday” She waves his concerns away but Myungsoo was too persistent. She continues on walking and Myungsoo drives slowly, matching her pace.

“You know, it’s dangerous to walk at this hour.” He says, attempting to scare her but she just laughs dryly.

“It’s really fine L. Don’t you think it’s more dangerous if a girl rides with a complete stranger?” She asks playfully and Myungsoo laughs at her sarcastic statement. “Okay then Ms. Hee Rin. Take good care of yourself. See you soon” he bade goodbye and drove off.

Hee Rin stops and somehow, his words makes her nervous ‘see you soon’. Does that mean anything else? She would wonder.


It was already 9 in the evening and Hee Rin was watching news with her sister in the living room. The lights were already off and the only source of light is the light coming from the tv. The house was also quiet at this hour since Mr. and Mrs. Park always sleeps early.

Hee Rin’s mind suddenly drifted to someone and she wonders when they will meet again. It’s not like she gain some interest towards him but of course she had to admit that it is really rare to encounter such handsome man like Myungsoo.

“Prince Myungsoo is definitely gorgeous” Hee Young comments as she sip on her glass containing a milk tea. Hee Rin blinks at her “what?” she blankly asks, wondering if she heard her sister right. *Did she say Myungsoo?* she thought and mentally scolded herself for thinking about him too much.

“Him! He’s gorgeous right?” Hee Young giggles while pointing her mug at the television.

Hee Rin must have gone crazy and she choked on her own spit. On the television, the news that was playing was about the royal family and their business caravans. And what the hell was Myungsoo doing standing beside the Queen and the King and the crown prince?!!

“Oh my gosh! What’s he doing?!” Hee rin shrieks and her sister gapes at her.

“You mean, Prince Myungsoo?” Hee Young confusedly asks and Hee Rin narrowed her eyes. “Prince what?”

“Prince Myungsoo. He’s prince Myungsoo” Hee Young states nonchalantly and Hee Rin’s breath hitches.

*what the?!!!!* She panicky thought and Hee Young gawks at her. “Don’t tell me you don’t know him?” She says and Hee Rin scratches her head. “urrgghh.. You're such a boring person” Hee Young groans as she rolled her eyes.

Hee Rin wants to laugh, to cry, to jump, to scream.. anything!! Just to let her feelings out! Duh!! She just met the Prince earlier and even converse with him in his precious time! What the hell was she doing all her life and not even knowing the second prnce?! 

And she even rejected his offer to drive her home.. *wow* was all that she can think of right now.


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I'm quite busy these days. Hope you'll understand if my update is taking so long


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rebeyoum #1
Chapter 35: Update please!!!!
sukinee23 #2
I hope you'd find time to update this fic. One of the best I've ever read
AthenaHerr #3
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: NOOO!! she cant forgive him yet ughhhhhhhhh!
i miss this fic i think i have read it >10x already lol
rose-sama #5
Chapter 41: Noooooooooo omg this got good!!!! I shipthem soo bad ...
Please tell me your gonna do an update I read this in one go.......omg I love your stories so much....your such an amazing writer pls pls I really hope u fo an update soon...FIGTHING!!!!!
Chapter 41: Wow it was really good ... It's been a while since your last update .. Are you still planing to write another chapter ?
If you don't please just tell us
Chapter 41: authornim~ its been a while please update...i'm really anticipating this story...
Chapter 41: Breaking my heart so much! Urgh fate is so cruel! Aish fighting for the next chapter
C3cilia #9
Chapter 41: T~T i hope they get together soon
ReCla12 #10
Chapter 41: Update please *aw* i liked it author-nim :)